agree ont he toothbrush or use a very soft brissle wire brush and not only simple green but simple green MAX :biglaugh: buy it by hte gallon and than get a spray bottle and oh yea A LOT OF RAGS
thanks im not a huge religious person but i do belive in the whole afterlife thing and one creator but i only had to do with the graffitti it self. I hope to get people seeing that not all graffitti is vandalism and there is good in us artists minds. I hope all of it has made you guys happy. And...
peep me and my brothers work in this video some may call it dumb but to most its art... more cans of paint thatn you can the nice little touches on how one item can be edited ot amke 4 different scense
how rough of a ride willl solid subframe mounts give me. is it worth it? please toss me the pros and cons'. I have a guy who is looking at making them for me
customer came to me asking if i wanted to redo some work on his block replacing everything and hitting it with some ceramic coating. He brought it to me last night. (he brough the entire motor) One problem is i was just inspecting everything and it appears(sp?doesnt look right) there is oil...
so i went to the dealership to pick up my remaned head from them cus the bare head is about $800 and the remaned one was aobut $450 so i took that one. I checked for any warpage-None. ok this is looking to good look at the packaging info and its a damn 2JZ-GE head when i rodered the 2JZ-GTE...
i know swain tech is a great piston coater, but they also offer a coating for your head chambers, valve heads, and exhaust ports...i was wondering if anyone has tried it...might get it done ot my 2jzgte head after all machin work is done. if anyone has had this done please tell me how it has...
could be you messed with the cps but...does it stay at 3200 at all times or does it go form 0-3200 and than just stay there...does the car rev past that and the tach just dosen't show it?
prosport have a white and green series which is what your looking for lol...but idk i havent heard much about them.. i like the blitz blm series or defi... or get a aem uego
i agree with the people keep the rhd skyline for the simple fact of its a car that the US will never legaly import besides the new gt-35r? not much of a skyline nut. sorry. you will a than have a supra and a skyline lol. :naughty: but as i am a big beliver of doing what oyu want and being...
so i have my 3.90 LSD rear diff int eh garage awaitng to be taken apart. I was wondering if i can media blast the case on the inside or will i damage anything? Also what parts shold i be looking at replacing right away? also the gears itself can they be cleaned up? If so what should i use? just...
nice suprahero...tell me how that goes when you blow out your one drive gear lol....
but gl IJ we hope to hear i suggest getting a ebay one and modifing it... hope the ebst and let us know how it goes
ok ya i didnt know what problem you run into since your running RHD.... i have heard many dumb thigns form people thats why i didnt put a definite ansewer in cus im not 100% sure hope you have good luck with the 2j keep us posted and tell us what header you run....
(one prime example of...
ok also have you tried clublexus? or clubna-t i bleive it is? and just refreshed up on your thread sucks man....
also not sure if clubna-t sells items i know tis a big forums site. they do have links and a secitonf or vendors as we do here on SM. just curious how much would need ot be...
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