Oh yeah! The Bionic Phallus option would be very cool indeed...
I want one 15 inches long, thick as your wrist and able to shoot over tall buildings... LOL (Oh wait that was superman, not Steve Austin...)
Daannnannnaaannnaaaaa....! I can hear the bionic sound track now...
Question is, do I get to go on secret missions to fight the bad guys on the back lots of Hollywood, or run around in very hip for the day orange suits with wide ties and stylin collars?
So bionic parts list.
Right arm and shoulder.
Eye. (Can't remember if it was the right or left one? But it only works when I squint my eye into the camera and make the bionic soundtrack.. Pretty much goes for all my rebuild parts.)
Was there more?
I don't remember more, but perhaps the bionic woman could provide more information? (She's selling beds I hear these days... so they could have discovered the bionic phallus, and that's why she's now hocking beds? )
Actually, I've come to a conclusion. I just want what Chuck Norris has. (Since there are true rumors that his mere erection has caused orgams of joy to entire populations of the female species..)