WHY THE MOTHER F__K!!!!!!!!!!!!


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
I guess my biggest gripe is about people who are US citizens that have NO pride for the United States, but give tribute, homage and all of their love towards another country.

one more thing, there are great people in this country. there are great people serving this country and giving their lives for this country.

but i am of the firm belief that the government does not give two shits about the individual.

i love my family and what they have worked for in order to give me a nice home to live in and an opportunity to make something of my self. luckily they were able to do it here in america.

but in my 21 years of living i have seen more and more that those in power are only there to get more power. police officers abuse their power, politicians line their pockets and lie, and the government does not perform where it needs to.

the US sends its own people out to get killed in iraq but we cant solve our own damn problems here at home.

i love the people here that i have known and i love the people who DO work to better others and to help those who are less fortunate, but i do not love this government. its a business and to love a business that exists only for profit is lunacy.

what am i trying to say? if i weren't born here and have lived all of my life here, i would not love america and its government. id love where i came from and my family and people i knew there that i had left behind.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
I agree CK, let's just start driving Abrams tanks up on them and see how quickly they can really run, if they fail to flee then we let them meet my friends browning and howitzer. LOL

Fuck being politically correct, they aren't immigrants they are Illegal Aliens IE CRIMINALS!!!!!

Why?, cuz fuck'em thats why!

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
lagged said:
believe it or not, many illegals actually pay taxes.
I get so tired of this logic, because it's so skewed. Yes SOME illegals pay taxes, but they DON'T HAVE TO. The IRS can't touch them should they decide not to pay. Meanwhile, a legal US citizen can be put out of house and home, thrown in jail, and fined for not paying taxes. Voluntary and Mandatory are not the same thing.

However, I do agree that we should focus our anger toward the government, but we should focus it towards them AS WELL AS toward all illegals (not just Mexicans).

lagged said:
wanting to round up people at immigration reform marches is nothing but racism.
:biglaugh: Actually it's good logic, like trying to find a white supremacist at a klu klux rally. Because who cares most about laws pertaining to illegals than illegals? Now, if it was just a Mexican parade that would be a different story.


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
Me personally, I hate walking to an ATM and having to press 1 for english, I better atleast get a press 2 for english in a spanish speaking country


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
it seems like lots of you just have lots of mis directed anger.

"lets run up on them with tanks" real intelligent.

"i hate these people because i have to press a button." boo fucking hoo.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
A lot of you are forgetting that this country has no official language, that is why most places cater to the needs of others.

What is funny is I don't see people bitching about places like china town, korea town, and little tokyo. [Sarcasm]"lets tell these chinks to stop puttin' up signs that I don't understand and if they don't want to, we'll ship them back" [/sarcasm] , yet many seem to be enfuriated when they see a spanish Pepsi billboard.

With THAT said, I speak both spanish and english, I always address everyone in english, if they ask me if I speak spanish, ill speak it. If they do not and continue (sometimes in the most broken english imaginable), ill still speak in english, this shows they are trying to learn, its not easy, but yes they are trying...

Also, not every Mexican is an illegal, that is why they don't round 'em all up and ship them back.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
^ that pisses me off too!

I used an ATM today that asked me what language I wanted to use. It had 9 .... NINE F_IN CHOICES!!!!!!!!!



New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
I dont understand how here in AZ there was a huge parade of aliens and noone was arrested. How exactly does that work I mean they are breaking the law by just being here. That should be reason to cuff all of them on the spot and send them back.

Someone was trying to argue because it was a march they have the right. If that is the case how about a march of drug dealers? Or maybe a child molestation march? Makes no sense to me how a group of law breakers can gather and it be considered legal some how.

I dont have a problem with mexican people or them coming here. Just do it legal, I know plenty of people who have done it legal and are happy to be here. The whole language situation I dont get either, speak english when your here. Mexicans expect the us to teach spanish in schools and have spanish on all the signs etc. However, if I go to mexico I cant expect the same treatment there.

People that come to the Us from any where needs to remember they are leaving their home country behind. You need to adjust and adapt to your new country and not try to make it just like what you left behind.



7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
iwannadie said:
I dont understand how here in AZ there was a huge parade of aliens and noone was arrested. How exactly does that work I mean they are breaking the law by just being here. That should be reason to cuff all of them on the spot and send them back.

Someone was trying to argue because it was a march they have the right. If that is the case how about a march of drug dealers? Or maybe a child molestation march? Makes no sense to me how a group of law breakers can gather and it be considered legal some how.

I dont have a problem with mexican people or them coming here. Just do it legal, I know plenty of people who have done it legal and are happy to be here. The whole language situation I dont get either, speak english when your here. Mexicans expect the us to teach spanish in schools and have spanish on all the signs etc. However, if I go to mexico I cant expect the same treatment there.

People that come to the Us from any where needs to remember they are leaving their home country behind. You need to adjust and adapt to your new country and not try to make it just like what you left behind.


That's what I've been saying, but apparently that makes me an ignorant racist. Welcome to my club. I'd rather be considered a racist than a complacent conformist that caters to the weak who will do only the bare minimum to help and benefit themselves, and not much to benefit society.


drunk_medic said:
That's what I've been saying, but apparently that makes me an ignorant racist. Welcome to my club. I'd rather be considered a racist than a complacent conformist that caters to the weak who will do only the bare minimum to help and benefit themselves, and not much to benefit society.

amen to that


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Fuck illegals...

I am sure some of them work hard and pay taxes but the point is they shouldnt be here in the first place because they did not get a visa or permit to come to USA. Why dont they work hard and pay taxes in their own country if they cannot come here legally?

Yes, it is also the fault of greedy employers because they hire them. But you know these illegals make fake SSNS and greencards for the job applns and the employer is too busy to verify it all. And sometimes the employers know and dont give a shit.
But if those illegals were not here, these greedy employers would not have the chance to hire illegals.

There are some Mexicans who come here legally to work on the farms and they were pissed off that those illegal Mexicans were going to get citizenship because of that bill Bush tried to push. There are educated people who have been waiting for so many years and who did everything legally and they deserve greencard.

So tell me why should illegals be allowed to stay and work here. For those who feel sorry for them, wait till they steal your SSN, buy a house or car and fuck up your credit.

They are fucked up.

Let me give you an example...

This Mexican person I heard of in our area came here illegally years back.
He found a attorney who was willing to lie for him and file a application for Greencard under Political Ayslum. The attorney prepared a report saying he worked for the the Mexican government and if he went back his enemies would kill him because of political reasons.

While his case was under process, Immigration gave him a work permit to work for a year. He got his SSN, CA drivers license and he found work.

The Federal Immigration judge decided that he was not to stay and issued a Deportation Order which he disobeyed.
Yet this guy still drives with his license and still uses his SSN.

Now why should this guy be able to work and stay here? He came here illegally, filed a false appln, ignored a deportation order and yet he still drives, and works here?

When you apply for a car license and if you are foreign born, DMV verifies with immigration on his/on legal status. The problem is that DMV does not know that this individual is not supposed to be here. Only way DMV would know if someone complains.

Remember you need to reward the honest and hard working people if you want a good future. Reward liars, cheaters and other fuck heads only fuck up this country.

As for trying to make everything Spanish that is BS.

Example when you go learn a new sport, you will have to adapt your body and mind to the psyhics of the new sport...adopt the new training regime so you can be good at it. You cannot change the psyhics of the sport to suit your needs.

Same shit...You go to a new country...learn their laws and culture...You do not have to give up your own culture but you cannot change the laws of the new country to suit your selfish needs.

When you get citizenship and swear a oath, make sure you mean what you swear and be proud of the new country. If not go back to your own country. We do not need losers here.

Remember what John F. Kenny said. "Ask not what your country can do for you. But ask what you can do for your country."

Everybody steps on American soil to have a piece of the American pie...and in the process they should contribute to America and give a peice of the pie back so others can have a peice too. And illegals will not be the ones to do that.

Last edited:

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
RazoE said:
A lot of you are forgetting that this country has no official language, that is why most places cater to the needs of others.
The language of a country is always ordained by the power in charge. So unless some country succeeds in a hostile takeover of North America, the primary language will always be English, as it has been since the nation's inception.

Also, not every Mexican is an illegal, that is why they don't round 'em all up and ship them back.
No one's saying that (I hope, anyway), of course you couldn't send everyone back, but you could eject the illegal participants. The only major problem, and it 's a big one, would be going through all the government databases to verify each and every person's identify (that and possible riots).


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
Ckanderson said:
^ that pisses me off too!

I used an ATM today that asked me what language I wanted to use. It had 9 .... NINE F_IN CHOICES!!!!!!!!!


Well atleast you agree. I knew that statement would attract quite a bit of attention, but its my opinion and I really dont give a shit. Oh and btw, its not that I dont like that English is the primary choice at the ATM, its that this is fucking America and there's more than one option for languages.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
2543arvin said:
Well atleast you agree. I knew that statement would attract quite a bit of attention, but its my opinion and I really dont give a shit. Oh and btw, its not that I dont like that English is the primary choice at the ATM, its that this is fucking America and there's more than one option for languages.
You know, for ATMs I don't care as much, because it is likely that we would have visitors or tourists who need to withdraw from their bank. What pisses me off is when I call a US company to pay a bill and it asks me to press x for English.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
drunk_medic said:
You know, for ATMs I don't care as much, because it is likely that we would have visitors or tourists who need to withdraw from their bank. What pisses me off is when I call a US company to pay a bill and it asks me to press x for English.

Thats the least of my worries when calling some where. I worry the Us company has outsourced to india and 'bill' on the phone barely speaks english.

The us is gonna be like canada eventually and have 2 primary languages.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
illegal is illegal, what part of that do people seem to have a hard time about?

yeah, i know mexico is a shithole, i wouldn't want to live there either.but come on guys a lot of this is bullshit.

yes, there are some hanging out in front of the home depot waiting to paint your house for 10 bucks an hour, and as long as people are hiring them, they will continue to be there.

but not every illegal ailen is here workning like that, or in the fields picking fruit for next to nothing. look at your average packing house, these are 14-18 dollar per hour jobs these people are taking up.shure it's ass-busting work i did it for 10 years. but if we would cut welfare programs for able bodied people, those positions could easily be filled by legal workers. but in our entitlement society, no one would work that hard if the govt is gonna hand them money every month for doing nothing.

so the people who say the govt is at fault are right.

but it is no excuse for jumping the border.

the guy who brought up the "they pay taxes, because they can get a tax id number" come on dude, you have used that one in here before, and it's bullshit. those numbers are for the german dude who comes over to oversee how the bmw plant is running in north carolinia, not for border jumpers.

the english thing, as much as i dislike it, is going to remain as it is. the democrat presidential candidates have already said they will not make english the OFFICAL language of the us. the republicans said they would for the most part, but lets face it in a dem majority congress it isn't gonna happen.

what really burns my ass, is that anyone who thinks the illegal mexicans should be sent home is instantly labeled a raceist, or a bigot.

political corecteness is going to destroy this country. once upon a time these people were called a word i have been asked not to use here again, then illegal ailens, then illegal imigeants, then illegal workers, and now undocumented workers. every new term lessens the sting of what these people are to the american people.

why is my step-daughter considered a racist, because on the first may-day march, she refused to ditch school and protest? shit my 14 yr old can seem to grasp the concept that non citizens have no american citizenship rights, but our elected officals do not. of course her memory of this whole issue is going to be that law-enforcement intervention was required to keep her from being harmed when a group of these kids were going to beat her ass. who was in the wrong here?