Well, yesterday I took out the water pump, and it appears to be working just fine... So the overheating is coming from somewhere else.
I've already replaced the thermostat, like I said the water pump appears to be working good. The PO said he replaced the radiator and it does look newer, however I'm kind of hoping that it is clogged(there was lots of junk in the overflow). Because if it's not clogged, it might be a cracked head/BHG/clogged water ports...
Any other ideas?
I'm going to remove the upper/lower hoses from the radiator today and pour water in the top and see if it drains out the bottom. Hopefully that will tell me if it's clogged or not.
On a side note, my heater is also not working. Some say that might have something to do with it but not sure...
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
I've already replaced the thermostat, like I said the water pump appears to be working good. The PO said he replaced the radiator and it does look newer, however I'm kind of hoping that it is clogged(there was lots of junk in the overflow). Because if it's not clogged, it might be a cracked head/BHG/clogged water ports...
Any other ideas?
I'm going to remove the upper/lower hoses from the radiator today and pour water in the top and see if it drains out the bottom. Hopefully that will tell me if it's clogged or not.
On a side note, my heater is also not working. Some say that might have something to do with it but not sure...
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
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