Ok so I got to taking some pics today,while trying to dodge the rain, and got some things in order. i.e. cleaning my carport, and cleaning up the motor a little, also took a bunch of pics, so here they are.
What I started the day with
My little baby in the distance
Took of the VVTI cover, and found this little guy
(Also found one on the starter later that night but didn't get a pic of it)
It was Kinnda large considering the whole plug was covered...
Intake was first to be taken off
After 5 cans of brake cleaner, use of a vacuum, a bunch or blue towels lol, its CLEAN
All back together
Got the tyranny of also, cause i'm not going to use it.
You tell me which one is never going to be used again lol
But after the tyranny got taken off, I realized I don't have a socket big enough to go around the crank bolt, So I have to wait to remove the torque converter and flywheel off till I can go shopping for Sockets

Other then that I had fun with my first day with the 2J.
Until tomorrow :biggrinbo