TRANSFORMERS<spoiler thread contains NERDS>


supra is gone
Jan 30, 2006
OneJoeZee said:
The main characters were,

Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Cheetor, and Rattrap. I think that was it in the beginning for the Maximals

Predacons had Megatron, Tarantulus, Dinobot,Terrasaur, Waspinator, and Scorpinok.

They added a bunch of characters on both sides through the 1st and 2nd season.

Now that I think about it, Terrasaur was alot more like Starscream than Dinobot...

those aren't people!! haha yeah i remember the show and your right terrasaur was way more like starscream.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
The original transformers series was scheduled to continue on, but due to some budget cut or some BS they stoped with a short ass final season (maybe the third season, could be 4 seasons long), maybe this is where the new anime of transformers takes place????

I think Japan got a lot of transformers episodes that never came to america, google it, I know it's there somewheres...

The Maximals and Predicons are DECENDANTS of the original autobots and decepticons. I don't know exactly how far into the future the maximals and predicon's present is in comparison to the original transformers, but I would assum it's a few hundred or a few thousand years later....


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Now that I think about it, Beast Wars takes place millions of years after the Arc crashes because the dinosaur's are already extinct. It takes place either after or before the last major ice age, so it's only xx amount of thousands of years before 1985...


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
cartel1_950 said:
those aren't people!! haha yeah i remember the show and your right terrasaur was way more like starscream.

Oh... When you said I don't remember any people I thought yuo meant you don't remember the characters names. :hs:


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
Came out 7/3/07. Watched the First showing in the area. which was 8 PM PST on 7/2... yes yes I am a geek watching the first showing of it.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
starscream5000 said:
Now that I think about it, Beast Wars takes place millions of years after the Arc crashes because the dinosaur's are already extinct. It takes place either after or before the last major ice age, so it's only xx amount of thousands of years before 1985...
Ok. So I'm gonna draw a little timeline. Tell me if I'm correct.

<genesis of all life>---------[Original transformers crash and hibernate]----<millions of years pass>----[Beast wars transformers come out of time warp here and crash]----[Beast wars transformers make it off the planet and travel back to their own time]----<some amount of years pass>----[Original transformers wake up and fight and stuff]-----<some amount of years pass>----[Beast Wars transformers have their origin at this time and also intiate their time travel back in time here]-----<future>

Last edited:


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
OneJoeZee said:
Ok. So I'm gonna draw a little timeline. Tell me if I'm correct.

<genesis of all life>---------[Original transformers crash and hibernate]----<millions of years pass>----[Beast wars transformers come out of time warm here and crash]----[Beast wars transformers make it off the planet and travel back to their own time]----<some amount of years pass>----[Original transformers wake up and fight and stuff]-----<some amount of years pass>----[Beast Wars transformers have their origin at this time and also intiate their time travel back in time here]-----<Right after this point> [Beast machines begins and completes it's seasons]


Beast machines (IIRC) takes place RIGHT after the last episode of Beast wars. It should be just like finishing up the last episode of Beast Wars, popping in the first episode of Beast Machines, and keep chugging along ;).


supra is gone
Jan 30, 2006
starscream5000 said:
Beast machines (IIRC) takes place RIGHT after the last episode of Beast wars. It should be just like finishing up the last episode of Beast Wars, popping in the first episode of Beast Machines, and keep chugging along ;).

yeah isn't the last episode of beast wars them making it back to cybertron and finding out that megatron has already started to mess things up!


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
starscream5000 said:
Beast machines (IIRC) takes place RIGHT after the last episode of Beast wars. It should be just like finishing up the last episode of Beast Wars, popping in the first episode of Beast Machines, and keep chugging along ;).

Right. I had forgotten all about Beast Machines.

Megatron makes it back to future[close to beast wars true present] Cybertron and conquers the planet before the maximals get back. Maximals get back, megatron is in charge and this is the beast machines series.


Ok, back to beast wars. in the time where star scream's spark possesses waspinator, does he eventually go back into hibernation? Has to right... cuz all of that is before original transformers series. Also what did they do with optimus prime when they found him? Couldn't have been much right... as to not disrupt or contradict the already existing transformers series from the past [which is actually the future in the show's timeline.]


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
OneJoeZee said:
Right. I had forgotten all about Beast Machines.

Megatron makes it back to future[close to beast wars true present] Cybertron and conquers the planet before the maximals get back. Maximals get back, megatron is in charge and this is the beast machines series.


Ok, back to beast wars. in the time where star scream's spark possesses waspinator, does he eventually go back into hibernation? Has to right... cuz all of that is before original transformers series. Also what did they do with optimus prime when they found him? Couldn't have been much right... as to not disrupt or contradict the already existing transformers series from the past [which is actually the future in the show's timeline.]

they left optimus alone.. Primal and Prime had a split second of eye contact with each other then Prime's spark quit. I kinda been in transformers since the 80's so I know a few things. now I need to see the damn movie!


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
OneJoeZee said:
Ok, back to beast wars. in the time where star scream's spark possesses waspinator, does he eventually go back into hibernation? Has to right... cuz all of that is before original transformers series. Also what did they do with optimus prime when they found him? Couldn't have been much right... as to not disrupt or contradict the already existing transformers series from the past [which is actually the future in the show's timeline.]

I'm thinking after starscream was killed in the transformers movie, he later on invaded the head of unicron that orbited cybertron in later episodes. Then in beast wars he somehow was traveling the universe and hit the same warp that the Maximals and Predicons ran into, and made it on planet earth.

I'm not entirely sure, but it may have been mentioned somewhere's that some things were either missing or moved around once the Auto bots and decepticons woke up, like there was a disturbance in there while they were sealed up and hibernating, but they may have blamed it on the volcano and sizemic activity, when actually it was the Maximals and Decepticons roaming around inside the Arc. The Maximals actually set up a base in the Arc to protect Optimus Prime while he was out cold so Megatron (the Predicon) couldn't kill him and change the flow of time and history. The Matrix was later put back inside of Optimus Prime Once Optimus Primal was finished protecting it....


Panda™ and Pre-89 Gracer™
Feb 19, 2006
Anaheim/West Covina, CA
did you guys know that they brought the original voices from Megatron and Optimus to the new movie? i work at Edwards Cinema and saw it during the screening early yesterday...they shut down a theater just for transformers so they can check to see if there are any flaws, errors or whatever from the film...OMFG that shit was badass!!! saw it again later that night.

it was always weird for me that there were a lot of mistakes in the original mentioned...megatron turning into a pistol that only starscream can shoot..also..on one episode when bumblebee was caught by the decepticons, he magically appeard when optimus was talking to the autobots...and there were double starscreams on the screen a few times...oh...on and on the list


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
starscream5000 said:
I'm thinking after starscream was killed in the transformers movie, he later on invaded the head of unicron that orbited cybertron in later episodes. Then in beast wars he somehow was traveling the universe and hit the same warp that the Maximals and Predicons ran into, and made it on planet earth.

I'm not entirely sure, but it may have been mentioned somewhere's that some things were either missing or moved around once the Auto bots and decepticons woke up, like there was a disturbance in there while they were sealed up and hibernating, but they may have blamed it on the volcano and sizemic activity, when actually it was the Maximals and Decepticons roaming around inside the Arc. The Maximals actually set up a base in the Arc to protect Optimus Prime while he was out cold so Megatron (the Predicon) couldn't kill him and change the flow of time and history. The Matrix was later put back inside of Optimus Prime Once Optimus Primal was finished protecting it....

Ok, I got another question.

The destruction of unicron from the transformers movie[old animated one] took place before they all crash landed into the earth and hibernated right? That's the only way star scream's spark could have been around bodiless to possess waspinator. Megatron[galvatron] killed him in the movie.

This hurts my head now... cuz I KNOW in the movie there are humans. I did some reading on the episode with star scream in waspinators body and they speak of his destruction by Galvatron. At this time in Beast Wars there are barely cavemen. This would mean that the destruction of star scream took place before the crash and hibernation of the rest of the surviving autobots and decepticons. But we said before the crash was in ancient times and there were definately no humans then...

Somebody fucked up somewhere... Or I'm truly lost in the timeline again.