OMGWTF Oil filter blew up, and killed my turbo/motor


DDS Performance
So, im driving out of the parking lot at my work today, and i heard a hissing sound, and then a wierd squirting sound. i didnt make the connection at first, but it occurred to me to look at my oil pressure gauge, and sure enough it was at zero. i whipped my hand up to shut the car off, and pulled over. got out and found the right front of my car covered in oil, the oil filter was smothered too. so i decided to touch the filter, and it fell off into my hand. the top part of the filter was still screwed on the adapter, just the casing fell off.




thats what it looked like, and i really couldnt believe what happened. so i went back to where i work (walked of course) and bought a new filter and a few quarts of oil and put it back together. upon starting it up, i can hear a serious valve tick, i think i hear a bit of rodknock, and upon driving it home ive got turbo death-whine.

this pisses me off, because i just rebuilt that motor 6 months ago, and it has held together like a champ, and i have not had a single problem since i dropped it back in. at the same time i put a newish ct-26 on it from another member here on the forums.

guess what filter?

Purolator PURE-ONE

anybody have any advice as to getting compensated from purolator? ill be contacting them tomorrow, and for the time being i wont be driving the car.

/end rant


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Faulty Filter then!

If you caught it quickly there shouldn't be any damage to the Turbo or Motor.

Return it and stand your ground at a bare minimum they should give you a replacement filter and Oil, specify a different brand filter though.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Purolator rep: Yeah, ummmm, sorry we built a shitty filter, so uhhhh, here's some oil and a new Pure One filter!:bigthumb:

you: NO!:madfawk: I want a new motor, your defective filter ruined my motor!:slap:

P rep: yeah, no... Here's some oil, kthxbyebbq!!!111!1!!one!!:thefinger

you: BASTARDS!!!!!!!:flamed: :bigun2:


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Reign_Maker said:
Purolator rep: Yeah, ummmm, sorry we built a shitty filter, so uhhhh, here's some oil and a new Pure One filter!:bigthumb:

you: NO!:madfawk: I want a new motor, your defective filter ruined my motor!:slap:

P rep: yeah, no... Here's some oil, kthxbyebbq!!!111!1!!one!!:thefinger

you: BASTARDS!!!!!!!:flamed: :bigun2:

Sounds about right Reign. Damn that sucks big time bro. Sorry for your loss.



Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Where did you buy the filter at?

FWIW, I had an Advance Auto parts water pump shear in half on me, taking out my radiator, shroud, and clutch fan assembly - they bought me all new parts from Toyota, and I installed them myself :)


DDS Performance
Doward said:
Where did you buy the filter at?

FWIW, I had an Advance Auto parts water pump shear in half on me, taking out my radiator, shroud, and clutch fan assembly - they bought me all new parts from Toyota, and I installed them myself :)

wow, sounds promising.

funny thing is that i bought that filter at my work. Sears auto center. i have never had a problem with any purolator filter in my life, and most mechanics i work with along with anybody i know actually reccommends that filter over all others. i will still continue to use that filter, and i do believe that it was a faulty one. problem at hand is that the filter shouldnt explode and lose pressure. i was in a rush to drive off of work, the engine was under some load, and i didnt catch it until after about a good 10-15 seconds had passed. there is definitely something making a lot of noise in my motor, and the turbo is fucked. it wasnt like that this morning when i drove to work.

all in all, i still trust purolator filters over just about anything else. fuck, the replacement filter i put on there is a Powerflow (manufactured by purolator). but i do expect them to hold up their end of the bargain of their big ass "warranted against all defects" thing printed on the side of the box, and if it wasnt for their defective filter, my motor/turbo would be fine.

ill keep y'all updated with what happens, and thanks for the support :)

what a day.


Apr 1, 2006
AUCKLAND, New Zealand
Being that you work at a autoshop i think you would have some sort of leverage towards the filter manufacturer. If shops stop recommending theyre products they lose alot of business.. so its in theyre best interest to reasure you that its a freak accurence and that they are willing to take responsability..

But who knows.. some companys just dont give a damn. or refuse to beleave people.

My 0.02c


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
Yikes! I've never had an issue with Purolators, definitely prefer them over Fram.

Sorry to read what happened!


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Hate to tell you, but you're probably going to need a lawyer to pursuade them to give you full compensation for all damaged parts.

Brand new Toyota parts FTW!

Take lots of pictures.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
^Yes! If you don't take action right away, your SOL. My cousin has had two opportunities to be compensated for personal injuries and damages to his property not due to his own negligence, but he always waits to long to reape the full benefits.


DDS Performance
our shop is one of the largest buyers of purolator brand stuff. we use three different lines of filters from them, and its Sears we are talking about here.

ive got pics, lots of pics... :)

also, fwiw, i contacted them today and they are overnighting me a "recovery package" to ship them my bad filter along with a fully detailed repair estimate.

off to toyota :)