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  1. GrimJack

    Built a smoker this weekend...

    That will fit in my van... I'll pop by on the weekend and pick it up. :)
  2. GrimJack

    tunable flash programer

    However, at the moment, there is no way to accomplish this.
  3. GrimJack

    $80 Black-and-White Photo of my Mk III!

    Speed limits in front of public schools make sense. Speed limits on highways defy 'common sense' - they increase the accident rate. The statistical evidence for this is pretty clear, and not that hard to obtain - check out the highway accident rate in the USA when speed limits were imposed...
  4. GrimJack

    code 11?

    Yes, for two reasons. The ECU cannot run properly without constant power. Also, code 11 will mask any other codes, and there are quite a few higher codes that could cause the problems you mention. You need to fix the code 11 before the rest of the codes are visible. Next up, you need to...
  5. GrimJack

    code 11?

    It means power to the ECU has been interrupted. Check that the ECU grounds are connected and clean - they should be bolted to the intake manifold on the bottom nearest the firewall.
  6. GrimJack

    suprcharged supra but its not a 1uz

    There is a lot not to like about this. :(
  7. GrimJack

    JDM Sunshade/ Hatch Visor "Supra" Sticker Placement

    The font is easy, I've built the entire Mk3 font - well, the capital letters, anyway. It's available here:
  8. GrimJack

    MKiii aftermarket alarm questions

    On the subject of sirens... I usually don't install them. If I do, I put them in the passenger cabin. Haven't seen anyone willing to work on the ignition while a siren is blasting inside the passenger cabin... Instead, I use the pager remote, so I always know if the alarm has been triggered...
  9. GrimJack

    $80 Black-and-White Photo of my Mk III!

    You've still got vehicle based speed cameras over there? Those have been banned here for years!
  10. GrimJack

    $80 Black-and-White Photo of my Mk III!

    Depends on whether you're carrying a strap-on and wearing pants.
  11. GrimJack

    $80 Black-and-White Photo of my Mk III!

    In a way, sure... However, my day job is Quality Assurance. So I spend all my time dreaming up ways to break someone else's stuff. It's about as good as you can get without working in porn.
  12. GrimJack

    Damm cps!!

    It's supposed to do that. This is how you measure your timing - how many degrees clockwise is it? Look carefully at the markings on the timing cover plate, next to where the notch on the crank pulley is, and you'll see there are marks for 5 and 10 degrees. If you adjust the CPS, you'll notice...
  13. GrimJack

    Heater control valve

    Did you bypass the valve, or the heater core? Bypassing the valve has virtually zero affect on the climate control. Bypassing the heater core, on the other hand, is another story.
  14. GrimJack

    Digi dash causing transmission shifting problems? Possible?

    Finding info on the digi dash is tough. They were only made for RHD vehicles, which really limits the numbers right out of the factory. Most of the members are from the USA, where it was never available - hell, the vast majority of the users here have only seen pictures of one at best.
  15. GrimJack

    Damm cps!!

    Not a problem, unless you took off the timing belt... which is really unlikely, given your description.
  16. GrimJack

    Damm cps!!

    You can time it better than that just by ear.
  17. GrimJack

    Damm cps!!

    Yes, the car should start. Chances are the timing will be off by some, unless you get really lucky. A timing light is rather simple to use, and anyone who wrenches at all should have one... if you don't want to expand your tools to include one, any shop will time your engine for a small fee.
  18. GrimJack

    Damm cps!!

    No, it has to be at zero.
  19. GrimJack

    Damm cps!!

    Chances are you moved the gear on the end, so now it's either mis-timed, or worse, completely out of alignment. Follow steps 1 & 2 on this page:
  20. GrimJack

    MKiii aftermarket alarm questions

    No special hardware required. It doesn't connect to the ECU, so no harness there. You should be able to use the stock trunk sensor - test it to make sure it still work first, of course. I've found a lot of cars where the wire to that isn't connected to anything anymore. Cannot use a stock...