Ricer Thread


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Aside from the antenna:)biglaugh: ) It looks pretty clean, not built in an autozone parking lot.
The paintjob is what screams attention, not senseless rice modifications.


Nov 1, 2005
Raleigh, NC

the mexicans around here have the WORST cars ever! I swear they never cease to amaze me the crap they try.


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Blksupra1jzed said:
the mexicans around here have the WORST cars ever! I swear they never cease to amaze me the crap they try.

watch out with the mexican comments. People take offense to them really easily for some reason. Ask me how i kno.... And id put a winking smiley there but im on my phone at work. So....cue winking smiley....


New Member
May 9, 2006
Why must you bash anyone that takes the time and the money to make their car unique? Although it may not appeal to you, it is what they want and not what you think is best. I know several Supra owners and for the most part they are all tools and cannot think outside the box to save their lives. Most need to ask their friends what wheels look best on their car instead of thinking for themselves. It’s this mentality that is more bothersome than that of what you call a ricer. What you call a ricer: “I think I might try something different and not look like everyone else”. The average Supra owner: “do I wipe my ass front to back or back to front?” We are all different and our cars allow us to show just that. I guess they don’t want to look just like everyone else. And I’m not going to name names but if you are going to bash on someone, learn to spell. It’s CAMARO. Noting makes you sound more like some 3rd grade educated redneck from the hills than bashing on someone else when you yourself are no better. Its like taking a knife to a gun fight.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Ricer- "Will wiping my ass this way make me look cool and get me attention? YES!!1!!eleven"

Supra owner- "Will wiping my ass this way be faster and more efficient..."

There are plenty of those who "think outside the box" and go go their own ways when modding. The difference is what direction you're going with the thoughts.


New Member
Apr 24, 2006
Supra owners, Honda owners, BMW owners, Ford owners......Just like German tourists the stupid are everywhere. You are right about that.

Here is my operative definition of a "ricer" or "rice": Any modification done to a car that is poor in quality, and has little to no actual function. Any modification done to a car that attempts to make the car something it is not, nor will ever be. A ricer then is someone who commits these crimes against automobiles. Rather a loose definition, so obviously allowances need to be made.
Making a car unique to its owner is totally valid. I recognize that not everything falls under one category or another in this world. You have to allow for people who just want to make their car look nice. Or even just want to have a wild and unique car.
For instance, that silver Miata on the first page. Not rice. Wild show car? Yes. Would I drive it? Never.
That Camaro is the perfect example of rice. Vents all over that serve little to no function. Stickers everywhere. Horrible. Its an eye sore.

Doing things to make your car yours is 100% valid and part of what being a car guy is all about. Going to Pep Boys and buying Powered By ______ stickers and a crappy stamped tin muffler tip and a pair of Looney Toons seat covers will never EVER be ok.

Knife to a gun fight? Get your metaphors straight mang. Lets try something like; A lawyer trying to sue another lawyer for being a blood-sucking lawyer. I think that fits what you are trying to say a little more accurately.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Reflexx said:
Why must you bash anyone that takes the time and the money to make their car unique? Although it may not appeal to you, it is what they want and not what you think is best. I know several Supra owners and for the most part they are all tools and cannot think outside the box to save their lives. Most need to ask their friends what wheels look best on their car instead of thinking for themselves. It’s this mentality that is more bothersome than that of what you call a ricer. What you call a ricer: “I think I might try something different and not look like everyone else”. The average Supra owner: “do I wipe my ass front to back or back to front?” We are all different and our cars allow us to show just that. I guess they don’t want to look just like everyone else. And I’m not going to name names but if you are going to bash on someone, learn to spell. It’s CAMARO. Noting makes you sound more like some 3rd grade educated redneck from the hills than bashing on someone else when you yourself are no better. Its like taking a knife to a gun fight.

someone's a ricer!!!! :gaybar:


Dec 20, 2005
Well a thing for ricers well stickers cost much money too when I asked that camaro owner how much did the stickers cost him he said around 350 - 400$ well I'd add a couple hundreds and swap a V8 in that camaro and i'd get a bad-ass car people would laugh when they see the stickers but when they see a nice burnout or see it win in a race that would impress them..I wish I had 350-400$ so I can spend it on my supe :-(


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
wikipedia said:
The term Ricer (or ricing).

"Ricing" (a term usually not used by the modifier himself) a vehicle is meant to emulate the aesthetic work of independent automotive tuning companies who modify more than just appearance, and to give an appearance of greater ability than the car actually has. Ricing is generally looked down upon amongst people who actually modify the running parts of the vehicle itself, e.g. engine tuning.

A ricer is usually someone that places a higher value on aesthetics than on performance.

The one that really gets me is when you see the same civic/accord whatever, running around for months on end with an unpainted or primered body kit and their car has 4 different colored body panels, yet some how they managed to buy those bling bling $5,000 rims.

Can you say priorities!


not sure if this has been posted here, but I feel it is pretty accurate


R ace
I nspired
C osmetic
E nhancement

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I snapped this pic of this jerk doing 40mph in a 60mph zone today..
VW performance in the house... OHH SNAP!!!!


New Member
May 9, 2006
I don’t drive a Supra. I don’t drive a domestic. No my car is not in the pictures at all. If you would like to see what I drive I will be more than happy to show you but it is a Ford, it was made in Germany and is powered by Cosworth. There are many “bad” modifications that are done to every car out there including Mk3 and 4 Supras. Why the clear turn signal covers or the carbon fiber arm rest? Different level? Sure, but the same issue yes. We can all come up with examples of your definition of “rice”. My point is don’t bash and let people be unique. This same mentality is what makes you think I drive what you call “rice”. Sounds like profiling to me.


Jun 1, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Reflexx said:
I don’t drive a Supra. I don’t drive a domestic. No my car is not in the pictures at all. If you would like to see what I drive I will be more than happy to show you but it is a Ford, it was made in Germany and is powered by Cosworth. There are many “bad” modifications that are done to every car out there including Mk3 and 4 Supras. Why the clear turn signal covers or the carbon fiber arm rest? Different level? Sure, but the same issue yes. We can all come up with examples of your definition of “rice”. My point is don’t bash and let people be unique. This same mentality is what makes you think I drive what you call “rice”. Sounds like profiling to me.

Dude, no matter how hard you try to stop it people who do stupid mods to a car will always get bashed. . .when someone puts a wing on a stock RS eclipse that sticks up higher than the roof of the car does, it would definitely make most car people wonder that the owners head was at when he did that. Or when someone takes (in most cases) a civic and puts an autozone fart can exhaust on it and runs around trying to race z28s. . .that is why the term ricer was invented and thats what gives imports a bad name. If you have a nicely modded civic then great. But if you are doing stupid mods and spending $400 on Fast and Furious stickers, thats just plain stupid and IMO you should get bashed. Just my two cents. .


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Reflexx said:
I don’t drive a Supra. I don’t drive a domestic. No my car is not in the pictures at all.

Just a question, but how did you find this place, let alone come across this thread?
Reflexx said:
If you would like to see what I drive I will be more than happy to show you but it is a Ford, it was made in Germany and is powered by Cosworth.

Sounds cool, I'd like to see some pics if you have them. I'm a huge Cosworth fan.
Reflexx said:
Why the clear turn signal covers or the carbon fiber arm rest? Different level? Sure, but the same issue yes.

Those mods aren't fo me, but if someone has a carbon fiber armrest, clear turn signal and is putting down over 375rwhp, that's all right in my book.
Reflexx said:
Sounds like profiling to me.
LOL, the world I live in isn't politically correct. If I think it looks like rice, fuck it, I'll let you know without worry of being labeled a 'profiler'.


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Reflexx:You’re entitled to your opinion friend, as we are entitled to ours. You'll find every community has their own idea of what rice is. Most of us don't have a problem with a car that looks good, we have a problem with the cars that look fast but are not. Because the owner usually believes that the car is fast when it's not, and he tries continually against hope to prove a lie to every person he pulls up next to.

This gets annoying very fast. Racing and beating these types of people never accomplishes anything, excuses are rendered and they go about believing that they are fast. You can't reason with these people, explaining what will make them fast and what will not doesn’t help, they are all too sure what they saw in The Fast and Furious is the gospel truth. So what are we to do? Ignore them? They are so great in numbers that this becomes difficult.

So how do we relieve our frustration with them? We point and laugh, maybe not the best solution, but it helps. I'd love to argue with you about this and that but honestly there is a little bit of truth in what you say.

Like it or not every one of us has a little rice in us one way or another. We are just very careful not to let it take over our car. We have a pretty good idea where the line is and we try not to cross it. The same can’t be said for some people, the rice is so blatantly obvious that one can’t help but stare and wonder what that person was thinking.