put it on the pinch welds were it tells you in the owners manual of just about any car. its very strong and solid there even though it doesn't look that way.
here are a couple of my car. in the second video i didn't even have a exhaust system.
yeah it works great. i still have a inline fuse going from the relay to the power source off the tiny light. i actually just cut the wire and ran it straight to the inline fuse then to the relay because that light doesn't do much anyways. just get a test light so you don't wire it to ground. lol.
i don't like the cram the wire into the fuse pannel idea. i like a solid connection. i tapped it on the little light by the hood latch. its power sorce had constant power so i can turn on my fogs at any time. the only problem doing like that is you can forget and leave them on.
well when you hear a knock in that range i start to get scared. but don't get worried yet. there are many things that can knock. you best bet is to post a vid of the noise. saying it makes a knock is very vauge because you can't really imitate the sound with words if you know what i mean. as i...
its the other way around. the water is better at cooling and transfering heat. the antifreeze does exactly that. it prevents the water from freezing. having too much water will never cause a problem unless your in freezing temps. having too much coolent on the other hand is bad becasue it...
actually your wrong. when mine was broken it would get hot air. it just took forever because there was no coolent FLOW but there was coolent up there. it just took a long time to heat up.
thats funny. i think the others are easier. all it takes is a 14mm wrench to get on the back nut on the bell housing side. then a 6 inch extension with a deep 14mm socket that can sneak behind the starter leaving plenty of room for a rachet and your hand under the intake. maybe a 20mins in and...
i bet your heater bypass valve isn't working. i had the same problem. ended up being the solenoid on the valve. to check the diaphragm unplug the vaccum line going into the solenoid that had the vaccum sorce. plug that into the diaphragm. it should open the valve. if not your diaphragm is done...
4.30 are way to short. and another used one will peg leg sooner rather than later. i have a extra 3.73 that i'm going to rebuild sometime. it was whinning really bad and would barely posi up. i tore it down and inspected it. the pinion debth is shallow and the clutch packs are worn. with new...
high as in pouring out the overflow or what you think is high by feeling a hose?
if the pressure isn't getting high enough to pour out the overflow i doubt his hg is leaking. i have seen some old hoses that bulge and look all haggard like the shit is going to pop. then with a new hose that...
on my car i had this mystery electical problem. i had very little power at idle to everything. lights, sterio, heat, even the dam seat moved slow. then a couple days later my car would barely start. all the grounds were good. the positive lead to the starter wasn't open. the battery had a 12...
yeah, but if he wanted to save the hour or two it takes to hassle with the tranny then i would call that a tip from experience because i know how much of a pain those upper tranny bolts can be the first time.
but hey. he can do what he wants. so if you do decide to pull just the motor here is...
how are cam seals going to leak to the back of the head? :ugh:
i would wipe it down bone dry back there then drive around for a day then trace the leak. the egr is so hot i don't see how oil would make it through there without burning up. i say valve cover gasket. and i think its impossible...
i say hell no.
it looks like an abandoned car. the motor doesn't look like it has be worked on for 10 years. just wait for a better deal man. and considering you didn't know what a block is i HIGHLY suggest you wait for something that isn't so trashed. just looking at it i can tell what has...
personally i would like to start out with something nicer. that thing needs a paint job, rebuild, plus all the little repairs add up real quick and will put you more near 5k. and 89+ look so much better. i would wait and spend the 3k right off the bat so you will have something you can enjoy...
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