In my opinion they are the same thing. One is no worse nor better than the other. I monitor this forum as well as many others to get new ideas. I build roll cages for many types of cars and use this as a tool to gain information. My opinion is just that. I don’t like to see odd shaped parts on cars as it does affect the overall look and takes away (in many cases) from the natural flow of the body lines. For the most part I hate any aftermarket body parts that people install. That wing on that Civic looks like $hit as much as the one on the Supra. You call me a ricer yet you know noting about me. It’s that narrow minded thinking that I refer. Yes I created an account to chime in. After all, this is a forum and that is what you do. This is a medium in which people can share ideas and thoughts. Yes I will periodically check into this to see what others think. You calling me a ricer will not upset me as I have been called much worse and this is your opinion and you are entitled to it. However I too am entitled to one as well. Do I call you names? No but if this is what allows you to get your point across then I guess we will allow it. Again you don’t know me yet you make assumptions about me and have never asked.