Mk3. Still on my stock motor, bolt on T4 & 550/lexus mods... redline in 5th gear... Tires then were 275/40 17's on the rear.. Something like 173mph on stock 88T gears in the 5 speed.
I was impressed with how planted and composed the MK3 is high speed.
A8. Pulled a 140mph cruise control for about 10 min straight going to Vegas a few years back... (Was keeping up with, and actually gaining on two guys in MK4's ahead of me that were playing around..) Only thing better than a MK3 at speed, is this large sedan A8... It's scary how going 140mph indicated does not feel like much more than 83mph that I drive around here on the interstate all the time...
I was buying tires for it, and the guy helping me said "You just need H rated tires, why are you buying those expensive W rated ones..?" I explained that the car can, and has gone faster than the 130mph rated tires he was reccomending, and that I did not want my tires to be one of the worries on my mind while tooling along at over 200 feet per second...
Ok, lately, the bike has been my choice of speed... just a few weeks ago, passing a few cars and a semi truck load of sand, started at 35mph and second gear, cranked it, and then as I was shifting into 4th as I passed the truck cleanly just a few seconds later, looked down, and I was going 136mph indciated..

Opps, suppose the speed limit there was 45mph..
Crazy part is I really was not trying that hard... They don't call them donor bikes for no reason.. ride them with respect, or they will kill you. (I'm warning myself as much as anyone here... )
Topped out this bike at just over 150 indicated, and my helmet was bouncing around so much I could not get my eyes to focus anymore, so it was time to stop having so much fun, and slow down to a much more sedate 100mph.. The bike is just so scary fast between 0 and 140ish it's not even like reality. And it brakes well enough to handle it. (Something the Supra will not do without some serious brake upgrades.. and I've got those.)
Fastest? I fly almost every week, so it's regular that I'm at 40,000+ feet in altitude, and tooling along at whatever the cruising speed of the commercial aircraft is I'm in that day. (I think 530mph is about right..)
No wonder I can't seem to drive the posted speed limit@!