T61 Bolt on Turbo by Cx Racing


T-virus infected
I have't had time to keep on eye on this thread. The turbo looks "promising". But will anyone have the time to summarize this all or throw it all on the first page so some new fella's don't have to browse 50+ pages?

Good work guys glad some minds could come together to make this thing work!


New Member
Jul 12, 2010
Tacoma, WA
Ebay has a pretty good straight pipe replacement that replaces the accordian and still mounts to the AFM. Hows your setup goin so far bud? Mine is doing really well, except now i cant keep the charge pipes from poping off under high boost. Time to upgrade the intercooler and get new piping so I can alleviate the imperfect couplings.

---------- Post added at 02:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 AM ----------

With all due respect, you should read my posting before you interject. I never specifically said it would save his problem, I simply mentioned that it would solve a loose flapper valve. And thats how I received mine from CX, so I just isolated the problem at the source.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
idlewild9;1608073 said:
Ebay has a pretty good straight pipe replacement that replaces the accordian and still mounts to the AFM. Hows your setup goin so far bud? Mine is doing really well, except now i cant keep the charge pipes from poping off under high boost. Time to upgrade the intercooler and get new piping so I can alleviate the imperfect couplings.

---------- Post added at 02:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 AM ----------

With all due respect, you should read my posting before you interject. I never specifically said it would save his problem, I simply mentioned that it would solve a loose flapper valve. And thats how I received mine from CX, so I just isolated the problem at the source.
Yeah ok.... :nono:

I read your posting before I posted so with absolutely no respect if you had read both Gordon's description and my solution you wouldn't have posted what you did as a "fix" for an issue you didn't quite grasp.


Mar 3, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
paradox616;1607173 said:
Mine didn't, i used a bit of 3" silicon which slipped over the accordion and the inducer, i used a silicon gasket maker to seal it from dust etc (its under vacuum anyway not boost), if you had a accordion hose in good condition i'm sure it might fit. I plan to replace it with 3" piping as soon as I can be bothered working on my car (too cold here :()
Mine is literally like 2 months old lol. so i guess ill just have to find out. the thought of a silicone coupler clamped onto a soft rubber hose just doesnt sound to promising as far as sealing leaks post afm.
Thanks Edit: Turbo should be here the 25th. So i figure I prob wont get to it till the weekend but i will definately post up some videos. I also went ahead and ordered the oil lines to go with it. CANT WAIT!:)


New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
SupraSean;1608090 said:
Mine is literally like 2 months old lol. so i guess ill just have to find out. the thought of a silicone coupler clamped onto a soft rubber hose just doesnt sound to promising as far as sealing leaks post afm.
Thanks Edit: Turbo should be here the 25th. So i figure I prob wont get to it till the weekend but i will definately post up some videos. I also went ahead and ordered the oil lines to go with it. CANT WAIT!:)

That what's the silicon sealers for, I will be the first to admit its not the best setup but it will do until i can make up a new one. plus drawing in "un metered air" isn't an issue for me as i don't run a afm or a TCCS because i use a map sensor/aftermarket ecu setup :p


New Member
Jul 12, 2010
Tacoma, WA
HAHAHAHA, SPARE ME!! Obviously you're the only one allowed on here with solutions to problems you didn't even come across. But before your belligerent comments forecast any further, realize this common knowledge... My problem was different from his, and I simply gave my solution which has yet to fail, and I've been running the turbo for two months now.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
idlewild9;1608738 said:
HAHAHAHA, SPARE ME!! Obviously you're the only one allowed on here with solutions to problems you didn't even come across. But before your belligerent comments forecast any further, realize this common knowledge... My problem was different from his, and I simply gave my solution which has yet to fail, and I've been running the turbo for two months now.
Spare you?


My original reply to you was that YOUR "Fix" would have done NOTHING to help Gordon's issue, you asked for an explanation which I supplied, now for some unknown reason you won't let it go.

In the past if I've been wrong I've apologised and thanked the person for correcting me, in this case I'm NOT wrong so give it and the Passive/Aggressive Bullshit a rest you're not impressing anyone.


New Member
Jul 12, 2010
Tacoma, WA
Where was it your place to throw two cents in on a conversation between him and myself? And what/who the hell is OP anyways? Like I know the guy on a first name basis or something... So, "bullshit" aside, get a life and find something productive to do with your time beside talking other people down on this forum and showing how much you may know about vehicles, but completely lack in social skills.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
idlewild9;1608749 said:
Where was it your place to throw two cents in on a conversation between him and myself? And what/who the hell is OP anyways? Like I know the guy on a first name basis or something... So, "bullshit" aside, get a life and find something productive to do with your time beside talking other people down on this forum and showing how much you may know about vehicles, but completely lack in social skills.

It's my "place" being as I'm one of the Senior Moderators here....

It's my "place" seeing as I was the one that actually fixed his issue in the real world..

It's my "place" stopping other members with the same issue as Gordon's seeing your "advice" and having human nature kick in to try the "simple" fix instead of repairing it correctly then having to repeat the exercise of removing the Turbo to do it again when the simple fix that had no chance of working fails.

As for lacking social skills I'm NOT the one whining like a little bitch over a non issue, YOU made a suggestion I correctly advised that it would have done NOTHING to address his actual issue, as I said let it go, any other forum you'd have been given a week off, I do things differently.

"OP" = original poster.


New Member
Jul 12, 2010
Tacoma, WA
I'm done with this pointless argument, you were INCORRECT. I cordially asked your intent in one post, only for you to blow my courtesy back in my face with your overbearing attitude... Reread your posts and mine and realize NOWHERE did I mention anything of the sort about these accusations you made at me.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
idlewild9;1608751 said:
I'm done with this pointless argument, you were INCORRECT. I cordially asked your intent in one post, only for you to blow my courtesy back in my face with your overbearing attitude... Reread your posts and mine and realize NOWHERE did I mention anything of the sort about these accusations you made at me.

idlewild9;1599915 said:
Those are pretty awesome additions! In the pictures I showed how to solve the flapper door problem with safety wire. Simply take .40 gauge safety wire and tightly twist it in between the flapper and its counter-part. Simplistic and sturdy, and the flapper door will never get stuck again! I just fired up the car this morning with the new electronic boost controller and it sounded kinda rough. Though my wideband showed my air-fuel ratio as being just fine, the car was only pushing about 8.5 psi on the settings I had. Still got a few kinks, I guess! ;)

Very nice car by the way, hopefully our setups can withstand the test of time... HAHAHA!!

IJ.;1599920 said:
Would have done nothing to correct the OP's Flapper issue....

idlewild9;1599928 said:
How do you figure?

IJ.;1607153 said:
Because his bushing was loose in the housing so the entire arm was moving, your piece of wire would have done nothing.


Did I hurt your delicate sensibilities somehow precious??

And again you've accused me of being incorrect when it's all there for people to read for themselves, it's a good thing you're "Done" you're looking more foolish with each post.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
As has been stated in the past, if you have a problem with the staff, PM an admin.

This pissing contest is over.

The next person who goes off topic in this thread is getting a week off.

Get back on topic folks. Enough.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
I like pudding.

Just kidding.
ON subject- I'm still considering this turbo if the performance outweighs it's flapper design flaw, vs. a 57trim CT26 and it's alleged weaker shaft.


Mar 3, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Expecting turbo tomorrow!!!:) As a side note. i noticed earlier in the thread someone had suggested a small tack weld on the sleeve to hold it to the housing, What is your opinion on this IJ? seems logical as long as you can administer a good weld
Last edited:


New Member
Aug 14, 2010
Sacramento, CA
I just spent 3 hours reading this entire thread. I feel my head is gonna explode from the mass amount of info on just this one turbo. But I also feel like I could install this turbo in my sleep haha. I think when I start to upgrade my motor, this will be the turbo I buy. Unless someone else knows of another turbo to fit my needs of 350-450HP range and spools faster.

Anywho thank you Paradox for being the guinea pig and giving great helpful information!! Cheers!!


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
SupraSean;1609117 said:
Expecting turbo tomorrow!!!:) As a side note. i noticed earlier in the thread someone had suggested a small tack weld on the sleeve to hold it to the housing, What is your opinion on this IJ? seems logical as long as you can administer a good weld

It would work as long as you can be 100% sure of the alignment before tacking (a preheat on the housing would help)

I went the drill and tap route using a grub screw so it can be moved if needed.


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
supraguy@aol;1608929 said:
ON subject- I'm still considering this turbo if the performance outweighs it's flapper design flaw, vs. a 57trim CT26 and it's alleged weaker shaft.

The CT has anything but a weak shaft. Refer to posts by MDCmotorsports on this myth, he covers the topic quite well.


Burlington, VT &Wolfeboro
Sep 22, 2006
There are many reasons why this turbo is not a bolt-on turbo for our cars, so after all this work I'm really hoping it's going to be the right turbo for the car - and last awhile too. I'm holding hope out despite the issues we've all experienced, and while I have not run the car yet I'll surely let you all know how I end up once it is in and working, which should be a few weeks when we begin to tune on the MAFTPRO.

1 - I welded the waste-gate sleeve in 3 locations to the casting because it is very difficult to weld to casting. Several tacks should do the trick.

2 - When the turbo was on the car you could not connect up the turbine outlet pipe with the way the waste-gate actuator sat on the turbo. It simply hit the 2.75" piping and was going to cause problems. We had to modify the bracket to off set the actuator so that it would not interfere. After doing this we were able to clock the center section so that the feed and drain were exactly vertical.

3 - I adjusted the waste-gate actuator rod 1 1/2 turns in so that it would crack at 10psi and fully open by 15.

4 - The stock accordion hose will work well in reverse, but I choose to buy the 140$ ebay 3" metal intake for the supra instead. This is a nice piece but we had to relocate the power steering reservoir to fit it for this turbo and 6" K&N Filter. This was done by moving the resevoir out toward the radiator and mounting it with the existing bracket but only one bolt. We had to lengthen the lower hose about three inches. This is necessary to have enough clearance to run your 3" piping to the filter.

5 - The ebay feed/drain line kit that claims to fit the 7MGTE does in fact not have a fitting that will mount up to the block. I had to order another (44mm bolt center-to-center) from the same company and drill out the mounting holes. They were great and refunded me the 17$ though. I also requested a shorter drain line and had to further shorten it because 12" is still too long. You want the drain to be short and direct and the way the one came it would have had a bit curl in it and would have had to go back up hill to drain. Not ideal. I've found proper drain/feed lines and fittings are a big pain in the ass to get something together that will work. Also the feed line banjo bolt that came with this kit is very difficult to get on the motor and the fitting of the 4an line has to hit the block for it to work. A straight fitting would be ideal here.

more to come...

RC 660 CC
Speed Density
T61 Turbo
Aeromotive AFPR & Walbro

T61 Turbo Wasegage Mod.JPG

We modified the actuator mount. It may not be ideal because it is not exactly straight but it was our best option.
T61 Turbo Wasegage Mod2.JPG

You can see the tack welds here.
T61 Turbo Wasegage Mod3.JPG

The actuator now sits away from the turbine outlet, allowing you to mount it up straight - or at all.

And yes I connected the coolant line to complete the circuit, we just blocked it off while we were test fitting to keep the coolant off the floor.


Burlington, VT &Wolfeboro
Sep 22, 2006
yup, but it opens almost all the way and the escaping gasses can easily push it to fully open. It doesn't take nearly any force to move it the rest of the 20 degrees or so to open fully. We don't know if this will be an issue but since nothing about this turbo fits correctly we didn't have much of a choice. I felt it important not to clock it too much off center so that the oil would drain correctly, and with that a priority you don't have many choices in this area.