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  1. gaboonviper85

    Battery charging issue....really need assistance on this:-(

    On my 1990 gte.. Battery light never comes on with or without engine running and the alternator isn't's a new alternator but it came with the car so I have no clue where to start trying to fix this issue....all the fuses look good in the engine runs great while just...
  2. gaboonviper85

    Another new shiftknob I just finished making:-)

    17-4 stainless steel this stuff is hardened so it's a bugger to machine:-(
  3. gaboonviper85

    Brandon's Build

  4. gaboonviper85

    Brake master cyl rebuild kit question

    Just buy a new one! They aren't expensive...
  5. gaboonviper85

    Clutch going out?

    Wore out this fast!!!????!!!?? It's a stock clutch with 165,000 miles lol! I'm suprized it lasted that long!
  6. gaboonviper85

    crazy coolant temp reading and no power down low...

    Just because you don't have a check engine light doesn't mean you don't have codes....wonder why people just don't grasp this concept???!!
  7. gaboonviper85

    retro-spec raised cowl hood 1st pics of development.

    Do that and it will look awesome! Right now it looks like it goes to an 80's camaro