Ok, straight poop on FN5.7 round.
Very small. Very fast.
"Consumer" version has no steel dart in the core...
"Real" version has a steel dart in a lead wrap and copper jacket... Nasty ass round for sure. (Comes apart inside you, and it does go right through most body armor, or at least the dart does...)
Think lead sabot round...
Good news? 50 rounds in the machine pistol.
20 rounds in the pistol.
And the stopping power of the "consumer" version is very good too, mostly due to the high velocity of the bullet allowing it to pack the punch of a larger heavy bullet at slower speeds.
Bad part as noted is the pistol is about 900.00 and the rifle is 1800.00....
But, you get what you pay for.
These are just dream weapons for me at the moment however. (Like buying a .45 Bushmaster rifle, the exact opposite of the FN5.7 round, it's a HUGE bullet, not that fast, and it packs it's punch from sheer size.)
Cheapest large bore, sabot capable rifle is a good shotgun BTW.
What I own is a Tarus 9mm Beretta copy, Bushmaster CAR15 and a very nice Ruger 1022 with CF barrel, Hogue stock..

It's my tack driver.

And you can get the 50 round mags again.
Dang cheap to shoot, and more accurate than I am.
Looking at another Tarus pistol for a CCW, most likely will get the Ti version if I can. Also a .22 conversion for the PT92 and two 15 round mags. (One of the great things about the PT is there are tons of mods for this gun. I have a 30 round mag for it, and a few 17 round ones.. Really it's all the pistol anyone could/should ever need.) It is a full frame auto however. (Not the most concealable gun in the world.)
The Kahr is nice, but too small for my hand size. (Thus the reason I like the Tarus, and it's stacked mag design and wider hand grip.) The size difference is minimal, but the "feel" of the Tarus is much better, and it points better for me too. The Kahr points low, so I'd have to learn to shoot with it all over again. (Not hard, but it is a consideration that under stress, I'd likely shoot low with that pistol.)
My brother has the FN5.7 pistol, and it's a very nice gun. Sort of strange looking, but very well made, and you can't knock having 20 rounds in each magazine. Recoil is minimal too, and that makes the most of all your ammo.
I'm supprised California has not outlawed that caliber since it has a reputation as able to penetrate body armor. (So does my Black Talon ammo I carry, but it's just teflon coated, and it's sub-sonic, so it's not going very fast... LOL)