So what makes the Exhaust gas back there any different or HOTTER than what the physical exhaust port or combustion chamber is actually seeing?
The answer. It is not. It is a belief and nothing else. The cooling capacity of the OEM system is more than adequate in cooling the EGR.
Of course not. The projectors in question are HIDs.
The reason HID's are not supposed to be sold to consumers is because HID's require (that means MANDATORY) the cut off. No cut off = blind every one because I am an asshole and did not do it right.
In that case.
Now. Our facts are based on the TCCS itself. See 3p's reverse engineer of the TCCS for that which is located inside the build sub-forum. Those are facts not beliefs ;)
Anything that deviates from how the TCCS was programmed is nothing but an fairy tales and since the...
seems like the car is actually working how it is supposed to ;)
The fans (one or two?) will not come on until the car is HOT. I mean BLSITERING HOT!
The AFR is actually fine but.... are you using the stock sensor to "read" the o2 or a wideband?
In this case it will be wrong on your part, but hey. It is your belief (like my previous pixie dust comments) and in the end, it is your car to do as you please.
The reason. The "piggy backs" regardless of manufacture or load sensing type (MAF, MAP, AFM) rely on the stock TCCS for the closed loop portions. Anytime a piggy back attempts to adjust the closed loop mapping. The TCCS comes back in and readjust everything to match what it was...
well you can but the PCV system helps in other areas also like ring sealing etc.
Anyway. That velocity stack. You can get creative and plumb a barb to it so you can still have some vacuum to help in the PVC system :) (just an idea).
I have seen the WRC guys run their restrictors (looks like a...
1. Normal. Reason is that the Targa is part of the structural integrety of the car. Even though Toyota put some meaty frame braces it is still not enough for the flexing that you felt.
2. Stripped bolt... hmm.
Part #...
Oh boy, You chose the WRONG word.
Proven to be?
Based on what criteria?
Electrical Skin effect? Sorry. The frequency (20khz tops) is not high enough to use the outer portion of the conductor.
Current Bunching? Same answer as the Electrical Skin Effect.
So what "phenomena" explains the...
Dude you been MIA for quite some time!
no he is.
It is fine as long as you do it post turbo. Only issue is that it will only work at higher engine speeds AND, some tracks don't allow that because of the oil that might spew and slick up the track.
I knew these spit polished, curb stomping boots would finally get thier break-in!!!!
[Spit polished curb stomping boot]
so #6 is direct heat but somehow #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 are not? How does the exhaust manifold attach to the aluminum head again? Via pixie dust?
So #6 has more heat...
actually it is. Only time it is not is when your number is up as no amount of money will get you out of that.
Now as for money is time. Sure it is. That when you pay someone else and they do the work for you while you take care of whatever it is that you need ;)
Money just got YOU time for x. ;)
Technically you can't
If it is taking the CB out than you are not left with too much to trouble shoot.
to troubleshoot clutch
if it is out of spec. Well then replace the clutch. BTW Go to napa for that...
on stock OEM TCCS,
NOTHING. Perhaps crappy part throttle response and that is about it.
The TB is sized for the application. The bigger the TB, the more air it lets in by sheer inner volume area. Anyway the fascination with the Q45 is quite comical when the Mustang 5.0 TB are a dime a dozen and...
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