mkIIIman089 said:
Thanks :icon_bigg
artmo said:
sorry keros space is not infinite. if it were then it would be daylight 24/7
Interesting point. Scientifically, no, space probably isn't infinite... or maybe it is. Philosophically speaking space is nothing. Space itself is the absence of absolutely everything. The partical density in interstellar space is theorized to be only a molecule or two per cubic kilometer. Can we prove it... not really.
But, the catch isn't how infinite or finite space is or isn't, it's how far away the oldest "things" in the universe are, that would be quasars. Of course, next to nothing is known about them (other than that they are moving away from us, implying that the universe is expanding) other than the fact that they're the furthest thing from us formed during the infancy of the universe. What's beyond those? Well, probably nothing... which is probably space. Maybe you're right, and there's a "bubble" if you will, like a wall somewhere on the fringes of imagination, that if you flew far enough through the black void, fast enough, you'd eventually bump into it, the first and oldest thing ever created into existence. What could that "wall" possibly be? What would be on the other side? If it existed, could we go through it, and would we be able to get back? I think the idea of infinite space scares alot of people off just for the idea of imagining that we live in something that has no end. To truly grasp that idea boggles the mind.
How does this relate to weird and freaky ghosts? Well, it really doesn't, lol. I've heard some very unexplainable ghost stories, and none I can disprove as they are told. But, there's no proof that they happened either and no proof that they didn't. So, I will point the finger at the unknown, things that are "grey area" in our long and growing list of knowledge. Maybe it's our lack of understanding of the human mind, perhaps it really is ethereal beings from beyond our plane of existence, coming back for one last touch of warm flesh... or maybe it's something else we don't yet understand.
I have a new ghost story to share, second hand from an ex-girlfriend of mine. She was telling me of her friend's house, a century old house around the Vancouver area... that is "extremely haunted"... strange occurances like talking from rooms that are empty, lights turning themselves on and off when you're the only one home, "cold pockets", the standard stuff... but it gets better: She was telling me that her friend (the daughter of the homeowner) was sitting in the kitchen with another person (only two people in the house), and she suddenly got very very cold, like lips turning blue cold... and then her arm was sliced open by nothing (so deep it required stitching). Apparently, she has scars from it.
Yes, could be lies and slander... but, these people are terrified to be in the basement of this house at night, and NO ONE will even think about sleeping downstairs for fear of never waking up. I was like "fuck yeah, I'll sit down there all night" and her response was "I wouldn't let you, you'd die!". That said, something strange is going on in that house or some strange people live there. And from what she says, there is no one that argues there IS something weird and unexplainable going on in that house... does that mean they're all crazy? Or they're all seeing the same illusions? Or that they are all collaborating in the same elaborate haux? Or, although the least possible, that there is something that we cannot explain.
From the things she told me, there is no logical explanation whatsoever for most of the strangest things that happen in that house (draws sliding open and then closed, randomly, for no reason, and no one else is there?). So, do I call it imagination? Maybe, but my curiosity for the unknown and the thirst for answers will always outweigh my own sense of self preservation. I would certainly wish to live to see if there is something there, or die to know it was.
Yes, stories are stories... but the truth is often far stranger than fiction. The best ghost stories are the ones that people tell that are "true", because they are always so very strange and unexplainable that you walk away dumbfounded and confused. A "ghost story" written by an author will never compare to the real thing.
So, anyone want to go camp out in a haunted basement with me? :biglaugh: