WHY THE MOTHER F__K!!!!!!!!!!!!


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
I have two filipino friends that are pretty pissed over this situation. Why? because they pissed away roughly 10 years of their life to gain citizenship in this country, only to have others come here illegaly and have roughly the same rights they do. Not have to pay taxes like they do, and not have to learn the language like they do.

Allowing illegal imagrents to stay in this country the way we do is an insult to the citizens that we have asked to do it the right way, to take the time necessary to accomplish this difficult task. I have found those that have actually had to work for there citizenship tend to appreciate it far more than those who were just given it(that includes you and me).


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
This is fucking simple...

If you want to be part of America then make the choice to be part of this country's culture.

Whether you are Mexican, latino, russian, chinese or others and if you want to work here, stay here you need to come here legally.NO EXCUSES!

One cannot come across the border illegally and expect rights and free shit.People are like this...If they know they can get away with shit, they will stretch the law more and see what more free stuff they can get.

You know on 4th of July there has been instances that Mexicans flew their flags. Fuck that day is for USA...

There are alot of legal immigrants who apply legally and have been waiting and they deserve the chance more than illegal immigrants esp those with degrees and technical skills that would contribute to this country.

While China and India is pushing out hundreds of thousands of graduate engineers each year USA is pushing out 10 time less graduates.

Adding to the problem is illegals with no skills and cannot speak or read English come here make fake SSNs and green cards and get jobs.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that they come here illegally and protest and demand for rights saying " We are not doing anything wrong, we just want to work here and stay here"...

Well if they want to work and stay here, do it legally.
And if they cannot do that, then go back to their own country and protest and demand from their governments that they want a better solution to their problems.

I understand that there are some nice people who are here illegally but do we let all the illegal nice people come here and stay. Whether you are nice, evil, normal you still are subjected to the same immigration laws.

No exceptions to illegals...The law is the law!!!



Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
Dirgle said:
I have two filipino friends that are pretty pissed over this situation. Why? because they pissed away roughly 10 years of their life to gain citizenship in this country, only to have others come here illegaly and have roughly the same rights they do. Not have to pay taxes like they do, and not have to learn the language like they do.

I hate examples like these..

WELL NO FUCKING SHIT, I'm pretty sure your Filipino friends would rather cross a border than to take that fucking test if they had a choice. Mexico is right next door and it's easier, that's why. Mexicans aren't the only ones trying to get into the US, it's just EASIER...

Your friends didn't take the test cause they're so patriotic, it's cause they had to, what are they going to do, swim from the Philippines? Unlikely...

The simple fact is if people didn't ILLEGALLY employ ILLEGAL immigrants, there wouldn't be so many issues...

Stop blaming the illegals for wanting to work and start blaming the employers trying to save a buck..


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I lived in FL and now I live in TX, I delt with the illegals there and the illegals here.

I have a whole lot to say on this.

Because they can hire these people at lower wages (and of course pay them under the table, or the new trend is they are highere through some agency) the people that would usually do that job now have to seek higher level jobs. That sounds alright, lets make everyone push, right? No, it means there is an abundance of people for these jobs so they can pay far less.

If an american goes to some other part of the world and has a baby, that baby is not considered a citizen of that country. The same should be here. This anchor baby bullshit has to be stopped. It's a massive drain on our welfare, SS, and educational system.

This country is a great nation of nations. I'm proud of what I am (Irish/Swedish), but when my family came here, they came here legally and learned English. I'm sorry, if you can't speak and understnad English, you have no rights. Why do I say that? Because all the laws where written in english, all of our government is run by English speaking people. Can't understand? Can't vote or bitch about your "rights" that you don't even understand.

I'm all for having open boarders, but come in LEGALLY so you can pay into SS and pay your taxes instead of leaching off of MY SS!!! How the hell do they get all this help? They're fucking ILLEGAL! My brother can't get help from the government as a single father, but an illegal can come in and have free housing, food, ect...


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
RazoE said:
I hate examples like these..

WELL NO FUCKING SHIT, I'm pretty sure your Filipino friends would rather cross a border than to take that fucking test if they had a choice. Mexico is right next door and it's easier, that's why. Mexicans aren't the only ones trying to get into the US, it's just EASIER...

Your friends didn't take the test cause they're so patriotic, it's cause they had to, what are they going to do, swim from the Philippines? Unlikely...

The simple fact is if people didn't ILLEGALLY employ ILLEGAL immigrants, there wouldn't be so many issues...

Stop blaming the illegals for wanting to work and start blaming the employers trying to save a buck..

Why do you hate examples like that? Does the truth piss you off? They went thought the immigration process because the wanted to do it the right way. They could have stayed here illegally, in fact they were here 6 months before they even applied. They could have stayed the same way illegal immigrants do. But that is not how they wanted to do it. And don't kid yourself, these Filipinos are some of the most patriotic people I know, more than any natural born citizen I know of. They love the US, and love being part of it. I don't see any illegal immigrants feeling, or behaving the same way. But I do agree with you that the employers do need to be held accountable.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
Dirgle said:
Why do you hate examples like that? Does the truth piss you off? They went thought the immigration process because the wanted to do it the right way. They could have stayed here illegally, in fact they were here 6 months before they even applied. They could have stayed the same way illegal immigrants do. But that is not how they wanted to do it. And don't kid yourself, these Filipinos are some of the most patriotic people I know, more than any natural born citizen I know of. They love the US, and love being part of it. I don't see any illegal immigrants feeling, or behaving the same way. But I do agree with you that the employers do need to be held accountable.

please, it's been proven time and time again people take the easiest route, that's the point I'm trying to make..


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Human nature would have us beating each other over the head with clubs. fighting for right to exist. Human nature is violent and illogical. Civilizations are built on the suppression of human nature. I'm not saying it's wrong for them to want to be here. But if they want to partake of the fruits of this society then they need to abide by the rules that govern it. Circumventing and manipulating the system for self gain at the expense of others breaks down the society they are trying to be a part of.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
empera said:
im parts of canada its bi-lingual, a lot of europeans speak more then 1 language. This country is based on diversity so dun give me that shit. I agree that people should learn english to be a citizen but sometimes its hard to learn another language when your older.

"Boo Hoo, I'm too lazy to even try learning the language, you all need to learn mine instead!"

If that's your justification for not learning English (and by all means, correct me if I'm mistaken), then we should all speak every Oriental, European, Icelandic, African, and Latin language/dialect, just so everyone can feel "welcome" in America. I personally know people over 40 who have become at least comprehensible in using another language (without any prior knowledge of said language).

Think of it this way: If you were to move to Mongolia, would you seriously expect everyone there to speak (or learn to speak) English/Spanish, just because you're there? No, you wouldn't (I hope), because YOU are the minority in Mongolia, so it is YOUR responsibility to learn the Majority's language of Mongolian, so you can productively interact (legally and socially) in Mongolia.

Also, this Country is not "based" on diversity, it's based on the idea that the Puritans didn't want to live under British rule anymore (take a history class:icon_razz ).


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
drunk_medic said:
then why would you be so proud of your roots?

because cultural identity is something no one can take from you. there is no reason what so ever to abandon it.

im italian, obviously my ancestors came from italy for a better life. im still proud to be italian even though my family that came before me didnt have such a great life there.

why shouldnt i be proud of my roots? why shouldnt mexicans be proud of their roots? mexicans have great culture and have every right in the world to be proud of where they came from.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
lagged said:
because cultural identity is something no one can take from you. there is no reason what so ever to abandon it.

im italian, obviously my ancestors came from italy for a better life. im still proud to be italian even though my family that came before me didnt have such a great life there.

why shouldnt i be proud of my roots? why shouldnt mexicans be proud of their roots? mexicans have great culture and have every right in the world to be proud of where they came from.

Think of the American kid who has never been to the country from which his grandfather immigrated. Think of the grandfather who wanted to make a better life for his family and future generations, who did whatever he could to get away from the things holding him back in his country of origin. He wanted to excel, and wanted his family to have the opportunities to do the same, and most likely did not think it was possible in the "old country". I have to tell you that if America turned to shit so badly that I felt the need to go live and gain citizenship elsewhere, I probably wouldn't feel like paying homage or giving my identity to a place that screwed me over so bad that I had to actually leave. I definitely wouldn't be sporting a mini American flag hanging off my car's rearview mirror.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
drunk_medic said:
Think of the American kid who has never been to the country from which his grandfather immigrated. Think of the grandfather who wanted to make a better life for his family and future generations, who did whatever he could to get away from the things holding him back in his country of origin. He wanted to excel, and wanted his family to have the opportunities to do the same, and most likely did not think it was possible in the "old country". I have to tell you that if America turned to shit so badly that I felt the need to go live and gain citizenship elsewhere, I probably wouldn't feel like paying homage or giving my identity to a place that screwed me over so bad that I had to actually leave. I definitely wouldn't be sporting a mini American flag hanging off my car's rearview mirror.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
drunk_medic said:
Think of the American kid who has never been to the country from which his grandfather immigrated. Think of the grandfather who wanted to make a better life for his family and future generations, who did whatever he could to get away from the things holding him back in his country of origin. He wanted to excel, and wanted his family to have the opportunities to do the same, and most likely did not think it was possible in the "old country". I have to tell you that if America turned to shit so badly that I felt the need to go live and gain citizenship elsewhere, I probably wouldn't feel like paying homage or giving my identity to a place that screwed me over so bad that I had to actually leave. I definitely wouldn't be sporting a mini American flag hanging off my car's rearview mirror.

so because you feel this way, everyone else has to also?

dont forget that america has an extremely unique cultural identity that (arguably) no other nation has. most other countries are made up of ethnically similar people and with that comes an added sense of pride an unity that we do NOT have here in america. this is not a bad thing, but obviously it is something that is hard to understand for people who have never experienced it.

america does NOT have ethnically similar people and as such, the pride of being from america comes from our government and our belief that it is the best in the world. so what you said about NOT wanting to sport the flag of the united states if you had to leave due to economic reasons is understandable.

for other people, its not the government that they love, its their country and their family, their culture and ethnicity. there is nothing wrong with being proud of that.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
lagged said:
so because you feel this way, everyone else has to also?


for other people, its not the government that they love, its their country and their family, their culture and ethnicity. there is nothing wrong with being proud of that.

How is a kid who has never been to or experienced "the old country" supposed to know enough to love and be proud of said country? Word of mouoth? In your case, Italy. I've been there. The idea of Italy and the reality of Italy are completely different. This is just one scenario.
There is nothing wrong with being proud of your family, but it seems so ignorant to be proud of something else that you have little to no life association with, other than history, and live your life by it. This is like a foster child who was taken away from an abusive father was raised by a decent family telling the foster father "You can't tell me what to do - you're not my REAL Dad!"
"Well FINE then, you little motherf*cker, go back to your REAL Dad then!"


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
drunk_medic said:
How is a kid who has never been to or experienced "the old country" supposed to know enough to love and be proud of said country? Word of mouoth? In your case, Italy. I've been there. The idea of Italy and the reality of Italy are completely different. This is just one scenario.
There is nothing wrong with being proud of your family, but it seems so ignorant to be proud of something else that you have little to no life association with, other than history, and live your life by it. This is like a foster child who was taken away from an abusive father was raised by a decent family telling the foster father "You can't tell me what to do - you're not my REAL Dad!"
"Well FINE then, you little motherf*cker, go back to your REAL Dad then!"

i see your analogy relating more to the government of the country than to ones own cultural identity. ive already refuted this in my previous post.

many times the pride is not in the government of ones country of origin, but in the cultural identity one carries.

if you dont understand this that is one thing and completely acceptable. but to argue that other people shouldnt have any kind of cultural pride is something else that is extremely nefarious.

if i want to hang an italian flag with my american flag out side my house (which i do) there should be no one thinking this is wrong.

likewise, if a mexican family hangs their mexican flag out side their house, they have every right to do so and NO ONE should look down on it.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
lagged said:
i see your analogy relating more to the government of the country than to ones own cultural identity. ive already refuted this in my previous post.

many times the pride is not in the government of ones country of origin, but in the cultural identity one carries.

if you dont understand this that is one thing and completely acceptable. but to argue that other people shouldnt have any kind of cultural pride is something else that is extremely nefarious.

if i want to hang an italian flag with my american flag out side my house (which i do) there should be no one thinking this is wrong.

likewise, if a mexican family hangs their mexican flag out side their house, they have every right to do so and NO ONE should look down on it.

Of course they should be able to. They have the right to do so, if they are Americans and are afforded those rights as US citizens. What I have the biggest problem with are the illegals here. There is such a large population of hispanics here, and we are SO close to Mexico that there are plenty of illegals who work and live in this town. What do people NOT understand about the word "Illegal"? This isn't just driving 6mph over the speed limit. Now many of the Mexicans want to have citizenship SO badly, but they won't give up even a little. It's all part of the "Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie" system, and I'm sick of it.
That's good that you fly Italy's flag at your house, but what is great about it is that you are a citizen who also flies the US flag. Many people will not give that honor, and it's disgusting.
I guess my biggest gripe is about people who are US citizens that have NO pride for the United States, but give tribute, homage and all of their love towards another country.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
drunk_medic said:
Of course they should be able to. They have the right to do so, if they are Americans and are afforded those rights as US citizens. What I have the biggest problem with are the illegals here. There is such a large population of hispanics here, and we are SO close to Mexico that there are plenty of illegals who work and live in this town. What do people NOT understand about the word "Illegal"? This isn't just driving 6mph over the speed limit. Now many of the Mexicans want to have citizenship SO badly, but they won't give up even a little. It's all part of the "Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie" system, and I'm sick of it.
That's good that you fly Italy's flag at your house, but what is great about it is that you are a citizen who also flies the US flag. Many people will not give that honor, and it's disgusting.
I guess my biggest gripe is about people who are US citizens that have NO pride for the United States, but give tribute, homage and all of their love towards another country.

please forgive me if i am wrong, but it seems that you are grouping a LARGE amount of people into that category that you have just described.

believe it or not, many illegals actually pay taxes. they request some type of special tax payer id for people without social security numbers (non residents..) and they pay taxes and keep records of it. when they get their appointment to be considered for residency they show that they have been paying taxes for the duration of their stay here.

there is lots of anger and animosity towards illegals, but its the united states government that has provisions for them to live in this country, pay taxes and work, even though it is illegal.

the gripe SHOULD be with those in power in the government, not the people who see an opportunity and grab it. if i needed to feed my children NOW and not wait 10 years to do it, i would be here illegally and i would do just that.

wanting to round up people at immigration reform marches is nothing but racism. the government allows them to be here. for the people who want illegals out, its the GOVERNMENT your gripe is with, not the people here trying to better their families.