
New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
I'm glad people get the Spinal Tap reference - no they won't be performing at SILV07.

Some hotels allow check-in if you are 18+ - just have to check closely in their rules.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
I should be at this one !!!, I went back in '04 and it was great fun. I'll be driving down from Vancouver Canada (about 24 hour drive) again so you Cali people have nothing to complain about. We should definatly start a Canadian, NW states convoy. In '04 we met up with washington, Oregon and Idaho people and had about 15 cars for the trip down, almost funner than Vegas itself, besides all 15 cars getting pulled over for Very exessive speeding!!


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC

:aigo: Its a 2550 mile 33 hour drive. I might go. But it most likely won't be in my Supra. I don't trust it to drive that far yet. So I'll be in my daily driver if anything. I'll try to get the girlfriend to come as it'll be a looong lonely drive, lol.


More than Regular Member
May 1, 2005
Black Diamond Wa
dcrusupra said:

:aigo: Its a 2550 mile 33 hour drive. I might go. But it most likely won't be in my Supra. I don't trust it to drive that far yet. So I'll be in my daily driver if anything. I'll try to get the girlfriend to come as it'll be a looong lonely drive, lol.

Dude i would just fly... if you're not taking your supra. Plus the cost of gas would end up being plane tickets. Plus theres the other stuff you tack on, risk of something breaking, oil change, etc...


Nov 9, 2005
CampbellsChunkySoupra said:
55 hours of interstate driving with the threat of snow, BHG's, tire blow outs, idiots on the interstate, cops, hotel room... and gas prices. we'll see. sometimes money does play an important part.

ill do the math for you quick JUST for gas.

one way trip: 1421 miles @ 21 mpg

1421miles / 21mpg = 68 gallons of fuel
68g x $2.60/gal of gas = $176.xx
$176 x 2 = $352 [round trip]
misc gas usage in las vegas is another $30
$352+$30 = $382

gas total give or take based on gas prices = $400
other misc potential costs/expenditures:

Hotel room in las vegas? = $not cheap
Random low profile z-rated tire blowing out? = $115
getting a ticket for no front plate in iowa = $85
getting a ticket for window tint on the front windows in iowa = $93
BHG? = $price of a hg and bringing along the tools
still havent included costs of beverages and food and souvenirs = $75

making it to SILV07 from des moines and back = priceless!

anyways to top it all off. here is a link to with a roundtrip flight from des moines -> las vegas is just around $235 - $250 when all is said and done

once again though. id have to find a way to a hotel and to the events. was just bored and doing the math for everyone.

-Tyler :aigo:

There are three routes I can take, i-80, i-70, and a southern route. I will take the southern route because all three routes are 2100 miles and about 31 hrs drive time one way. So rather than go through denver, I will go accross texas and through arizona.

Here is my gas calculation

4200 miles @ 10 mpg in the rv = 420 gallons of fuel = nearly 1200.00 in gas
Then add entry fees, food for a week and a half and other misc stuff and it really adds up.


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
dcrusupra said:
:aigo: Its a 2550 mile 33 hour drive. I might go. But it most likely won't be in my Supra. I don't trust it to drive that far yet. So I'll be in my daily driver if anything. I'll try to get the girlfriend to come as it'll be a looong lonely drive, lol.

You can meet up with me in the Clearwater/Tampa part of the trip.. thats where I will start.!!

Who is in for a CONVOY!!!!:biglaugh:

Uh, Breaker One-Nine, this here's the Rubber Duck
You got a copy on me Pig-Pen? C'mon

Uh, yeah 10-4 Pig Pen, fer sure, fer sure
By golly it's clean clear to Flag-Town, C'mon

Uh, yeah, that's a big 10-4 Pig-Pen,
Yeah, we definitely got us the front door good buddy,
Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a convoy



Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Selz202 said:
Dude i would just fly... if you're not taking your supra. Plus the cost of gas would end up being plane tickets. Plus theres the other stuff you tack on, risk of something breaking, oil change, etc...

I like flying and all, but I would rather drive. It would be my first trip out of state and I might as well make it a good one. My daily driver is a Hyundai Tiburon with 50,000 miles on it. I think I'd make it without any serious problems. I hope. I'd like to travel thru different states anyway. Plus, it would save me from having to take a taxi everywhere when I get there.

JMD, if I go, I'll definitely be in the convoy, lol. I just might not be able to keep up with the pack because of my 102whp 4 banger. :biglaugh:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
suprarich said:
There are three routes I can take, i-80, i-70, and a southern route. I will take the southern route because all three routes are 2100 miles and about 31 hrs drive time one way. So rather than go through denver, I will go accross texas and through arizona.

Here is my gas calculation

4200 miles @ 10 mpg in the rv = 420 gallons of fuel = nearly 1200.00 in gas
Then add entry fees, food for a week and a half and other misc stuff and it really adds up.

Yep, take 70 to St Louis, pick up I-44 there. Take that all the way to OKC. Then go west on 40. Hoover damn road traffic was backed up, so we took the truck route at the next exit. No snow. :)
Last edited:

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
I'm such a dork.... :biglaugh:

I don't even own one yet, but you could probably count me in. I LOVE road trips. :)

Plus I'd be TURNING 21 and probably be in Vegas anyways(Its not too far for me, 10 hours - 750mi). Good fried of mine has a time share on the strip! Talk about meant to be.... :)

I'll probably go even if I haven't picked up a Sup yet. I know the Honda would make it there and back abou ten times before needing a rest stop ;)


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
I love those 2Way Radios but beware. Not all are created equal.

For SILV97 - the first one - I tried using CBs with the guy I was rolling with. I didn't want to mount the thing on the car and the reception SUCKED!

For SILV98 I picked up a Motorolla 2Way radio - only 2 miles back then. WOW! So much better than the CB. I was able to stay in contact with the other guy in my caravan easily during the entire drive - even when cellphone coverage dropped out.

For SILV99 we had others join us for the caravan. Some had Motorollas and some didn't. Those off-brands worked ok but we had to figure out what channel on the Mots worked with their channels. They weren't as user friendly as the Mots and didn't have quite the range either.

I've since upgraded to the 5-Mile 2way radios. Those don't seem to have quite the range of the original 2-mile ones.


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
KeithH said:
I love those 2Way Radios but beware. Not all are created equal.

For SILV97 - the first one - I tried using CBs with the guy I was rolling with. I didn't want to mount the thing on the car and the reception SUCKED!

For SILV98 I picked up a Motorolla 2Way radio - only 2 miles back then. WOW! So much better than the CB. I was able to stay in contact with the other guy in my caravan easily during the entire drive - even when cellphone coverage dropped out.

For SILV99 we had others join us for the caravan. Some had Motorollas and some didn't. Those off-brands worked ok but we had to figure out what channel on the Mots worked with their channels. They weren't as user friendly as the Mots and didn't have quite the range either.

I've since upgraded to the 5-Mile 2way radios. Those don't seem to have quite the range of the original 2-mile ones.

This has got to be the one thing that will keep me from dieing on the way down.Anyone know if there is a caravan leaving from the washington/oregon area that I can join up with on the way down? let me know. thanks


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
There is usually a good group of people coming down from the NW. Caravan info will be posted in various places as we get closer to the event.