Reflexx:You’re entitled to your opinion friend, as we are entitled to ours. You'll find every community has their own idea of what rice is. Most of us don't have a problem with a car that looks good, we have a problem with the cars that look fast but are not. Because the owner usually believes that the car is fast when it's not, and he tries continually against hope to prove a lie to every person he pulls up next to.
This gets annoying very fast. Racing and beating these types of people never accomplishes anything, excuses are rendered and they go about believing that they are fast. You can't reason with these people, explaining what will make them fast and what will not doesn’t help, they are all too sure what they saw in The Fast and Furious is the gospel truth. So what are we to do? Ignore them? They are so great in numbers that this becomes difficult.
So how do we relieve our frustration with them? We point and laugh, maybe not the best solution, but it helps. I'd love to argue with you about this and that but honestly there is a little bit of truth in what you say.
Like it or not every one of us has a little rice in us one way or another. We are just very careful not to let it take over our car. We have a pretty good idea where the line is and we try not to cross it. The same can’t be said for some people, the rice is so blatantly obvious that one can’t help but stare and wonder what that person was thinking.