What keeps you from calling it quits?


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
i like my car because its 20 years old but still gets positive comments and friends (namely girls) telling me its nice...and i've probably put less than 2500 into it including purchase...

thats what i love about the supra...even though they're getting older and can be found for a decent or stupidly cheap price, their possibilities are awesome, and looking at perfect examples of supras on here makes me think of how i might just have that some day...

and its my first car

and its the first car i've done any major repair on...and i've learned so much through it. getting rid of it would be like walking up and kicking the ankles of one of my favorite teachers... they teach you a lot and sometimes piss you off so much you want to scream... but in the end you're thankful for what you learned...and theres respect there. (but i know...its just a car)

did i mention they look good and dont show up everywhere? i've only seen...maybe 5 in my town. and only 2 on a regular basis.

and i cant really afford to get anything else - at least, nothing that i want as much or more than the supra.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
I've had over twenty something cars since 1985 and this is my favorite so far, and the most interesting. No body else around my neck of the woods has one. Everytime I look at it, I say to myself, "Damn! That's a good lookin car". I'm currently gather parts for a GTE swap (anybody have a gte block, pm me) and am looking forward to that. It's my toy and I love that needy bitch. Having this forum is a big plus because of all the information and support.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Blasting down some backroads. Feeling the turbo kick in and the sudden burst of acceleration. Cruising with the top off. Pissing off all the rednecks in town who think their truck is faster. SHowing ricers who's boss. And especially beating the poor little rich kids with their brand new mustang GT's or F-bodies...

Even after all the tickets, BHG, rod knock, baked wiring harness, ect... I still love my car. The only car I've ever sat in that felt even close was a C4 Corvette, and they're TERRORS to work on...


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
sethron71 said:
Cause I got more blood and sweat into this bad boy then any other relationship....lol

Plus I never quit anything and I have goals that would be destroyed if I got rid of it.

Has been sitting for 6 months now with everything torn apart and so much custom stuff to do but I am working on it again now and it is makin me happy!


now seth you know you've got way more time into your racing then you will ever have on a car lol


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
jetjock said:
I have no interest in breaking it. My goal is to keep it in very good condition while making it last as long as possible. So far it's the cheapest to own and most reliable car I've ever had. Every day it puts money back into my pocket, money I use to make more to spend on far more important things. So far I figure it's made me about $150K. As IJ said it's just a car. It's also what Weezl said. When you've owned more cars than you can remember you become a little jaded. I understand the first car thing though. Mine was a 396 SS Chevelle. Wished I kept it. As for acceleration, listening to something spool, and handling at high speed I have another toy for that. It brings a grin to my face faster than any car ever could. Different strokes I guess ;)

I'm guessing most of the money you've saved off your car is based on the average amount of time a person keeps a car for, and the average amount a person will spend on a new car right? Just curious JJ, but what modfications have you done to your supra? I'm guessing it's more stock than modified to keep it reliable right?


New Member
Mar 25, 2007
haha I sometimes want to call it quits and I haven't even had the car long... The fact is the car is rusted out, the bondo job on the rear quarters was done horribly, the interior is stripped and I have no hope finding every nook and cranny I want, cracked windshielf, half primered, no side moldings, dented up door. Man I'm always into quick results, but this car might have my time and my wallet for a good year or two. I haven't even driven the car enough to know if I even like it. But hey I'll stick with it the engine is fresh and I just might like it better than all of my dsm's.
or maybe I'll buy a 240 and do a heart transplant lol....
rant over


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
SS5000: Yes, the cost of new cars, taxes, insurance, tags, etc, plus depreciation of those funds over a 20 year period is substantial. The figure would be even higher but the stock market hasn't been helping much since 2001.

I modded in it 1989 and then wailed on it for 7 years. Got it all out of my system. In 1996 I rebuilt the engine at 104K out of boredom. At that time I removed the custom built stuff I'd used to mod it and installed a MHG. A 2mm Greddy if I recall correctly. The Lex/550s went in later. The 3" downpipe and catback remain from the early days but are showing their age. They'll get replaced soon. Since the engine was rebuilt it hasn't been abused beyond 10-11 psi but remains ready. I'll have owned it 20 years on June 22 and it hit 138K just the other day. Those here who've seen it could attest to it's condition. It's going to go soon because it's time for something new. Don't ask...it's not going to have a second owner.


Authorized Vendor
Jul 19, 2005
Las Vegas, NV
whenmunkysfly said:
now seth you know you've got way more time into your racing then you will ever have on a car lol

Well that is a no brainer....lol

That is me building a career not a relationship. My career is what I do. Relationships come and go but the Supra is always there to give me the ride of my life....muhahahaha.

"Some Girls have tried, so girls have even come close, but none have givin me the ride the Supra has!"



New Member
Oct 22, 2005
at the power im at(very low) still waste people on the streets and i have to much money into it to get out now 500RWHP or bust. PLus what RWD cars in this price range and are this sexy are there? not many. 240's are way to common.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
jetjock said:
I'll have owned it 20 years on June 22 and it hit 138K just the other day. Those here who've seen it could attest to it's condition. It's going to go soon because it's time for something new. Don't ask...it's not going to have a second owner.

I understand, I probably will not keep mine for 20 years as the parts to replace stuff for this car will probably be almost non existant by then ;).


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
Mine will be going to my son on his 16th( which is 16 years away) lol. I think the mk3 supra is the perfect sleeper, i havent had one person assume that the 3rd gen supra is fast.:3d_frown: Everyone mentions the mk4 but one day my mk3 will be on youtube laying down 10 sec passes:evil2:


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
CampbellsChunkySoupra said:
i hate my car
why?? if you do why are you putting money into upgrading it?

Tanya said:
Called it quits recently...

I fail.


what happened?

jetjock said:
It's going to go soon because it's time for something new. Don't ask...it's not going to have a second owner.

what are you going to do? let it roll off a cliff?

aside from you keeping it as a backup or rarely used car...i dont see how its possible for it not be sold to a second owner....