Rolling paint job


Mar 30, 2005
Eugene, OR
rakkasan said:
The amount of money I have has nothing to do with this. I have a standard I want to reach, and it takes money to reach it. I'm willing to spend it, but that's my prerogative.

Sorry if I pissed you off, but I haven't changed my opinion, it looks ghetto....

That's perfectly fine, no one is telling you that you have to do this. This method of car painting is clearly for the people who want the absolute most value for their money, not for those who demand exceptional quality and will not compromise.

Really it's for those of us that see the multitudes of expensive things we COULD do to the car, and then we remember what the blue book value is and how much money the insurance company is going to pay out when that drunk guy decides he needs to drive home. :biglaugh:


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
cwapface said:
Really it's for those of us that see the multitudes of expensive things we COULD do to the car, and then we remember what the blue book value is and how much money the insurance company is going to pay out when that drunk guy decides he needs to drive home. :biglaugh:

Wow. Now you have me thinking about spending more on my car then its worth if I get hit. Am about to drop close to 7k on a rebuild engine, paint and interior! After im done I wont want to take it out of the garrage! hehe. Is there insurrance I can get that will pay to replace all the upgrades?

On Topic - The pics of the $50.00 paint job look great, I would have to see it in person tho. My paint looks good in a pic but up close it needs to be re-done.


Apr 3, 2005
My thoughts on this...

Alright, so many of you are very skeptical and others who have $$$ to spend usually say this gives MKIII owners a bad name. I've followed numerous rolling paint job threads for months and have collected a great knowledge of the technique etc.

This method is intended for:

-people who have A LOT A LOT of patience
-little money to invest in
-skills to wetsand, bodywork etc

The outcome of the paint job is all pendent on how much EFFORT the person puts into it. You can be very very anal and wetsand forever in hopes to get rid of as much orange peel as possible or just slap on the paint and call it a day.

The so called "internet" originator of this type of painting method can be found on the Moparts forums with a screen name Charger69.

The best rollering paint job I have seen throughout the internet with good results is a guy from Australia who painted his miata black (darker colours are much harder to do since any body imperfections are more apparent).
This is part of the final result after a lot of wetsanding, special buffing compounds, a good buffer and a lot of patience/time!

Using Tremclad/Rustolean paint usually yields a duller look than a Base Coat/Clear Coat job or a single stage one. However, the use of BOAT PAINT (such as Interlux Brightside), seems to be the better choice as it gives a shine almost comparable to a BC/CC and is supposedly more durable. After reading reading up on some marine boat forums, I found that the paint only holds up for so long as well (usually 2-5 years), but then again the paint is exposed to harsh elements throughout the year on a boat.

If one were to roll paint, I think the optimal way to do it is use BOAT PAINT with some additive (mineral spirits) to thin it out. Also use some GOOD swirl/polishing compounds with a variable speed buffer. Just read the 80+ page thread on that moparts site and all your questions will be answered!

Someone asked if you could just roll on regular automotive paint; you can't because it doesn't have self leveling properties. When you roll boat paint, you get a bunch of orange peel in the beginning, but after it will "self level" out to a more smoother surface.

I haven't done this or will not do this because it doesn't last as long, the paint takes a long time to cure rock hard (I mean COMPLETELY cure), it doesn't provide a nice shine like a BC/CC and I don't have the patience to do it. Some say spraying is much easier and yields results that are 10 times better and that seems like the path I'm taking.

In reality, a person doing this will be looking to spend at least 200.00 easily with BOAT PAINT, sand paper, polishing compounds, high grade polishing machine. This is till a bargain, but how much is your time worth? If you got the time/skills/patience, go for it.
Last edited:


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
^^Is that a paint chip by the corner of the headlight cover?

Yup, this works/adheres great.

On a side note, I may try this out on my replacement bumper. Not as a permanent job, but so that I can get rid of the patchwork monstrosity currently on my car. I'm not worried about spending a little cash on a good paint job, but as a temporary fix this might do.


Apr 3, 2005
CRE said:
^^Is that a paint chip by the corner of the headlight cover?

Yup, this works/adheres great.

On a side note, I may try this out on my replacement bumper. Not as a permanent job, but so that I can get rid of the patchwork monstrosity currently on my car. I'm not worried about spending a little cash on a good paint job, but as a temporary fix this might do.

The red paint you mean? That's from him over wetsanding... The car was orignally red.. the edges are very tricky to wetsand.


I ♥ Boost
May 3, 2006
Kelowna, BC
can't complain about this guys...


For $50 I would do it to get thos results... if it turns out like shit so what, get the car professionaly painted.. you are only out $50... if it turns out great, it cost you $50 for a great paint job and you'll feel great about it because you know you did it yourself and it looks good.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
johnathan1 said:
Cryo: Thanks for posting those pics! What was the paint called, is there a code for it? Where did he get it? I want to paint my bumper this way.

its rustoleum paint, or tremclad i believe in canada. You can probably get it at any hardware store andi believe the code for the white is 7792. ill dbl check for you tho.


Sep 17, 2005
I dont get how you do it, u roll the paint on or wat lol sorry if i sound stupid but 50 dollar paintjob is just unreal, and does it last, i mean will it come off if u wash the car or something?


Apr 2, 2005
i want to try this, for $50 its worth shot. i was quoted 1500 just to paint the car(the same color)

what is a roll-on? is it the same roll that you use to paint your house with?


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
johnathan1 said:
It looks like you roll-on, wetsand, like 5-6 times, and then you polish/buff it to a mirror shine.
you apply fresh coats after every wetsand. 1st coats wont lay out evenly really, then the next coupel ones will like evn it out. You have to wetsand thoroughly as in get every spot evenly, because if you dont, there will be variation in colour.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
I say someone do this for sure. What's the big deal? It's not getting sprayed for multiple thousand dollars, yet it could look comparable.... and for $50
someone pinch me? hard work and good prep is certainly the key here.


Apr 3, 2005
The picture of the car painted black on top was NOT done with tremclad/rustolean that you could pick up at your hardware store. It was done with boat paint and wetsanded/polished many times using quality polishes and a good buffer...
Like I've mentioned before...

REALISTICALLY you are looking over $50 bucks! you gotta buy rollers/sand paper/ good buffing/swirl remover compound/the paint itself (Boat paint is almost double the price)/tack cloths.