I second the M&P, with the CTC grip of course. (Is a very sanitary package on this pistol, the backstrap is the laser sight.)
I have the "medium" sized 9mm version with the CTC grip. (Just slightly less concealable than the compact, but hey, for a guy my size, I can conceal a full size auto pretty good, and I'd rather have the pistol fit my hand better if I ever need to use it.)
The XD's have great reviews, but I like the M&P's better for how they feel, and how they shoot. (Then again, any of the striker fired pistols like the Glock, are all pretty modern designs, and very reliable in use, but not so great in trigger pull/feel.)
That being the case, they are combat pistols, and have heavy triggers by design.
You can do a trigger job, and make them much less "gritty" to use, and even lower the pull weight. (Stock IIRC is 6lbs.. and the trigger job smooths the action/feel and shortens the amount you need to let the trigger out before it resets, so you can get quicker follow up shots. Or something like that..

On a concealed carry gun, that kind of low trigger weight, in a striker fired weapon can result in shooting yourself in the leg.. Ask that football dude about how it happens.. Just shove your pistol in your pants, and then fumble with it when it slips loose, and bang, you have arrived... LOL
Good training, and a good holster is not a bad idea on any gun, but if you do the trigger work, it's essential. It's too easy to accidently bump the trigger.