I will be frank. Sometime it takes someone OUTSIDE of our beloved hobby to give you a reality check. These cars are a huge black hole of money and time. money more than time now a days.
Think about it LONG AND hard as some people have found out first hand that these cars are not cheap...
20 psi on what?
the ct26?
if that is the case all that is pushing out is super heated air anyway. You could have had C16 in there. it still would have detonated no thanks n part to the pea shooter going way above its working zone.
wait wait.
why do they need 15? any manufacture worth there salts would be more than happy to make 1 for anyone.......
this seems to me like a "hey, help me get this cheap"...
ie. No part on hand (prototype or otherwise)... Check
Price is STILL not negotiated... Check
and asking "what...
notice the post count of the people that x-nayed your idea (add me to that count) and now compare that to the other folks saying go for it. DO what you want, most of us have reverted back to the OEM fan setup as IJ so kindly stated, you need to address the electrical system as good...
but I like this career move. No more IT, in the sense of not having to do the typical IT stuff (on-call, carry a cell/pager, answering phones etc)!! lol.
So right time, right place. :)
Well lets clarify one thing.
The resume as it was BEFORE worked quite well during an UP market. I had no issues moving from one contract to another as the contracts ended. All that of course changed when the down economy changed the playing field by a significant amount.
I am not sure I want to run this stuff full time at my house ;) They are not even alpha's!
Prototypes laiden with bugs, or really obtuse user interface, or network interfaces that just chatter the network to a grinding halt...
I rather NOT keep those items and just have them at work. ;) lol
but it is about time that at least ONE thread does appear of this nature.
I want to PUBLICLY (and empathetically), give my exceptional gratitude to Mike (aka Supracentral), and yes folks, I am being sincere. :icon_surp
The story:
As everyone in the US know, the Job market has been...
the ONLY reason the FCD exists is due to the HKS VPC/GCC/FCC combo as you had some adjustment on top along with a quasi-fuel map.
None of that and the FCD is nothing more than a ticking time bomb.
lets explain what the FCD does.
The AFM output is in Hertz (Hz). The FCD...
if you are going to do that. Need to weld to seperate the neck from the cabin as the licence plate puts it square in the cabin (hatch).
I must concur with kwnate... why? No point to such a modification, even if installing a custom fuel cell.
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