24 mpg for me......
when it runs......
good point about the dd thing.....
on a plus note it looks like the shop that built my engine may replace the headgasket for free since they put a stock one in when they built it (they didnt want to wait the two month back order; considering that they are the local 7M guru, i figure they should have a MHG in stock at their shop, but oh wells).
I'll prolly have to front the cost of the mhg since they didnt charge me for it to begin with, but at least they'll front the labor (i don't have the tools or time to do it myself; i'm busy sun-up to sun-down between school and working w/ horses).
There is a good thing about having one as a dd tho......
gas mileage isnt as good, but it beats the shit outt drivin' a honda

I like being able to change speeds and pass people by barely pushing the throttle. fast cars are safer than slow cars because when you pass someone, you get around them faster, rather than trying to beat some oncoming truck/car.
my supra is a hell of a lot better dd than my truck, however; this beast gets 8 mpg, so these days i freeze my balls off driving my bike to class (50 mpg)