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  1. gaboonviper85

    My 7m-ge-t

    Online Toyota service repair manual here
  2. gaboonviper85

    My 7m-ge-t

    You can't use gte injectors on a ge so that's out the question unless you use gte wire harness and electronics... Read!
  3. gaboonviper85

    HELP!!!! which MKIII to keep?

    x10.....this man knows what's up!
  4. gaboonviper85

    Engine Lifespan..?

    If the machine work is good and assembly was good and your tune was even better then it should last another 20+ years
  5. gaboonviper85

    best bov?

    White or brown rice...long or short grain rice? Posting in technical forum requires detailed know this:-(
  6. gaboonviper85

    replacing the castiron elbow

    No look at my BIC has a tab in the middle of the flange....that needs to be present in these type downpipes but chinaman pipes are hit or miss
  7. gaboonviper85

    replacing the castiron elbow

    Be careful ordering those downpipes as there is supposed to be a divider on them that divides the wastegate from the normal exhaust but some of those chinaman pipes are missing them!
  8. gaboonviper85

    RPS 3200 w/ 6 puck VS. SPEC Clutch Stage 5

    Hope it wasn't aluminum depending on what clutch material you chose as you'll run the risk of welding the clutch disk to the flywheel steel insert! Aluminum flywheels in high powered cars + wrong friction material clutch disk= OOOOH NOOO!
  9. gaboonviper85

    Help with harness plugs and one vac line at the bottom of the intake

    Thanks again guys....wires make me sweat like a whore in church:-(
  10. gaboonviper85

    Help with harness plugs and one vac line at the bottom of the intake

    Oh thank god! K so o just have to wire in the reverse lights and jumper the N wires and I'm set....all the other wires are for auto crap...not too hard I guess but damn do I want to smack the douche who sold me this harness and lied about everything:-(
  11. gaboonviper85

    1.2mm mhg

    Suprahero fails 7m:-(
  12. gaboonviper85

    Help with harness plugs and one vac line at the bottom of the intake

    my car is a factory has the clutch pedal I just ignore that and carry on or must I fuck with it also.... I'm just trying to cover everything so I can pound it all out before I turn the key....but I'm rocking an auto I just need to know if the clutch pedal...
  13. gaboonviper85

    Help with harness plugs and one vac line at the bottom of the intake

    But I still have to jumper the wires on the harness but leave the pedal switch alone? Fuck I'm all confused lol
  14. gaboonviper85

    installing shift light

    When you look for nothing generally you'll find exactly that:-)
  15. gaboonviper85

    Help with harness plugs and one vac line at the bottom of the intake

    I don't plan on putting Cruise back in....I've never used it in any of my cars...
  16. gaboonviper85

    Help with harness plugs and one vac line at the bottom of the intake

    I'm gonna be fuckin honest here....I'm like a retard trying to hump a doorknob when it comes to wire diag:-( lol.....I fail
  17. gaboonviper85

    Help with harness plugs and one vac line at the bottom of the intake

    No it's a 5spd car...5spd ecu...with an auto harness...
  18. gaboonviper85

    Help with harness plugs and one vac line at the bottom of the intake

    Next question...instead of messing with the plugs for the neutral there someplace else I can jumper those wires? Like on the ecu side?....and what about the neutral safety switch at the clutch pedal...will that also need bypassed or can I just leave it be? I guess it doesn't...