plugs toast after less than 10 miles?!?!?!?

Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
If its fuel cut it will set code 34. Are you sure your check engine light is working? It will go on when you hit fuel cut.

If it was me I would pressurize the IC piping to check for leaks. Reading through this thread give me a headache so if you already did that sorry.


87 NA-T baby!!!
Sep 14, 2006
Vacaville, CA
yeah confusing as hell boost leak test done no leaks as far as i know currently ill perform another one tomorrow and report back these findings but do you think it could really be a leak causing this majorly annoying issue. Also took it by a buddies shop who owns another 87T supra his dad is a toyota master mechanic and he said it feels like ignition like im losing a coilpack change them all out with known working ones and no result. Boost Pressure sensor vac line hardwired directly into manifold to get a positive feed small change but same thing. It also seems to be RPM related now anywhere vetween 2500 and 3500 is when it starts


87 NA-T baby!!!
Sep 14, 2006
Vacaville, CA
actually figured out what it was!!!!!! Decided i might as well try everything one more time just to follow up Started with a boost leak test and i hear hissing im like WTF?!?!?! Go near where it is and touchthe #6 injector and what the hell do you know the injectors arent completely sealed into the head!!!!!! Remedial mistake so new injector seal kits and new injectors and hopefully it will be fixed and finished.!!!

Re-Cap basically car having issues but no CEL check eveyrthing and injector is basically getting floated under boost like a valve would without retainers!!!! Gonna fix it tonight or tomorrow night and will report back with my findings!!!!!!!!!!!


87 NA-T baby!!!
Sep 14, 2006
Vacaville, CA
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!!!! I figured out what it was!! Injector o-rings were cracked through even though they were new. LUBRICATE them with silicone before installing them it will make headaches later on a whole lot easier on you. Car boosts and runs spectacularly!!! im so FING exstatic right now. I cant wait for this friday and the bay area meet in fremont!!!!!!