Well, hi there!
Your build looks to be coming along quite nicely! For the ignition system, I suggest what I am running (also using an AEM). I am using a Lexus IS300 ignition system. (The DH61 ignitor and the VVTI 2JZ-GE ignition coils) It has been working quite well for me and from what I had read (before buying anything) it seemed like that no standalone does a good job with the stock ignitor

Other notes/suggestions would be converting to a MAP based setup, re-wiring for sequential injection, and shaving extra stuff from the harness at the same time (no more cold-start injector, MAF wires by the turbo, no more EGR, no more VSV's) Side note- those wires can be re-purposed for injector wires on cyl 4, 5, and 6 FYI. You can also re-route wires if you're going for an FFIM. ALso, if it's readily available, I would suggest using E-85 fuel. You can get more boost and more timing out of your setup, and all you have to do is get bigger injectors, fuel pump, presssure regulator, and lines! It's magic gas IMO...
Feel free to check my build thread if you would like to see what I have done. I wish you the best of luck!