Ricer Thread


New Member
May 9, 2006


In my opinion they are the same thing. One is no worse nor better than the other. I monitor this forum as well as many others to get new ideas. I build roll cages for many types of cars and use this as a tool to gain information. My opinion is just that. I don’t like to see odd shaped parts on cars as it does affect the overall look and takes away (in many cases) from the natural flow of the body lines. For the most part I hate any aftermarket body parts that people install. That wing on that Civic looks like $hit as much as the one on the Supra. You call me a ricer yet you know noting about me. It’s that narrow minded thinking that I refer. Yes I created an account to chime in. After all, this is a forum and that is what you do. This is a medium in which people can share ideas and thoughts. Yes I will periodically check into this to see what others think. You calling me a ricer will not upset me as I have been called much worse and this is your opinion and you are entitled to it. However I too am entitled to one as well. Do I call you names? No but if this is what allows you to get your point across then I guess we will allow it. Again you don’t know me yet you make assumptions about me and have never asked.


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
Loki said:
There is no difference, Rice is Rice. I think that wing on the Supra looks ugly, who cares if it's got 10 billion HP. Yes the wing would actually help the Supra out, and not help the Civic out, but I still think it's rice.

I'm with you.


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Reflexx said:
In my opinion they are the same thing. One is no worse nor better than the other. I monitor this forum as well as many others to get new ideas. I build roll cages for many types of cars and use this as a tool to gain information. My opinion is just that. I don’t like to see odd shaped parts on cars as it does affect the overall look and takes away (in many cases) from the natural flow of the body lines. For the most part I hate any aftermarket body parts that people install. That wing on that Civic looks like $hit as much as the one on the Supra. You call me a ricer yet you know noting about me. It’s that narrow minded thinking that I refer. Yes I created an account to chime in. After all, this is a forum and that is what you do. This is a medium in which people can share ideas and thoughts. Yes I will periodically check into this to see what others think. You calling me a ricer will not upset me as I have been called much worse and this is your opinion and you are entitled to it. However I too am entitled to one as well. Do I call you names? No but if this is what allows you to get your point across then I guess we will allow it. Again you don’t know me yet you make assumptions about me and have never asked.

You're right, one is no worse than the other. But that civic is definitely trying to take off. What other purpose would it have other than that? Downforce? Certainly not. That would actually take weight off the front wheels which is where were trying to get it. Were trying to keep the front of the car down. They are both plain ugly. But on the Supra, it serves a purpose. It gives it downforce on the rear wheels. Which is where we need it. All the pictures I gave, all had modifications which served no purpose whatsoever or just, IMO, downright ugly bodykits. Big wings on civics or other FWD cars serve no purpose. To each their own.

BUT....you since you are defending these cars, post a pic of yours up. Lets see why you are so set on proving this entire thread politically incorrect.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm

sorry I had to chime in,
when you say expression and being artistic,
well, that was in the past, the first 1000 people who did this to their cars, were artisitic, and had taste.
Now its just a fashion trend and people who own crapaleirs go put massive spoilers and loud bodykits on their cars.
the is a difference, 99% of the supra owners here, build their cars up for everything but show. We want to have power and control over the car; not beable to top out at 90mph with a fart can, (yea i already used this) have our cars handle like a warm pile of dog shit, all while looking like our cars came from the latest mag called "Guess how much fiberglass".
The point is, Supra owners dont follow trends, most of us know what is moving our car around, and the last thing we want to do is make it look like a transformer.


mkiiSupraMan18 said:
That mk4 wing is ghey....

The only good wing was the 89+ imo

*even over the mkII's, except the double style wing on 'em*
83 sunshade FTW!


New Member
Jun 25, 2005
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
A wing on a front wheel drive car does make sense and is used professionally in racing kensairacing
personally if you like the look just do it. If you like the latest fad go for it. If you like freek mobiles more power to yah. It happens not to be my style but that shouldn't be important to you. I would hate it if we all listened to those who tell us what we should or shouldn't do to our cars the result would be terribly bland.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ thats the thing tho, people are listening to those who tell us what to do to our cars, those people are called ricers, they are following a trend. it will die out sooner or later and something else will come into play.


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
ToyoHabu said:
A wing on a front wheel drive car does make sense and is used professionally in racing kensairacing
personally if you like the look just do it. If you like the latest fad go for it. If you like freek mobiles more power to yah. It happens not to be my style but that shouldn't be important to you. I would hate it if we all listened to those who tell us what we should or shouldn't do to our cars the result would be terribly bland.

Just because those wings are on that website doesnt mean that its there for a purpose. But if they were on there for a purpose then it would be to hold the ass of a high powered FWD car on the ground while its cornering. And reflexx, thats a nice car. But i still dont kno why you are defending them.

And one more picture for you all.

Cars like this COMPLETELY STOCK Corolla do not need this wing on it. It serves no functionality and does not compliment the cars body, therefore, RICER.
Last edited:


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
^^ He's ashamed of what his car is.
He took all the badges off. At least be proud of your rice haha.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Reflexx said:
Is that what you consider rice? By definition there is nothing "rice" about it.

Get real. You show up here with not one ounce of notable contribution to our forum, yet you want all of us to change our definition of certain slang that we've used for quite some time. Stay if you wish, but give it a rest. You don't kick in your neighbors door & immediately begin to change the house rules.

Join Date: May 2006
Location: Washington
Posts: 0


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
reflexx, you have got to be kinding me, that last pick, with the rolla and the wing
the guy doesnt race, its all stock, and guess what, HE DOES IT CAUSE HE THINKS THAT OTHERS THINK ITS COOL, I.E. FOLLOWING A FASHION TREND.


New Member
May 9, 2006
rakkasan said:
Get real. You show up here with not one ounce of notable contribution to our forum, yet you want all of us to change our definition of certain slang that we've used for quite some time. Stay if you wish, but give it a rest. You don't kick in your neighbors door & immediately begin to change the house rules.

Join Date: May 2006
Location: Washington
Posts: 0
This is a forum correct?

Main Entry: fo•rum
Pronunciation: 'fOr-&m, 'for-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural forums also fo•ra /-&/
Etymology: Latin; akin to Latin foris outside, fores door -- more at DOOR
1 a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business b : a public meeting place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper) of open discussion or expression of ideas


New Member
May 9, 2006
D34DC311 said:
reflexx, you have got to be kinding me, that last pick, with the rolla and the wing
the guy doesnt race, its all stock, and guess what, HE DOES IT CAUSE HE THINKS THAT OTHERS THINK ITS COOL, I.E. FOLLOWING A FASHION TREND.
I stand corrected. I thought he was referring to mine. But the fact that you want to dictate what I think and feel is in many ways worse than me stating that people should be a little more open minded. Supra owners are just as guilty.:biglaugh:

