Spooky Apartment...Moving


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
there is this one house here, nearby in a town called Streetsville (Billy Talent fans will recognize this) and there is this one house that had a whole family murdered inside the house, and the killer hung on the tree outside of it. Anyway, if you ever go by this house at night, you can sometimes hear some faint cries in the distance. Also weird is that the houses around it get random power outages from time to time as well. Who knows wtf is up.
For the record, my house was bought new and there ain't nothin goin on in here :D


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
dcrusupra said:
...My girlfriend said she had a picture of one of those "orbs" above my grandmothers dog on the couch. She lost it tho. We're going back on Aug. 16th so I'm going to go around at night and take a whole bunch of pics with a 8.1 megapixel digital camera to see if I can catch another orb.

So if I catch one then, expect another post by me with a picture.
Well, I didn't go back the 16th. We left the next week at about 2 PM on the 24th. Got there at about 12:30 AM. We decided to take some pictures that night. We shut out all the lights in the house and started taking pictures. We caught a total of 4 in the house and 1 out by the cemetary just about a half mile down the road. I caught one which is the only one I have right now because my girlfriend hasn't sent me the other pictures.

It's the blue thing floating just under the picture frame. You can compare it to the dust on top of the picture frame. I'll post the others probably tomorrow or the day after.


Here's a picture of the same room the last time I was up there for the 4th of July.



( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
ok first off taking amateur pictures at poor angles proves nothing, if ya want to be a bit more credible and maybe actually catch something, use a tripod, take pics with the exact same angles, use EMF meters and get baselines all through the house then sweep it several more times and record any differences, then try to find possible sources of these spikes in the field. Also maybe set up some infra red cameras in places things have happened and leave them running overnight or when the house is empty.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Wills7MGTE said:
ok first off taking amateur pictures at poor angles proves nothing, if ya want to be a bit more credible and maybe actually catch something, use a tripod, take pics with the exact same angles, use EMF meters and get baselines all through the house then sweep it several more times and record any differences, then try to find possible sources of these spikes in the field. Also maybe set up some infra red cameras in places things have happened and leave them running overnight or when the house is empty.

...or get over your superstition.


Feb 7, 2006
dcrusupra said:
It's the blue thing floating just under the picture frame. You can compare it to the dust on top of the picture frame. I'll post the others probably tomorrow or the day after.

I saw the pictures, was not impressed, read your explanation, and was even less impressed. So the only light source was the cameras flash? That explains my initial guess, that blue 'orb' looks exactly like a glare of light, these random anomalies happen on film, and it does not mean it's a ghost :nono:

Not sure why you say to compare it to dust on the picture frame???

If you run around a 'haunted' house, taking tons of pictures with the lights off, looking for a 'ghost', you will find something!

Thats how these things work, your brain is a very powerful device, that can make you believe anything. If you run around everywhere, with the mentality of looking for ghosts, or sasquatch, or even GOD! If you try hard enough, you will convince yourself you've seen a sign!

Sorry, i will never buy it until I see scientific proof, which has never happened, and probably will never happen


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Listen, I'm not trying to prove anything, I'm just showing you what I had found. You were so intent on trying to get your point across and thinking of a rebuttal while looking at the pictures, that you read what I typed out wrong. I took 8 pictures around the house and my girlfriend took maybe 20 because she wanted to find something and she happened to find more than I did.

I said to compare the dust to the blue "orb." I'm not trying to impress anyone. I said we would take pictures to see if I find any. And we have, on 2 different digital cameras, and they all have very similar shapes and characteristics. Kind of hard to replicate a RANDOM anomaly on 2 different digital cameras isn't it? A glare of light needs something to reflect off of doesn't it? It doesn't just appear in the middle of a picture on a dull wall.

I'll post a picture of what the flash looks like on the walls later. I'm still waiting on my girlfriend to send me the pictures.

By the way, only the first picture had an "orb" in it. The second picture was a picture of the room last time I went so one could see nothing was there to begin with. See what I mean by what I wrote earlier in this post?


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
i saw a ghost once.

i used to date this girl who lived in an apartment building. it was fairly small and ill try to explain how its laid out:

as soon as you walk in the door, directly ahead of you is the kitchen. to the right is the living room and to get to her bedroom you had to walk through the living room.

to the left at the front door is a long hallway and at the end of the hallway is the bathroom, and on the right at the end of the hallway is her parents room.

so one night me and her go to her apartment when no one was home, all lights off.

i walk inside and i see her go to the left down the dark hall way, half way down the hallway i saw her motion to me to come into the bathroom with her.

so i follow her into the bathroom, by the end of the hallway it was pitch black and i couldnt see anything in the bathroom. when i got into the bathroom i turned on the light cause i couldnt see, and there was no one there.

i then heard her in her room saying "joe, what are you doing?"

when i told her what happend we both got freaked out and went to my place instead :).

some things to note, it was very dark and when i saw her it was only a dark figure, definitely female with long black hair and a white night gown type dress.

at the time i didnt realize that was not the clothing she was wearing i kind of just followed her and didnt think about it.

so yeah thats my ghost story. only time ive ever had anything weird happen to me. and no, i was not drunk or on any type of drugs :icon_razz


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
No offense but if you and your gf want to find something, then you will find something, not a ghost but you will think it is. "Orbs" are not evidence of the paranormal they are simply lens, light or media issues caused by a variety of naturally occurring issues such as weather, reflection of light, or poor quality film or on digital cameras, a malfunctioning or low grade CCD.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
One time........I saw sasquatch crossing the road, so I pulled out my H&K G36C with duial drum mag and opened up on it's ass with some NATO standard 5.56 AP rounds, about 150 rounds later all I saw was a blood trail and smoke pouring from the barrel.........I'm pretty sure I got him, then I did a hellacious burnout and went to chuckie cheese for some good eats.


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Not saying anything else, I'll let you guys either debunk or believe...

This one is the most prominent...



Way far off into the background (I've zoomed in and it looks the same as the rest)...




May 14, 2005
Lowell, Arkansas, United States
Wills7MGTE said:
One time........I saw sasquatch crossing the road, so I pulled out my H&K G36C with duial drum mag and opened up on it's ass with some NATO standard 5.56 AP rounds, about 150 rounds later all I saw was a blood trail and smoke pouring from the barrel.........I'm pretty sure I got him, then I did a hellacious burnout and went to chuckie cheese for some good eats.
