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  1. gtsfirefighter

    Any full pre 89 cars with 89+ wing only?

    Check this guys thread out. Pre 89 with 89+ wing is HOT. I love the way it looks.:love: Who's car is that btw? Did you get yourself another one? Ken
  2. gtsfirefighter

    What in the hell have I gotten myself into?

    Well it is just for parts now. The UPS man came again today. You can't tell from the picture but it sure is pretty and clean/clear. No tabs missing, no scratches and no cracks! Brand spankin new from Toyota. $29 shipped.
  3. gtsfirefighter


    Damn! Didn't think about that. I already tossed the carcass across the road into the bushes. I'm sure it was a small mouse or frog since they are running amuk around here.
  4. gtsfirefighter


    And foreverpsychotic he was a little over 12 inches long. It was still a young-en.
  5. gtsfirefighter

    What in the hell have I gotten myself into?

    Take a look at this in OT Thread locked because of a couple of pussies.
  6. gtsfirefighter


    So the wife and I were returning from the local choke and puke where we had breakfast and upon pulling into the driveway I found this hanging off my gay blue 87 parts car. We live in the country and these are not uncommon. It's a common ratsnake for those of you not from the South. It's not...
  7. gtsfirefighter

    Supra Seats Suck

    Since everybody loves these seats, I've got a pair of grey leather seats just sitting around that I'm fixing to throw away. They are pretty tore up but hey, if anybody wants them, and you live around N Texas, come get them, they're free!
  8. gtsfirefighter

    ForcedTorque's 3E5 has Arrived!!!!!

    Awesome news!!! I'm shivering with antici pation.
  9. gtsfirefighter

    What in the hell have I gotten myself into?

    Look what I found sitting outside my garage door today.:icon_bigg ...and they will fit my 6.5 speaker pods, thank you very much Kyle!!! The Caddy didn't need them. I will try to get these installed tomorrow. Won't be able to listen to them until I do the harness swap though. Guess I...
  10. gtsfirefighter

    What the hell happened to the forums?

    I see no problem with this.
  11. gtsfirefighter

    Fair or No?

    I don't buy it. You seem happy and grateful to your parents in one of your other threads. Until you produce a video of your parents acting that way, I am going to have to call bullcrap.
  12. gtsfirefighter

    Fair or No?

    When he turns 18 yeah, until then he can't buy crap without me ok-ing it and I wouldn't ok a sports car for a kid, regardless of how old it is.
  13. gtsfirefighter

    Fair or No?

    Do NOT buy another car and put it in your friends name! You will be basically buying HIM a car and he doesn't have to give it back to you. The car does belong to your parents as you are not legally old enough to "own" a car. Follow the rules your parents set no matter how ridiculous you...
  14. gtsfirefighter

    Supra Seats Suck

    For what Toyota charged for these cars brand new, the seats had to be comfortable. I like mine. I replaced my leather ones with cloth due to wear and tear but to me they are just as comfy.
  15. gtsfirefighter

    Another car wont start thread!!!

    That's something I would do. Glad it wasn't something more serious.:icon_bigg
  16. gtsfirefighter

    Steven89's Build Thread *no 56k!*

    Why didn't you just make some 6.5 speaker mounts?
  17. gtsfirefighter

    The Automotive Express non supra build. 67 Continental!

    Holy crap that's dirty. Have you thought about just pulling the engine and having it rebuilt? Then you can work on the rest of the bay. Which ever way you go good luck.
  18. gtsfirefighter

    91 Pearl White

    ^^^^OMG, it's that mind controlling cat again. Don't look into it's eyes!!!!!
  19. gtsfirefighter

    Shipping Cars

    If the car is in good running condition I say fly in and drive it home. It'll give yall a chance to get acquainted with each other and it would be cheaper probably. Just buy a round trip ticket in case the car is a p.o.s.
  20. gtsfirefighter

    91 Pearl White