Spooky Apartment...Moving


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
ever watch ghost hunters?

come on people there is a good mountain of evidence to say SOMETHING is not right in our reality. What's even more confusing is that our present understanding of reality DOES allow for spectal beings and odd things to happen.

I won't go TOO far into it, but the world is not as black and white as you want to think it is (that flat world and the earth as the center of the universe goes both ways there Joe, since before that time many civilizations KNEW the earth wasn't the center and knew it was round...)


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Stay the night in my girlfriends grandfathers house in NC. Her grandmother died a few years ago. But she's still in the house.

I was always very skeptical of ghosts. I used to watch Ghost Hunters with my girlfriend and laugh at that show because i'd always be able to explain the stuff that happened better than them.

We went up there for the Fourth of July this year and i was in the back room where me and my girlfriend were sleeping and I was on the phone with my dad. I walked passed the tv with a perfume bottle on my right side with the phone in my right hand, so I couldn't have bumped into the tv at all. As I walked by the tv the perfume bottle slid off of it and hit me in the arm. I told my dad I'd call him back and tried to get the perfume bottle to fall off of it again. I jumped up and down, I put it on the very edge of the tv and jumped up and down and I couldn't get the damn thing to fall off again.

Next, they have those "Taplights" around the house. None of them have batteries in them. I hit them all trying to turn them on because no one told me that they didn't have batteries in them. They took them out earlier in the day and didn't replace them because we didn't have any. So they threw the old batteries out. The whole family went to the Wal-Mart down the mountain and when we came back ALL of the Taplights were on. The batteries were out of the garbage and back into the taplights.

A little background story for this one. When my girlfriend was young, her grandmother always turned the A/C off because she told her that she'd freeze to death at night, lol. We locked the bedroom door because my grandfathers dog can open the doors because of the way the handles are. So anyway, I turned on the A/C, which is a window unit, on really cold because the girlfriend and I LOVE being cold at night. We wake up in the morning and the A/C is turned off. The switch was turned OFF and the door was still locked. Neither my girlfriend or I turned it off. This happened every night that we were up there. We'd always wake up and the A/C would be off.

My girlfriend said she had a picture of one of those "orbs" above my grandmothers dog on the couch. She lost it tho. We're going back on Aug. 16th so I'm going to go around at night and take a whole bunch of pics with a 8.1 megapixel digital camera to see if I can catch another orb.

So if I catch one then, expect another post by me with a picture.
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WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
greg88 said:
The apartment my GF and I live in has been kinda spooky since day one(been there 7 mos). The building used to be someone's big house but now its split into six apartments. It's our first place together so maybe I'm just paranoid, but the place just has a spooky vibe...even in the middle of the day with sun streaming through the windows. Since we moved in 5 families have come and gone.

Several times we've heard a loud noise near the window at night. It always occurs just as we're fallings asleep (right about to drift off). It's like a loud rap/knock. There are no trees nearby,and we live on the second floor with no roof/balcony.Well, today in the car my GF flicked on the glass and both our hearts skipped a beat. We tried again at my mom's house on a real window and it sounded dead on.

Any of you guys have experiences like this? Am I crazy for being freaked out?

While i strongly believe in that kind of stuff, check all your logical explanations first. I thought that was happening at my window in my parents 130Y/O farm house. Flicking on the windows, sometimes sounded like someone was hammering something off in the distance....happened to my brother too :aigo: . No explanation until one day when we saw what was doing it.....birds :biglaugh: birds have been running into our windows, i assume thinking they see another bird and attacking it. :nono: stupid birds, now they just keep me up all the time


Feb 7, 2006
Skam9685 said:
we will see when the evidence shows that there IS such a thing as ghosts and the like

No we won't.

I'm sorry but even if ghosts are real, i don't think anyone will be able to prove it anymore than they can 'prove' that God exists.

I believe in some crazy shit in this world too! Such as string theory...

Look into quantum physics, such as the string theory, the Dual Slit experiment (that one's a complete mindfuck) and possibilities of other dimensions. Everything is made up of atoms, so how come atoms are composed almost entirely of vacuum? Why is it that matter can NOT be created or destroyed, yet the even smaller particles, that make up the atoms (on a quantum level) can just disappear in and out of existence?

Do you know scientists have actually made 1 particle, be in 2 places at once?

Also, after almost an hour of searching, I remembered the name of this crazy scientist, who created something people call a poltergeist machine, he's made stuff levitate, fly across the room (even completely non-metallic objects) even metal breaking apart, all kinds of crazy shit

His name is John Hutchison, it's called the Hutchison Effect, look it up :)

Yet I still do not believe in ghosts :nono:
I'm willing to bet all of the people that do are religious, or at least believe in some god, or higher power. I think it would be hard to find an atheist who believes


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Jaguar_5 said:
...I think it would be hard to find an atheist who believes

Atheist here. :icon_bigg I wouldn't believe in ghosts if I hadn't experienced it first hand. I tried pretty damn hard to figure out why the hell this stuff was happening. I couldn't explain it.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
dcrusupra said:
Atheist here. :icon_bigg I wouldn't believe in ghosts if I hadn't experienced it first hand. I tried pretty damn hard to figure out why the hell this stuff was happening. I couldn't explain it.

So your assumption is that it must be a ghost due to the fact that you weren't really sure exactly what happened?


Feb 7, 2006
To be honest your's is the most convincing story on here

That being said, i still don't believe it was ghosts! What if someone was playing a trick on you with those tap lights? What if you or your girlfriend sleep-walked and turned the AC off?

Sorry, but to me, calling it a ghost, is just the easy way out when there is no obvious explanation!

Same way I feel about religion...


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
This is turned into a fascinating discussion.

Unfortunately, I'm sitting in the same building as Joe, where we study science with rational, logical thought.

But, "ghost stories" have always been fascinating to me... hearing things that cannot be explained with our laws of physics, ect. I don't believe they are caused by ghosts, but it is interesting to see/hear about the unexplained.

Like the infamous video of the supposed "hitchhiker ghost" on youtube. The "ghost" girl did actually die as the story says (there is evidence that the accident happened, and the girl died), but the characters in the video did not, because no one else died on that stretch of road since, according to police and insurance reports around the time the video claims to have taken place. When two people die in a car crash and someone is there to witness it, it doesn't not go unreported in 1st world countries.

The mysterious girl in the mexican graveyard with the glowing eyes could have easily been a setup... but its nonetheless disturbing to watch.

Scientists have been trying to find proof of ghosts; by trying to detect changes in radiation, varying magnetic fields, changes in static electricity... ect, ect. But there have been no conclusive evidence ever found. We have the technology to find/detect any physical law that has been established, or it would not be a scientific law.

So, all these stories, cannot be explained at this time (with our current technology) or cannot be explained with science. If the latter is the correct assumption; phsycology must be the next step:

The human brain is a wildly complex computer. Our imaginations are far, far beyond our own control... Dreams can be so real that we think it's reality, and the mind is well known for playing tricks on its owner. Take the rotating hollow mask example; a mask that is a face on one side and a hollow (thus inverted) face on the other. When the human brain sees the full side (positive side) it sees a normal face, rotating. When the inverted side comes into view however, it too also appears as a face as well, but the human eye sees details that appear to be a face, but not enough information to confirm it... the brain creates a model of a face (which is a well known and farmilair model) by interpreting the scant details of the inverted mask... but the only way to show this model is to have the mask rotate the opposite direction. So it appears the mask thusly rotates back and forth, not around 360 degrees. This effect can be observed with rotating radar (?) dishes at airports... they appear to be going back and forth, but actually rotate all the way around.

It's our brain not being able to make sense of what we're seeing, and interpreting it wrong. So, what we see and hear isn't the same as what we think we see and hear. Sounds of the wind howling through a opening shaped in such a way to creat a sound, that the brain cannot make sense of, may to us, sound like voices in the distance, because the closest model the brain can find is voices... so it fills in the blanks. We're hardwired to use our knowledge to make better sense of the world around us, the above is examples of exactly that. Our brains take what we know and apply it to what it cannot explain. Sometimes the result is boldfaced lies.

So, can the above explain the experiences people have shared in this thread? Maybe, maybe not. But until I see conclusive evidence of ghosts, I will not believe in them... but the stories about them I will always find fascinating.

And lastly, while I'm thinking about it... saying that we know more about space than we do our own oceans is rediculous. This statement is developed from people who know nothing about what they're talking about; going around flapping thier uninformed trap and turning others into uninformed people with them (see thread "things people do that piss you off").

The ocean has water, and rocks and sand. The ocean exists because it's a low point and water flows to the lowest point while under gravitional influence. Pretty simple. The life at the bottom of the ocean is constantly being discovered, yes, but we know how to study it, catalogue it, and we have a defined space to research.

Space is, as far as we know, infinite. But we cannot go there and look at the things we wish to study. We can't pull a star out of the sky and put it on a table and dissect it. Science has devised clever ways to study what a star is comprised of, it's lifespan, ect. But, in reality, we are seeing things that happened years or centuries ago. We're just beginning to understand how gravity warps the dimensional planes that we call up/down, forward/back, left and right. Large gravitational sources actually bend the dimensional planes of time and space around them. For instance, there is an astronaught that is almost a second younger than he should be, for he has the most orbits of earth out of anyone else in history. This happens because he was travelling fast enough for long enough to actually slow time down ever so slightly that the accumilated effect of his space travels actually made him younger... or everyone else older (brain... hurting...). I don't remember which way this works, but gravity also slows/speeds up time... Someone on the top of a mountain will experience time at a different rate than someone at the bottom of the ocean.

Space is not black and white: there are not just stars and planets and nebulas. There's strange things beyond our comprehension that we're just beginning to grasp. The oceans... yeah, there's water, and the deeper you go, there's more pressure. Stuff lives there. It's not the fringes of cutting edge science. All that's required to study it is to point a deep sea camera at it, click, then study and catalogue the results. Just like biology has been doing for a very long time. Do we learn alot from the oceans? Hell yeah, no doubt about that, I believe it is very important to know. Study of our oceans is more about pushing the boundries of pressure engineering than anything else.

Wow, omg novel. I don't have time to edit out type-o's and my bad habit of comma splicing.
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New Member
Dec 3, 2006
First of all... I believe in ghosts. Is that to say a lost spirit... or a soul... or something like that? No by ghost I mean un-explained "paranormal" things or even natural phenomenon. Do I believe things can move/switch by themselves? Hell yea. Do I think it is the disembodied soul of some dead person? No, not necesarily... could be though.

And about the astronaut that is a second younger... its not that he actually became younger, or made other people older. The closer you get to the speed of light the slower time goes, to orbit the earth you must be traveling at a very high speed, therefore time is going slower for the thing orbiing (or just going faster- it has nothing to do with orbit other than that is the reason the object is going that fast). Because he has spent so much time going so fast a good ammount of time has passed slower for him than anyone else, that evidentaly adds up to be about a second overall slower.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
exactly my point on ghosts.

we don't understand that MAYBE....just MAYBE we are not just flesh and bone but the electical signals can exist afterwards.

I've seen some crazy stuff, but I straddle the fence on this. Monsters, ghosts, demons, ect... The most scary part of all of it is the insain skeptics that come up with some insain reason for it happening and it doesn't hold to testing. In some cases the simplest answer is...well something we don't understand.

Time is relative. It was proven by taking two atomic clocks and setting them to the EXACT time. One was flown around in a jet as fast as possible for a while, the other stayed on the ground. When they where set side by side again there was a noticable difference to the ticking of them...