Okay guys...I need help..ALOT of help


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
If anyone remembers, a while back my supra over heated because the fan shut off. I thought I had solved the problem...boy was I wrong...

A few days ago my engine fan once again stopped working, only this time it won't work at all. It's an after market fan and wiring and the diagram is here

I spliced the wires from the AC fan and the main fan to make sure they worked and they do. I replaced the fuse holder and fuse and bought a new relay box, but it still won't work. I don't have any idea why it won't start ( I haven't worried much about it lately because I just drive to work and it has been around 40 degrees so I don't over heat)

Second problem: My oil pressure gauge stopped working. I was reading the other posts about this and was wondering what the best way to check the problem for it was. There were alot of different answers for it.

Third problem: My car seems to have a mind of it's own for when it wants to start. Sometimes it starts perfectly fine with no problems and other times it doesn't start at all. Today after work I went out to go home and it wouldn't even turn over. The lights on the dash dim and I here a clicking sound but to sound of anything turning over. I waited about 10 minutes and then it started turning over but the engine didn't fire. I waited a few more minutes and it finally started and I was on my way home. If anyone knows anything about this, and would help me out. I would be so great full.

Forth problem: My birdcage light was on when I started my car this morning (granted it was cold but keep reading) After driving some it eventually went off but when I got home from work, after waiting 15 minutes for my car to start, when I got home the light was on again. So i popped the hood and found I had no coolant what so ever in the reservoir tank! (I am pretty sure I did a flush and fill a couple weeks ago so I don't understand why even after running hot I had no coolant)

Fifth problem: When I'm down shifting into first it kind of pop's into gear. It is pretty hard to put into first sometimes and it also grinds randomly and then does the pop into place thing.

Sixth and final problem: I developed a slight ticking sound that sounds like its coming from under the valve covers. Not quite sure what to do here either.

Sorry for the long post but I have gotten fed up with one thing after the other going wrong. The mechanical and technical stuff I don't have that much knowledge on so I turned to you guys for help.

Please SM help me diagnose my car problems!!!!


Sep 29, 2007
Sorry I'm no good with wires, but I'll see if a friend can help. Oil pressure gauge problem is probably the sending unit as they are notorious for not working. Sounds like the starter is going bad, my old one did the same thing before it died completely. As far as the coolant goes get a pressure tester and look for leaks, you may just have a bad hose. Ticking sound.... maybe needs more oil... or a different viscosity....loose valve... Need to be there to be sure what that is. Hope this helps a bit; sorry if it doesn't. :runaway:


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
That helps alot actually. Thank you for the response and if a friend can help with the wiring tell him I say much thanks. I saw the guy in the for sale section with the free carfax report and I'm curious as to what the car has been through in the past.

Thanks again for your response!

edit: As for the oil change (I'm doing another one tomorrow,) do you know how many quarts a stock 7mge holds? And I was thinking about going conventional oil over synthetic because my engine has 150k miles on it and I believe it had a BHG at 60k miles so...
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Sep 29, 2007
7MSupraGE87na said:
That helps alot actually. Thank you for the response and if a friend can help with the wiring tell him I say much thanks. I saw the guy in the for sale section with the free carfax report and I'm curious as to what the car has been through in the past.

Thanks again for your response!

edit: As for the oil change (I'm doing another one tomorrow,) do you know how many quarts a stock 7mge holds? And I was thinking about going conventional oil over synthetic because my engine has 150k miles on it and I believe it had a BHG at 60k miles so...
Glad to be of help! Carfax only tells you what regestered work was done, not what a local shop or "Bubba" did. Just use regular oil if thats what has been in it before, but a synthetic blend is also a good route to go(best of both worlds in theory). My motor took different amounts of oil before and after the rebuild...my old N/A took around 5-5.5 quarts. But I always bought 6-7, as it would consume some over the 3000 miles. Always check your oil level weekly. :biglaugh:


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
1.) Test for resistance thru your different connections. Make sure the switch is working correctly, and make sure all of your grounds are still clean and secure.
2.) and 6.) http://cygnusx1.net/Supra/Library/TSRM/MK3/manual.aspx?Section=LU&P=4 Oil pressure test, just to be safe.
3.) Starter maybe. Could be a weak battery. I'd start by cleaning and tightening the bat. terminals.
4.) Pressure test the coolant system. Repair, burp and fill as necessary, and pray that the bhg fairy hasn't paid you a visit. Oh yeah, for burping the cooling system:
http://www.sjdiscounttools.com/lis22150.html Positively the BEST way.
5.) Sounds like the synchronizer for 1st is on its way out.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2007
Memphis, TN
The starting issue, I would start with a battery test. Check all ground connections also. A loose/corroded ground wire will give these symptoms and lead to excess wear on the starter and battery.
Follow cuel's advice for the rest of your list.


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
Check the fan belt tension for the alt., if is loose it won't charge the battery like it should. And like the others said , check your terminals and grounds.

You said you flushed the cooling system a couple of weeks ago. Did you burp the system then like cuel suggested then? If the level was OK and you did burp the system then the coolant has to be going somewere. Check for leaks, hopefully you will find some.

How's the color of the coolant?

How's the oil look?


New Member
Oct 14, 2007
with multiple electrical problems start checking grounds if it was 1 issue or maybe 2 i would not think so much but i have cured alot of problems cleaning and running new groundwires ticking is vague and common lifters tick valves tick injectors tick and alot of the asian imports tick after so many miles i own Nissan Mitsubishi and Toyota and they all staarted ticking at some point

on the trans downshift popping in gear are yyou still moving when you go in to first or at a stop most first gears aren't synchroed so they don't downshift into first very well an truly with any timing belt car you shouldn't downshift to first i have seen a lot of belts shredding teeth because of the severe shock of a hard downshift.
if you are stopped and it is doing this your clutch is probably the culprit ie not fully disengaging


New Member
Oct 14, 2007
cuel said:
View attachment 17915

First gear and synchro are circled.... I've been in a few different standard trans., and have yet to see one without synchro's on forward gears.
then keep looking

i did further research and it is but it took 5 seconds to find it did and more than 50 % of manual trans don't so work on more than 1 thing befor getting high and mighty
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Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
lol, you mean like being a mechanic in an auto repair shop? Yup, your not the first one here( I've read you other posts), and neither am I ;)
I did a little research of my own, and you're right; there are standards with no first gear synchro; although I didn't find many, and the ones I did were pretty old(85 and earlier). From what I can find, it's rare for most modern cars and trucks, but I'll do some more investigating tomorrow just to be sure. I have repaired a few manual trans., and haven't seen one(yet) without a first gear synchro. Most were Ford, Aisin, or GM's, and all forward gears were synchronized. I've even seen 1 or 2 with reverse synchronized as well(Ford full sized trucks). I was speaking from personal experience, and said a few, not many or all. Thanks for enlightening me, though.

High and Mighty?? Not me!! I'm gracious and helpful, never sarcastic...


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
Okay well for the starting problem, I had a loose belt and the alternator wasn't charging the battery good AND the ground wire that was connected to my frame was very coroted(sp?) I havn't been able to get a pressure tester yet for my coolant, any idea where I can get a cheap one? or even find a place to let me borrow one? As for the oil, I got Valvoline Max life 10w-30, it says it helps to prevent leaks so I thought it was good considering I have 140k miles.

My first gear problem has slowed down in frequency but every now and then it shows up.

I forget who but someone asked about the coolant color, it's bright green, no signs of oil in it at all.


Sep 29, 2007
Just about any parts store has pressure testers they will rent you. If you have an Advanced, Autozone, O'Reillys, or NAPA they all have them....go with NAPA or O'Reillys if you have a choice.:biglaugh:


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
7MSupraGE87na said:
Okay well for the starting problem, I had a loose belt and the alternator wasn't charging the battery good AND the ground wire that was connected to my frame was very coroted(sp?) I havn't been able to get a pressure tester yet for my coolant, any idea where I can get a cheap one? or even find a place to let me borrow one? As for the oil, I got Valvoline Max life 10w-30, it says it helps to prevent leaks so I thought it was good considering I have 140k miles.

My first gear problem has slowed down in frequency but every now and then it shows up.

I forget who but someone asked about the coolant color, it's bright green, no signs of oil in it at all.
Glad the loose belt and grounds fixed the charging problem, samething happened to me.
I would try a 5w-40 oil the next time and see if that helps your ticking. Have you changed the tranny fluid or checked it? That many miles I would change it at least every 20k, just me, the way I figure it if you can keep the fluids fresh, the parts will last a little longer. And if the wrong fluid was used it would contribute to your problem. Same goes for the diff., brakes, clutch, anything that has fluids. Check out Jdub's sticky on oil and fluids, some good info there.
I was the one that asked about the coolant. Have you lost anymore since you topped it off? If not then you probably had some air traped from when you flushed the system. Keep an eye on it and the rest of your fluids due to the miles you might use a little of everything. Happy motoring:icon_bigg


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
I havn't driven it much sense i topped off the collant but checking it it doesnt seen to have gone down any. I still want to pressure test it. I havn't changed the tranny fluid sense I bought the car a few months ago, so I should probably do that too huh? And I do have a napa about 3 blocks from me =]

As for the charging problem, it seems it didn't work. I went to go to work and the car didn't start again. Wouldn't turn over or anything, the dash lights dimmed though. I have a feeling it could be something to do with the clutch...is there a clutch switch or something?

So I had a crappy day today, had to ride my bike in pouring rain about 2 miles to work >.< atleast it stopped raining when my shift was over.

If i ever get a digital camera that works. I'll post pics of my car if anyone cares to see the beast that is giving me so many problems.


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
7MSupraGE87na said:
I havn't driven it much sense i topped off the collant but checking it it doesnt seen to have gone down any. I still want to pressure test it. I havn't changed the tranny fluid sense I bought the car a few months ago, so I should probably do that too huh? And I do have a napa about 3 blocks from me =]

As for the charging problem, it seems it didn't work. I went to go to work and the car didn't start again. Wouldn't turn over or anything, the dash lights dimmed though. I have a feeling it could be something to do with the clutch...is there a clutch switch or something?

So I had a crappy day today, had to ride my bike in pouring rain about 2 miles to work >.< atleast it stopped raining when my shift was over.

If i ever get a digital camera that works. I'll post pics of my car if anyone cares to see the beast that is giving me so many problems.
How old is the battery? Have it checked, don't think it has anything to do with the clutch switch, it's located on the pedal linkage under the dash. Sounds like the battery has a cell down and it won't hold a charge for very long.
Make sure you get the right tranny fluid.


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
I just bought a new battery for it about a month ago. I still have the old one in the freezer, think i should switch them again?

edit: And what kind of tranny fluid should I use, or is there even a difference? I can get it at NAPA right?