So I got my new head in that I ordered from a fellow SM member, and it was great packaged fine but to my own mistake I forgot something... well I realized something. The lifter shims are specific to the cam that was in here, right? I have cams, but they arnt gonna work on these lifters are they...
2jz! DO IT!
lol I laugh my ass off everytime I take lunch and hit up Subway, theres always this Toyota SUV parked outside and the first 3 charecters on the license plate say 9JZ, I cant help but laugh.,
Thanks guys, this is great so far, my idea floated along the holding a button to start and what not, well see how far I get, even though I cant show it off.
Thanks guys.
I need ideas here, some kinda help with this, as far as making it fail safe and excctly what to wire it to. I know about NOT letting ANYONE know where it is and such. Iw ouldnt post that up on here, even though the idea is nifty.
What parts do I need? I was thinking just an open close switch...
So what do you wire a killswitch to? The starter wiring, a battery wire somewhere? I never really put thought into it until now, I kinda have a good idea on where to place the button and its function, but Im wondering where I wire it to.
My prayers go out to the family and friends, Im sure as many others will say I disagree with taking your own life, but thats for another day. Im sorry for your loss.
Sorry to jack, what exactly is Accusump? Obviously something with the oiling, what is it?
Ok EDIT: I looked it up, kinda expensive for a package deal but Im thinking worth it!
Anyone ever have pics of their setups? I looked on here but couldnt find anything.
Thanks, that was a quick toss up, I can spend some good amount of time on it to get some specs and other things exactly right if you wish, I have some free time, its no trouble at all.
Yeah, one person can do it with 1 day. It took me and one friend about 12 hrs to get a little over half complete engine on a stand back in teh car and fired up. Course took another day of tuning, bug fixes and other things still need to be worked, but this work LOAD is possible. Ive done a HG...
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