i saw a ghost once.
i used to date this girl who lived in an apartment building. it was fairly small and ill try to explain how its laid out:
as soon as you walk in the door, directly ahead of you is the kitchen. to the right is the living room and to get to her bedroom you had to walk through the living room.
to the left at the front door is a long hallway and at the end of the hallway is the bathroom, and on the right at the end of the hallway is her parents room.
so one night me and her go to her apartment when no one was home, all lights off.
i walk inside and i see her go to the left down the dark hall way, half way down the hallway i saw her motion to me to come into the bathroom with her.
so i follow her into the bathroom, by the end of the hallway it was pitch black and i couldnt see anything in the bathroom. when i got into the bathroom i turned on the light cause i couldnt see, and there was no one there.
i then heard her in her room saying "joe, what are you doing?"
when i told her what happend we both got freaked out and went to my place instead

some things to note, it was very dark and when i saw her it was only a dark figure, definitely female with long black hair and a white night gown type dress.
at the time i didnt realize that was not the clothing she was wearing i kind of just followed her and didnt think about it.
so yeah thats my ghost story. only time ive ever had anything weird happen to me. and no, i was not drunk or on any type of drugs :icon_razz