Supracentral said:
Actually not at all. I was simply replying to JJ's general comment.
I don't recall being "forced" to do anything. I wanted Toyota's knowlege, they named a price, I paid it.
The only people using "force" are the people stealing the manual without paying the price the rightful owner asked for it.
I'm assuming you buy brand name clothing just because you feel its better quality than the stuff from wal-mart. Being brainwashed to believe you have to pay out every penny you make because someone says its morally right is about as bad as being a slave to that company.
Supracentral said:
Bullshit, and 100% flawed logic. Your Supra was not delivered by Toyota in a disassembled, non working state. Instead of thanking Toyota for making a product that has far outlasted it's original warranty, you are using the vehicles age as a reason to justify stealing from them?!?!?!
Warranties were slapped onto a car to make the company sell more vehicles and get people to believe it will fall apart after so many miles. People are dumb enough to believe this, if only they new that basic maintenance would keep a car going way further than the "warranty". Again, bullshit fed to the public so they will buy more.
Supracentral said:
Ok, so you are stating that Toyota does not have a right to it's own intellectual property? You can always go buy a Haynes manual for $19.99 if you don't like Toyota's asking price. They created the work, they have the right to profit off of it.
Don't you feel you have a right to compensation for the work you do? If not you are more than welcome to come over here and mow my one acre back yard for free....
i bought a haynes manual and it sucked. Why the hell do I need to buy it in the first place. Again Batteries not included crap. You build something, and design it properly why the hell wouldn't you send a manual with it to help the end user. Every other thing I have bought comes with one.
Supracentral said:
When Toyota created that manual, they did so in order to be paid for it. Now you seem to think that you somehow have a right to take that property from Toyota?
Can I just arbitrarily decide what of yours you are "allowed" to keep?
No they did it to squeeze the last nickel they could from the car. They did it so rich people who bought the car wouldn't even think about wrenching on it, and would bring it to the dealer to pay $600 for a break job.
MONEY MONEY MONEY. Thats what they want from you, I'm willing to only pay so much before I feel that a product is being used no long as a means of making something great into something only worth more money.
dugums said:
WTF? I am mad. I didn't get the factory service manual with my TV, stove, refrigerator --- oh --- I guess I didn't get it with anything that I have bought. Moreover, I don't even have the option to get one of these manuals in most cases.
I think it's pretty nice that there is a manual like this available. It's even reasonably priced. I have some Volvo service manuals that cost about $900 each and are not as detailed as the 1989 Supra TSRM that I have. Even if you wanted to shell out the money for the Volvo manual, it is not for sale to the public.
LOL, have you ever worked on your TV? or stove? or Refrigerator? All the schematics can be sent to you from the companies, and 99% of the time they are online. Hell even dell has schematics I can get for their LCDs, and computer cases for free. Whats the deal don't like searching for it?
$900 for a manual that should come with the car? Your joking right? Thats no longer a reasonable price, that falls under you got reamed.
isnms said:
No one called him a thief because he uses the online TSRM. In fact the very first post I state that I use it.
This is the character you are defending:
This character is fighting the rich who get richer and the poor who are ignorant enough to use the moral crap they spew as a means to defend themselves for paying giant amounts of cash for something that should have come with a manual. I'm not a pirate because I want free stuff, I'm a pirate because I hate seeing the big guy step on the little guy so much and so often.
In the 70's they protested and rioted, Well I pirate and host.
Its time for a change, I just don't use my voice with picket signs and shouting.
Supracentral said:
"Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to be the tool by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of men. Blood, whips and guns - or dollars. Take your choice - there is no other - and your time is running out."
Just keep that in mind, years from now, when you've "won" the war against the evil capitalist and his corporation.
Odds are you will not be the one holding the whip...
I think you have total misinterpreted Ayn Rand's quote there.
suprabad said:
Personal character aside, I take issue with oppressive corporations that feel no responsibility or loyalty to anyone.
I also find it very disheartening that so many people would rather promote their own sense of piety than choose to exercise independent thought, or question authority.
Amen. Some times I feel that people are so brainwashed by these companies they are willing to just hand over their paychecks cause its the "moral" thing to do.
jetjock said:
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. A thief is a thief. Period. If you take rightfully owned property from someone that was not offered to you you're stealing. Doesn't matter if you sell it or not. Doesn't even matter if you derive zero benefit from taking it. Doesn't matter if it's ideas, music, code, books, or a pile of shit. It's stealing. I'm amazed all this even needs to be pointed out. Thieves are the lowest form of life on Earth. They're what pond scum wipe *their* feet on.
So your saying that the government taking my tax money for a war I don't agree with is right? In your words its theft. It is my money, I earned it fair and square, how come I cannot pay for something I believe in and let other pay for it if they believe in it.
Mike, you want fair tax, you cry for it, yet you show the exact opposite views when it comes for something so small that I believe in.
America is being bleed dry from people who think they are doing the right thing, you may as well have signed your paychecks over to the big cooperations who have you believing its the right thing to do.