Nice work Brad! What do your neighbours think about your spraying in your driveway? lol :icon_razz
Thanks! I was very excited to see them on the car today. I was hoping that using long wide lines of LED's would complement the widebody rear, and it does add to the wide look. In real life, the car looks bigger and more amazing than these photos show. I'll will create a video of the car when it's complete to try to show how the car looks in real life. I'd like to get some smokey side drift clips in there, but I'm not sure how easy that will be on what may be the stickiest street tires ever made. :naughty:sweetlikechutny said:wow...the tails are perfect!
I'd get the S2 kit but paying $4k is so extreme! The LED build cost about $300+ for parts (using only the best parts), and many nights of labor, maybe 50 hours total since I've never done it before and made lots of errors along the way.Poodles said:if you're gonna do the lambo doors, go after the S2 kit... it's not cheap but it's made to work specificaly on our cars...looks really good, might have to do the LED on my car as much did it cost you overall?