REIGN's REBUILD! Its a beautiful thing... (THAT IS FOR SALE) =(


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Duane, need a few more posts to make 72 pages, lol...

Dont have alot goin on now... Im thinking I might even take a break until after the new year, get through christmas and stuff... I dunno yet... Im starting to get frustrated...


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Don't get frustrated Jake. Just take a mini vacation from the sup and start over with a fresh mind in a little


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
NEVER! Besides, if I give my car to anyone it'll be Will... But that'll never happen, because I like Will too much, and he'd end up killing himself with all this "imaginary" power this car has, lol...So, no one gets the car, just me... :D


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
boostadikt said:
well it was worth a try......
Valiant effort my friend... +1...

Justin: yeah, it is frustrating... Im still trying to figure out what to do with that thrust washer... I gotta get my tranny rebuilt, and a hand full of other stuff... With christmas coming, Im seriously debating just putting the car on hold until after the holidays... We'll see...


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Reign_Maker said:
Valiant effort my friend... +1...

Justin: yeah, it is frustrating... Im still trying to figure out what to do with that thrust washer... I gotta get my tranny rebuilt, and a hand full of other stuff... With christmas coming, Im seriously debating just putting the car on hold until after the holidays... We'll see...

If it were me, and at one time it was, I would take a break from it for a while. After putting so much sweat, money & time into my 7M only to have to part with it, it was a kick in the nuts. So bad that I almost sold the car, but my wife wouldn't let me. This time around, things don't have to be so perfect, just sound. It used to be that everything under the hood had to be spotless, now it only has to work. I want to have fun in my car again, not pour myself into it while it sits in my garage for another year.

This is supposed to be fun, and it sounds like it's not anymore. Get it off your mind for a while, and come back to it later. There's no shame in doing that...


New Member
Aug 23, 2006
i imagine builds of this stature take a great amount of patience, i honestly dont think laying off for a while would hurt. give ya some time not to think about it so much, and hopefully after x mas your in the mood to get her back in the groove once more.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Justin: call me anytime... And dont worry, it'll BE finished, dont worry... Like I said, my NEW unleash date is for TX2K7... So if I give myself that kind of buffer, who knows... That GT4067R might be traded out for a nice GT42R, more power... I just dont know...

Mark: Thats it exactly... Its suppose to be fun, and its just getting harder and harder... I miss the car, more than anyone knows, but shit man... I look at it in pieces, and its almost overwhelming... Know what I mean? I dont have anyone here to motivate me, push me, help me, build with me... Its me... Bobby helps when he can, but the guy is in college and works a full schedule, so... I dont want to make it seem like Im not grateful for the man's help, but its not like I have Duane and Ron and Nate, or Jayson and Chris and Eli here to push me along... And with christmas coming up, I just wanna have a nice christmas with my wife... Last year I spent alot of money on stuff for the car, and this year I wanna put it towards something special for her... The car can wait... BUT, its still in the air... But I made this decision a long time ago.. I told myself if I wasnt done by november, I'd put it on hold for a while... But Im NOT selling it... And like you Mark, I have a wife who loves this car, loves this community and 100% supports any choice I make, and refuses to let me give up... So, I wont give up...

Claricae: It takes enormous patience and love and time and money... Unless you have a pot of gold, its a slow process... But as with anything, if its worth doing, its worth doing well... And anything done well is worth waiting for... I KNOW this car is going to be my ultimate dream car, a car I have wanted for EIGHTEEN YEARS!!! God, 18 years... Man, thats a long time! But thats how long ago it was that I sat in the passenger seat of my brother's best friend's supra as he rocketed along... It seemed so fast back then, and I know it was... But from the first day I saw that car, I wanted one... This is going to be the culmination of a dream Ive had for so long, and I refuse to give up...

BTW: Im getting another Supra this weekend... So it might help motivate me... Dont ask questions, its top secret, but... Hang tight... ;)

Thanks for the support guys...


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
Man it is nice to have a woman like that, mine is cool like that too, I definitely appreciate it. My ex would bitch and complain every time I even thought about the car, much less try to get anything done without hearing her whining. I'm looking at another supe this weekend too, hopefully, it shall be mine! (or HERS


Fast Coonass
Apr 5, 2005
Austin, Texas USA
This thing is only up to 15 pages on my computer!:biglaugh:

I was at the point about a year and a half into my build where the car was completely disassembled and I thought "What have I gotten myself into? I'll never get this car back together."

Never give up, keep working at it and sure enough it will all eventually come together. Once I stabbed the motor back in, that was a huge motivation to get it finished.

Reign, sure it would be nice to have it done by TX2K7, but so what if it's not done until TX2K8. Keep working on it with the same passion and attention to detail, and when it's done, it will be right, not rushed just to make an artificial deadline.