they might mount to different location's on the block is an old pic of my 1j,when i was doing my single turbo conversion.the only pic i have of the passenger side loaded on photobucket
trev he was saying the supra 1j has a fuel damper mounted to the driver's side motor is the feed for the fuel rail which run's to the back of the fuel rail.i have no idea how it is on a soarer,but i can send you a couple of pic's of my mount's if you want.
this pic doesn't show alot...
i've never looked under a supra with someone turning the wheel.i have read enough thread's with people complaining and figured i'd replace them while the motor was out.i should have my ronniek poly one's this week.
^^^there you go trev,the harness justin is talking about will be the easiest route for'll just need to browse the for sale section for some stock mkIV 550's.
if you were going to run a 2jz harness,you would want to run a 2j ecu.i'm sure you could cut the ecu plug's off and wire in the 1j ecu plug's,but that would be a bad idea giving how un-reliable the 1j ecu's are.
you can still use a supra harness and ecu on the chaser'll need to source the supra motor mount's and rear sump pan though.the trc is no big deal and the supra harness won't have a plug for it anyway''ll just have the big ugly tb.i do believe the ic pipe off the twins to the ic is...
the stock 7m ps cooler enter's and return's on the same side.this set-up is like that because the pump is on the opposite side (passenger side)from the steering rack.the 1jz ps pump is on the driver's side with the connection's for the rack.the 1jz's ps cooler enter's and exit's at each
the red part goes on the hose first.then put some oil on the blue piece to help it slid into the help's to put the blue piece in a vise.then you can force the hose onto it while twisting it.i usually wrap the part in the vise with thin cardboard ,because i don't have a set of soft jaw's.
^^^i used the eastwood brand rust enhibitor kit with there chassis black.stuff is just plain evil and gave me a good buzz ,even though i did it outside with a respirator on.
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