Can you give us a quick run down as its 37 pages of crap that I really don't want to least let us know at what post # does shit really get good?
Up to page 4 gives you a good run down what happened but got bored after that.
No matter what you think of doing converting to 9mm will be can't reload 9mm as cheap as you can buy it these days! 50 rnd boxes of federal for $11.97 at Walmart...good luck beating that price!
How's about just run what you have till it breaks...focus on body and engine....tackle trans when you actually need one?
Maybe by that time the solstice r154 might be an option...
Sounds like your bvsv is leaking....the valve on the firewall on the passenger side that controls the coolant flow to the heater core....wire open and see if the changes anything.
yall seem to forget the locating pins on the bellhousing tend to lock up make it hard to remove the trans....
on a w58 there is no reason to undo the clutch fork or pressure plate as its not a pull type clutch.
if i where you id put a couple bolts back in the trans and pull the motor trans and...
i wouldnt say they would be too light....but i personally think 3 is perfect. its all up to you can see how many you want while you paint it. just remember that you can never use too much clear coat!
if i where to do this for "customers" i think $100 shipped back would be what id...
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