Religion rant (if easily offended, should probably not enter)


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
i just hope by the time i read this tomorrow, it isnt locked and all of the goodness(no personal remarks) of this thread will be lost.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
MDCmotorsports said:
My craftsmanship shares nothing with my religion.

I do not hate you nor would I do any thing to be spiteful towards you being a customer.

I simply have a great distaste about how you go about being a troll on these boards and your poor choice/taste of pictures.

I dont troll I just like to post my opinion in picture form and that picture fit the bill. I think If I typed that out (-the christianity part) It probally wouldve been ignored or someone would've lol'd at the Captain planet part.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
foreverpsycotic said:
i just hope by the time i read this tomorrow, it isnt locked and all of the goodness(no personal remarks) of this thread will be lost.

Exactly! can this thread be locked at some point tonight before it possibly turns horribly south?


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Yellow 13 said:
I dont troll I just like to post my opinion in picture form and that picture fit the bill. I think If I typed that out (-the christianity part) It probally wouldve been ignored or someone would've lol'd at the Captain planet part.

May I remind you oh Mr. thread Jacker about the scrambled eggs in a turbo when I was trying to help out a fellow member?

OR about the cookies?

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
Back on topic: If god gets pissed why isnt he unleashing the fury now? He plagued Egypt back during Moses and flooded the world in the days of Noah.

We live in what I'd consider the most hedonistic society the worlds ever known and Gods just chillen.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
MDCmotorsports said:
May I remind you oh Mr. thread Jacker about the scrambled eggs in a turbo when I was trying to help out a fellow member?

OR about the cookies?

I think I need to remind you I never got those cookies :biglaugh:


Kyle was in on it too lol /Tattle.


Aug 27, 2006
Yellow 13 said:
We live in what I'd consider the most hedonistic society the worlds ever known and Gods just chillen.
He's old and incapacitaed now so he can't:biglaugh:

Haha Hurricane Catrina and the Earthquake that caused the TSUNAMI in Asia, once again all easily explain by science and yet some ppl won't except it. Generally those lacking intellignce to understand the concepts.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Yellow 13 said:
Back on topic: If god gets pissed why isnt he unleashing the fury now? He plagued Egypt back during Moses and flooded the world in the days of Noah.

We live in what I'd consider the most hedonistic society the worlds ever known and Gods just chillen.

Oh trust me its comming.

I really feel for people like KAI.

He has no clue how short the time is before God is comming back and unleashes his wrath.

Read the book of Revelation. It talks of "Wars and rumors of Wars" and basically every thing that is going on in the world today and what is about to happen.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
I find it hard not to stay out ouf this topic, so I'll do my best to keep it simple.

Creationism is a religeous belief...there are no facts supporting it, only faith. Much like believing that prayer heals people...its all just faith, those that choose to believe it, find it comforting. Belief is a "feeling". Who am I to argue with that. If is however NOT based in fact.

Evolution is a scientific theory (and a damn good one if I do say so myself) and based in fact. Much like the "Big Bang" theory or the theory of relativity. It is something that, while it cant be proven beyond any shadow of a doubt, it can be observed, measured and tested. Therefore in a world based in reality it should be taught in public schools as the accepted theory of life.

Saying teaching the theory of evolution in schools is anything akin to trying to indoctrinate belief in creationism is ludicrous. If you dont like it being taught in public school there are plenty of parochial schools you can send your child to and I encourage you to do so. (its alot like the current view of this particular "off topic" forum...if you dont like it you are free to go elsewhere)

I will not allow anyone to dictate to me their religeous beliefs. If you want to believe in "god" and it makes you a better person, I say great! More power to ya! Just keep it to yourself, or within your church community, or spread your message where there are people who want to hear it. Leave me out of it.

me? I choose not to "classify" my spirituallity into any particualr religeon as I believe "religeon" to be the root of all that is evil. There is nothing wrong with spirituality...but far too many people have killed and/or died in the name of religeon for me to accept that anyone's "god" thinks thats how life was meant to be on this planet.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
MDCmotorsports said:
Oh trust me its comming.

I really feel for people like KAI.

He has no clue how short the time is before God is comming back and unleashes his wrath.

Read the book of Revelation. It talks of "Wars and rumors of Wars" and basically every thing that is going on in the world today and what is about to happen.

Up until now sir, I figured you for a sane man, but that sounds an awful like like judgement. Why dont you worry about your own soul and let Kai worry about his!


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Feel all you like (just dont touch certain places - there are laws).

I get this a lot from religious people. Why cant you just leave the NON-religious people alone? Do you have some ultimate mission to convert us?

I DO NOT and WILL NOT EVER believe in god, and until such time that a big white guy with a beard comes down from the sky with a large chorus of angels and great big neon sign that says 'GOD' over the top, i'm unlikely to ever change my mind. Even in this case i'd still be skeptical!

Ultimately, my belief is that religion is divisive and serves NO purpose in the 21st century. We're not stupid, we know how things work, we know that there are other planets in the solar system, we know how our world works and its not because some all important white guy with a beard farted it into existence. It's scientifically provable. To fall back on religion all the time is inane and TOTALLY rediculous.


Aug 27, 2006
Kai said:
I DO NOT and WILL NOT EVER believe in god, and until such time that a big white guy with a beard comes down from the sky with a large chorus of angels and great big neon sign that says 'GOD' over the top, i'm unlikely to ever change my mind. Even in this case i'd still be skeptical!
Lol same boat for me.

PS you gys need to google and watch some John Safran vs God its hell amusing. A weedy little Aussie Jewish guys travels the world road testing religions.:icon_razz


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
theWeezL said:
I find it hard not to stay out ouf this topic, so I'll do my best to keep it simple.

Creationism is a religeous belief...there are no facts supporting it, only faith. Much like believing that prayer heals people...its all just faith, those that choose to believe it, find it comforting. Belief is a "feeling". Who am I to argue with that. If is however NOT based in fact.

Really? Did you know that more people who are sick and are prayed for heal or heal faster than the peole who have no prayer at all?

Evolution is a scientific theory (and a damn good one if I do say so myself) and based in fact. Much like the "Big Bang" theory or the theory of relativity. It is something that, while it cant be proven beyond any shadow of a doubt, it can be observed, measured and tested.

Oh really? You've seen footage of an mouse turn into a monkey? You've seen INERT gasses turn into carbon and single celled life forms all from one explosion?

Therefore in a world based in reality it should be taught in public schools as the accepted theory of life.


Saying teaching the theory of evolution in schools is anything akin to trying to indoctrinate belief in creationism is ludicrous. If you dont like it being taught in public school there are plenty of parochial schools you can send your child to and I encourage you to do so. (its alot like the current view of this particular "off topic" forum...if you dont like it you are free to go elsewhere)

No again. Public schools are that. If the public doesn't agree (in which alot of parents dont and aren't being heard) then it shouldn't be tought.

I will not allow anyone to dictate to me their religeous beliefs. If you want to believe in "god" and it makes you a better person, I say great! More power to ya! Just keep it to yourself, or within your church community, or spread your message where there are people who want to hear it. Leave me out of it.

Im sorry you want to sit in your little box and not hear what others have to say. Be polite about it and go on your way. You may not want to hear the trash man on your sleeping in on tuesday morning but he's there. Let him do his job and be on his way. Its your choice to take the trash out or leave it sit and rot. If the trashman came and preached to you time after time after time after time then by all means, tell him to leave.

me? I choose not to "classify" my spirituallity into any particualr religeon as I believe "religeon" to be the root of all that is evil.

Some say money, some say religion, some say women. Choice is yours. Truth be told evil is here be it any of the three I mentioned.

There is nothing wrong with spirituality...but far too many people have killed and/or died in the name of religeon for me to accept that anyone's "god" thinks thats how life was meant to be on this planet.

True. And spreading the Gospel Of the Lord been done the wrong way for along time.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
On the topic of faith healing - i believe all that to be a bunch of crap. My mum has terminal cancer, and all one of her friends could harp on about was 'god will look after you' and 'put your faith in jesus'. Thats not very helpful. Most everyone else is doing real research into things like chemotherapy and various other medical things (including myself).

I bet you any amount of money that people who chose faith healing over conventional medicine are either a) not that ill in the first place, having been misdiagnosed or b) die anyway.

On that subject, i'm not budging.