OK! SO I spent a bunch of money this weekend buying rims and tires!
First up: Drag rims and some MT ET streets. The goodyear slicks on the rims right now are too big methinks, but we'll give 'em a shot since they were included with the rims.
26x10.5x15 MT ET Street tires- looks like a much better fit!
Now for the heartbreak. Staggered set 18x8/18x9 RPM R-505 rims. 38 offset on both, but sadly they will not clear my front brakes :cry: Guess my huge freakin brakes
do have a downside

I'm not too fond of spacers, but if I can't resell them I might just get a couple so the money wasn't wasted. Rears clear just fine, though
Also picked up a roll of DEI Titanium exhaust wrap and some SS ties- once the downpipe is finished and everything's done I'll wrap everything to keep the heat down!
No pics, its just wrap and ties in boxes...