What keeps you from calling it quits?


Fast Coonass
Apr 5, 2005
Austin, Texas USA
bigaaron said:
If things don't break, you're not driving it hard enough :icon_wink

What keeps me going is the feeling of acceleration, the sound of the turbo spooling, and the way a good handling Supra feels when taking corners at high speed.
Well I guess I don't drive mine hard enough then...........:ugh2:

Actually, I took 3 years building up my car and I went through every part of the car, so it's like a new car, all I do is maintain it.

Pretty much everything Aaron said...............................that and when people say "Badass Car Dude"


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
bigaaron said:
If things don't break, you're not driving it hard enough :icon_wink

I have no interest in breaking it. My goal is to keep it in very good condition while making it last as long as possible. So far it's the cheapest to own and most reliable car I've ever had. Every day it puts money back into my pocket, money I use to make more to spend on far more important things. So far I figure it's made me about $150K. As IJ said it's just a car. It's also what Weezl said. When you've owned more cars than you can remember you become a little jaded. I understand the first car thing though. Mine was a 396 SS Chevelle. Wished I kept it. As for acceleration, listening to something spool, and handling at high speed I have another toy for that. It brings a grin to my face faster than any car ever could. Different strokes I guess ;)


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
What keeps me from quitting? The pussy.

When I first tell girls I've got a project car they're like "uh okay" then they see it and they're like "wait you're driving that peice of crap" "yes, but its getting better every day. why don't you come over and hang out while i work on it"

After they see me wrench for an hour or so they're so hot i've never not gotten any. Girls love seeing men work.


Dedicated Member
Apr 6, 2005
Texas Motor Speedway
Firstly, my passion came from the fact that I had nothing to really call my own, so when I got the N/A, it was a great chance for me to actually own something that meant something to me, and it was something I could call my own and be proud for. I spent damn near every dollar of my money on it for more then a year, and it still wasn't done. Then I got in the accident, so you guys know the rest...

Secondly, I think everyone agrees with me with I say that we all want something that is unique and beautiful in our own eyes. Even though my first Supra was wrecked, I sold it, and will now be moving on to my second Supra. With this car I can get done what I have always dreamed of in a car, and I love it when our < $5k dollar cars beat these new cars, always brings a smirk to my face. :)

Thirdly, I definitely wouldn't have gotten my car to where it was without the inspiration from you guys on the forums, the local MK3 crew (Zach, Zoon, Zhong, Chris, Joe, Jimi, many others...), and my two best friends (Jon and Chris) to back me up every step of the way. I love the fact that my two closest friends and I share the same passion for MK3's.

I was also completely astounded when some people on these forums said my car was their background for some time, that is what truly keeps me going...




Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
HellsLegion said:
Because if I sold it, I couldn't get enough money to buy a car I want.
Thats what kept me planning on rebuilding mine. Then I found a Bimmer 3-series coupe in good condition I like for a good price. I plan to go for it, not sure yet.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
New Zealand
Its challenging....every time i work on it it makes my brain think, think how i can fix this? how i can make that better? thats what i love about my supra

And everytime you see it in the garage oh it just calls out at you
keeps me determined and going back for more to get it slowly towards running again.

All my mates drive skylines and give me shit about my fat supra i just laugh at there cars so boring and normal, the supra however just has that feeling when you turn the key that feeling when you see it across the parking lot, those awesome body lines

Nothing compares


Authorized Vendor
Jul 19, 2005
Las Vegas, NV
Cause I got more blood and sweat into this bad boy then any other relationship....lol

Plus I never quit anything and I have goals that would be destroyed if I got rid of it.

Has been sitting for 6 months now with everything torn apart and so much custom stuff to do but I am working on it again now and it is makin me happy!



Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
LamaRossa said:
knowing i pist off snotty ferrari owners

and conservative MKIII owners :)

im not hatin. im lovin the fact you have more running 7ms in your driveway/yard than most people have seen running in one place.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
anybody who gets pissed off about how someone else chooses to customize their car has some serious insecurity issues.

I mean really...