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  1. M

    Am I the only stock car in here?

    stock enough to still be reliable....but have fun at the same time
  2. M

    **HOT IMPORT NIGHTS Boston***

    i might be there. depends on how much work i get done on my car during the day.
  3. M

    Best production year MkIII Supra

    i think everyone just loves theyre supra. personally, i love my 90, because i have spent countless hours making it just the way i want. hell, i spend more time with my car than i do with my girlfriend.
  4. M

    newb question

    yea, rather than getting a turbo timer, i just made a little routine before i leave the car that lasts enough time to get the hot oils out of the turbo. unbuckle seatbelt, take face off radio and stow, stow ipod, roll up window. car off.
  5. M

    Supporting Mods?

    yea, im hoping it will be later. im trying to keep the engine basically stock, because it will be my daily for 2 more years until i get out of school. the only reason i am going to have the 550;s is because the harness i bought requires them. and i have an safc. its just not installed. but i...
  6. M

    Supporting Mods?

    so should i be alright running my 550's, walbro, and a stock fpr? because i was told it might push pressure too high. even at stock boost.
  7. M

    what the

    yea thats it
  8. M

    what the

    is it under the seat, or in the dash? if its closer to the dash, burp the system, if its under the seat look for gremlins drinking
  9. M

    Quick Question about rear main

    haha, good. no oil on the ground. i was just making sure there wasnt something i was missing.
  10. M

    Quick Question about rear main

    well i believe i seated it correctly, but is there a way to tell if i didnt?
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    Supporting Mods?

    yea. i was just looking at that. looks like walbro this time. haha
  12. M

    Supporting Mods?

    that was one of my questions. im guessing by your responce that i need one? should i go with walbro, or a mkiv pump?
  13. M

    Quick Question about rear main

    thats what i did, just got the gasket set from jeff at champion
  14. M

    Supporting Mods?

    well, my 1j project is finally starting to shape up. should be in the car and running in two weeks. it will be all stock except for 550's, 2j map, safc and wideband (which i have but wont go in right away). then exhaust, intake, fmic, flywheel. now my question is: are there any supporting...
  15. M

    Quick Question about rear main

    i did mine because the flywheel was gonna be off, so why not. its right there. not hard, once you figure how to caress the old one out of the casing.
  16. M

    Quick Question about rear main

    yea i got it. just took a little gentle coaxing...and a small hole in my hand. haha. that warning about piercing your leg came a little late
  17. M

    Quick Question about rear main

    real quick question, im in the middle of changing my rear main, and i cant get the seal out of the casing. i have it out of the engine, but i cant get the seal its self out. any tips? thanks
  18. M

    Finally got my 1JZ

    i was very happy to pay a few hundred extra for better service after what i went through with the other place i went through. after fighting with them for a month and a half, and getting a lawyer involved, they refunded most of my money, and i just cut my losses and walked away
  19. M

    Finally got my 1JZ

    went through tiger japanese, and paid 1078 shipped for a longblock