Spooky Apartment...Moving


1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
OneJoeZee said:
You're 100% right. People wanting to believe they exist go looking for them and usually find odd occurences to use as reasoning for their belief.

If ghosts were real, it would make no difference if you believed in them or not. They would still be there.

could be the case, might not be...theres so much shi* in this world that who knows whats real and whats not, whats fact whats fiction. I mean cmon we know more about space then we do our own oceans... so that will tell ya something :)


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Skam9685 said:
could be the case, might not be...theres so much shi* in this world that who knows whats real and whats not, whats fact whats fiction. I mean cmon we know more about space then we do our own oceans... so that will tell ya something :)

We know what's real and what's not because of Science. There aren't any grey areas. Things either have evidence and proof, or they don't. Ghosts have none.

Think about it. People often want to believe certain things so strongly that they will use anything as 'evidence' of whatever it is they believe in.

If I hear a scratching in my floorboards and some cheese I left out on the table turns up missing every now and then does that mean I have a hungry ghost? No, it means I put rat traps out at night and expect them to have caught something by morning.

I do not think we know more about outer space than we do our own ocean. The space outside of Earth is exponentially(many times over) larger and unexplored than the ocean.

I am more likely to believe there are little green martian men monitoring us since the beginning of life on Earth than the possibility some dead guy is still living in my house and enjoys messing with me for his own entertainment.


1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
actually we DO know more about space bcuz we are not able to get to the depths we need to cuz of the pressure at those depths....slowly but surely we are getting deeper but we have to make equipment that can travel that far without wiggin out or getting destroyed

and maybe the ghosts just dont wanna be proven to exist ;).....regardless of the facts and fictions you still CANT rule out the possibility that ghosts exist


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
A long time ago, people used to believe a heavier object would fall quicker than a lighter object. When someone showed evidence suggesting otherwise, you know what they did? They kept his ass on an effective house arrest up until he apologized. :)

Also, everyone used to "know" the Earth was the center of the universe and was flat.

What was the evidence of their belief? Absolutely nothing other than because the church said so. There was no evidence at the time to show otherwise or those that had evidence were silenced. But that does not mean they had any justification to believe it was so simply because no one could disprove it.

Do I "know" ghosts aren't real? No, I don't know that. I sure as hell believe they aren't real though. At least, the way they are described by many. Beings that are able to walk through solid walls but at the same time be able to knock on your door at night or tap you on the shoulder? Nah... The physical laws of our known world don't worth that way. Can't have your cake and eat it to. Ghosts can either interact with the physical world or they can't.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Skam9685 said:
actually we DO know more about space bcuz we are not able to get to the depths we need to cuz of the pressure at those depths....slowly but surely we are getting deeper but we have to make equipment that can travel that far without wiggin out or getting destroyed

We do not know more about space than our ocean... How far have we been out into space? The moon? Probes to the outskirts of our solar system? Looked through a big magnifying glass out galaxies and such? That's about it.

We know our planet has ocean > crust > outer mantle > inner mantle > outer core > inner core. Most of what we don't know about the deep ocean are the creatures that live there. New species are discovered constantly.

Skam9685 said:
and maybe the ghosts just dont wanna be proven to exist ;).....regardless of the facts and fictions you still CANT rule out the possibility that ghosts exist

If science wanted to find evidence that a ghost existed in a house, he wouldn't have a choice. If you say your house is haunted, then we should be able to go there and find evidence of a ghost's presence. If nothing is found what do you say? That he was scared off? hmm.:icon_conf

I don't know if ghosts exists anymore than the next guy. Knowledge is unchanging. I don't even know if my car is in the same place that I last left it. As it sits now, ghosts are not something that can be called knowledge. There is no evidence to show ghosts exists but on the same note, there is no evidence to show they don't... Just because something can't be disproven doesn't make it true.

You are more than welcome to believe in them though. I would question what else you believe in though. :)


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
MDCmotorsports said:
When you come home from JR high and the dishes are stacked in a pyramid and all the cabinet doors are open. You shut the cabinets, come back and they are open again...
Thad be wierd....
When you personally watch shelves EXPLODE off the wall.....

When you see "kids" at night playing with your toys and you're the only kid in the house....



1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
i myself havent experienced an actual ghost....except for what my imagination thought was a ghost when i was growing up...but my friends have stories of things that have happened to them growing up and it just makes u think....i think believing in ghosts and things of that nature are just like religion as far as gods and who u believe in go. its what u WANT to believe


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Religion is faith. Not to be confused with belief. But I don't wanna go there because people get very defensive and hostile about their religion.

The main problem I have with ghosts is, the stories people tell about them never give the same attributes to what ghosts are or aren't or what they can and can't do. Some can touch you, some can't. Some are bound to a certain perimeter or area, some aren't. Some ghosts are ghosts because they have unfinished business and can't 'move on', etc etc. The stories people tell of ghosts describe completely different beings. The only thing that usually is the same consistently is that they are dead people.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
mkIIIman089 said:
Amazing, Joe is proving to be the only one with a level head!

uhh...no, joe is just the science minded guy, just like me. I think its just your mind playing tricks on you. The mind is a very powerful thing. Think about it, how can someone create their own reality. Create other people who aren't there, hear things that aren't there, etc.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
D34DC311 said:
uhh...no, joe is just the science minded guy, just like me. I think its just your mind playing tricks on you. The mind is a very powerful thing. Think about it, how can someone create their own reality. Create other people who aren't there, hear things that aren't there, etc.

The human brain is definately an amazing thing. The brain interprets sensory information about our world. It takes pieces of sensory information and puts them together. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That's what it does(among other things of course). For all I know, I am not even really sitting here typing on a computer at all. I could be strapped to an operating table right now and some team of doctors could be probing my brain causing me to experience the sensory inputs of me sitting in a chair in a chilly office building. :)

Did you guys know people that have lost limbs can be tricked into feeling sensations as if their lost limb was still there. :)



^This is really interesting. You guys might wanna try that one with friends or family. :)


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
OneJoeZee said:
The human brain is definately an amazing thing. The brain interprets sensory information about our world. It takes pieces of sensory information and puts them together. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That's what it does(among other things of course). For all I know, I am not even really sitting here typing on a computer at all. I could be strapped to an operating table right now and some team of doctors could be probing my brain causing me to experience the sensory inputs of me sitting in a chair in a chilly office building. :)

Did you guys know people that have lost limbs can be tricked into feeling sensations as if their lost limb was still there. :)



^This is really interesting. You guys might wanna try that one with friends or family. :)

LOL, I remember that, we did the phantom limb thing in an anatomy class.


Feb 7, 2006
I'm with Joe on this 100%

I can think of an explanation for basically everything that MDC remembers, what do you mean by shelves exploding off the walls though? You sure it wasn't just weak, and loaded too heavily? And are you sure you remember that noone else was home? Or came home and was gone again by the time you were back?

You said you were in Jr High, so these memories obviously aren't fresh in your mind, plus I'm sure you had a very active imagination at the time, even adults will see what they believe they are seeing, or what they're looking for, regardless if it is actually what they are interpreting it as...

Believe what you will, but just like we can't "prove you wrong" (it's like trying to prove religion wrong), the more science-minded people will know without a reasonable doubt that ghosts do not exist, there's always a good explanation for everything.

Hope I haven't pissed anyone off, I'm sure you're all very nice guys :D


1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
well we'll just see when the time comes whos right and who isnt :) and about religion it doesnt bother me cuz i get stereotypes all the time for my religion basically because its people who are brain washed and cant think for themselves lol


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
I would just like to give my opinion on things. I have no idea if ghosts exist or not. I can't prove anything. I have had many, many friends over that have never seen anything unusual happen, but I have had a few that have. I have never said anything about the freaky stuff that happens from time to time before they experience it for themselves. Some of the things that happen could be explained very easily, but highly unlikely that the explanation is fact. The cupboard that is now open, that was closed before I left the kitchen, could've been open before I walked out, but it wasn't. Or the plate that just slid across the counter top, slid across the counter top. I just know what I've seen with my own two eyes. But I've never actually seen a "ghost".