What is the worst mistake you have ever done to your supra?


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
IJ. said:
Just to clear up some misconceptions here .....

Unless you're tuned to run higher octane ie:timing or boost you'll actually make LESS power the higher you go.

High Octane fuel isn't "more powerful" it's more knock resistant and burns slower than low octane.

High Octane in a motor not built/tuned to run it is stupid and is costing both $$$ and power.

cheaper than an engine rebuild...

Worst thing I have ever done was letting someone else work on my car. Clutch throwout bearing assembly failed, took it to a tranny shop. Talked me into a clutch replacement (couldn't hurt). List of crap they fucked up.

-They brought a lift down on my door (wrinkled it on the bottom, lowered the door a good inch, left some skuffs, ect). Said it came in that way and we where trying to scam them. Finally lowered the price the amount it would cost to repair (still not perfect to me).

-Disconnected knock sensor (later broke it after it was back in their shop again).

-Lost the exhaust hanger causing the stock DP to crack at the flex.

-Grease all over the interior and tore the heel pad off.

-Torn shifter boot.

-Clutch throwout assembly failed 14 miles later.

-The clutch fork fulcrum part that the fork hinges on had the bolts back out and snap.

-Flywheel never resurfaced right (caused complete clutch failure less than 5K miles later)

-Never replaced the clutch fork like they said they did.

-Numerous stripped and crossthreaded bolts.

I ALWAYS do ALL my own work unless it requires equipment that is out of the realm of what I can afford (like getting head work done).

Transmission Masters can kiss my ass.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Poodles said:
cheaper than an engine rebuild...

I don't get your point?

Most power will be made with fuel that has just enough octane to match the engine tune anything more is wasted money.

If the engine blows up through detonation it's not matched now is it?


DDS Performance
#3: my most recent mistake is welding my hks wastegate "bottom plate" which happened to look like a thin flange. i had no idea until now. so my wastegate doesnt seal, and it lags a lot!

#2: didnt drain oil after my first bhg job resulting in almost instant rod knock

#1: found damaged clutch throwout assembly when i first bought the car and tried repairing it 4 times (pull tranny, put back together wrong, right, right again, and welded, but all 4 times still snapped off) before buying a whole new assembly from toyota and assembling it right.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
true, but the different in price is marginal... many of us BPU guys aren't tuned...

if I had a knock detector that showed knock in real time on my dash, I'd mess with suchs things, but it's just not something I'd chance...

Now if you're running race gas thinking your car will be faster without turning the boost way up or anything is another thing all together...

MmmBoost: I had to buy EVERYTHING in the clutch assembly brand new from toyota when the clutch assembly finally failed... It was missing one of the washers, and the parts wheren't in the right order leading to the snap ring machining the lip off the hub...


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX

I think of it this way, the piece of mind is worth it. I don't want to be worrying about if my engine is falling apart when I have to floor it to get on the highway...


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
LilMissMkIII said:
Yes, we are now well aware they are rated differently, however what I was curious about is which reading exactly is it in that table that one would generally be referring to when talking about fuel.

(may be a really stupid question, but this is not something i have ever learnt about nor discussed in any great detail, and think it may be a useful thing for me to know on an international forum such as this) :)

I don't follow you. It's in the table. What rating you'd be referring to would just depend where you are in the world.


New Member
Apr 18, 2005
Haarlem, The Netherlands
Datsrboi said:
What is the worst mistake you have ever done to your supra? What did you do wrong during your build etc etc.
My first build was with Venom 550cc injectors that turned out to be 480cc something reworked stock injectors. Killed a piston on that.
Also I once had a nice USA import mk2 and I dismanteled it and took it to the wreckers; I could better safe it for spares and for the registration documents.


Unauthorized Lurker
Jun 10, 2006
chedderknight said:
crashed into the mountain wall
Haha thought you were a wangan racer.

Almost biggest mistake, thinking I could drive from Hollywood to Manhattan Beach with no oil.
Thought that one through and decided against it lol.

Biggest mistake, driving it home at night after a complete swap from my wrecked supra in 3 days (motor tranny diff suspension wiring) without checking to see if the taillights were working. Pulled over and towed, tow yard put it in the junkyard.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
JustAnotherVictim said:
Gotta give you a little shit.
Some reading never hurt anyone. ;)

Ya I feel stupid looking back at it, I dont do anything now without reading up on it. Back then I was just a computer geek and could careless about the car lol, now Im flip flopped.


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
My first red car had tons of mistakes. The first one, as everyone had said was buying it. I knew it had been in an accident but bought it anyway. Spent too much money trying to get it to where it would never be.

One thing I can remember is that while working on the engine of the same car I broke a bolt off in the thermostat housing.

The only mistake I've made on the black car was during the engine swap. While I was dropping the motor and transmission in, I was trying to get the mounts into the slots for the bolts and I had the transmission on a regular jack. While muscling the engine around, the transmission slipped off the jack and snapped the slave cylinder at the flange. Costed me $45 from DM. But that's about it so far on the black car.