That's great for you. I on the other hand care about other people besides just myself. I find that I have more friends that way who actually care about me in return, and don't use me for the money I have.figgie said:that like asking a medical worker what would they think if they get aids from a patient. Goes with the territory. Actually, a medical worker is there to help people. It's nothing like asking a medical worker that same question. You are in it for yourself, and no one else. It would only hurt you if it effected you personally. Some people are actually out to help other people. In doing this, they accept the fact that people like you spread HIV and put them at greater risk.
But at the same time there are NUMEROUS ways to reduce risk whether you choose to take them or not it is your responsibility. Yes, like waiting until the wedding day.
Faith? no such thing only to a person that is religous.
using me for sex? No. Using each other for hot, passionate, lustful animal sex, yes. Faith is believing in what you can not see. Do you believe you can wake up tomorrow, even though you can not see that far ahead? Faith is not only religious. And as far as the sex goes, I get that from my wife, and it goes even deeper than that. We Love each other, and we fully trust each other, because niether of us have given the other a reason not to.
and tisk tisk..
reading 101.
A person is smart, articulate thoughtful. PEOPLE on the other hand are ignorant, thoughtless and all suffer from the lemming suicide influece. Monkey see, monkey do. Is not more than one person refered to as people?
I find it funny that the lot of you are aruing against this when literally the decision was made alreadyYes, I'm quite amused myself!
<--- Goes to buy Plan B OTC because I can and spite the lot of you zealots.
Above all, good luck to you. I don't envy the realization you will have when all you base your life on comes crashing down, and you realize that there is a power out there greater than you. Is there a higher power that we all have to answer to? I don't know for sure, but at least I'm safe if there is, and I have people that like me for how I life in the mean time.
If I'm wrong, no harm done I'm in the same boat you are. I've just lived my life the way I thought would help other people. If I'm right, I go to heaven and live an eternity in a more wonderful place than you can imagine. :biglaugh: If you're right, all I've done is make my life a little harder by trying to care for other people. If you're wrong, that means you're going to hell, and everything you've worked for here on earth means nothing.
Cheers to you, and although I might not be able to call you friend, I wish you the best. I wish you all the joy and happieness you can get here. But in that, I also pray you see the light.