Okay guys...I need help..ALOT of help


Tenshou Getsuga
Sep 30, 2007
Somerville Tn.
I got the pcv tube from the other motor here, MS07, sell it to him foo, its yo parts. And 7MSupraGE87na, If you lived closer I would say come see me and I can fix your fans, but you kinda far away. The diagram I gave you first is the way I wired MS07s' fans just without the switch, the switch is not needed, but if it worx then there is nothing wrong with using it. Mine is also wired like my diagram without switch, but Im thinking about putting one in so I can turn the fans off when the car is not running.


Tenshou Getsuga
Sep 30, 2007
Somerville Tn.
Oh yea 7MSupraGE87na, I may be able to find the fog lights w/ mounts if I can get to the junk yard, Ill check next time Im out there, I need to go look for starion wheels anyway. Ill let you know if there are some left.


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
Awesome thank you all for the help. If you have that vent tube...and don't need it... I'm sure a certain person would be willing to take it off your hands

Soundwave I would be up for a road trip, but getting there without a fan would be a problem :biglaugh:

MS, thanks for the description of wiring the fan, will it be hard to get to the red wire? there is a red wire that stick out of my firewall that just kind of hangs there and isn't connected to anything, could that be the wire you are talking about?

There are also red wires that were cut and electrical taped at the ends connecting my fog light wires.

http://tinyurl.com/2x2x4y would those fog lights be what I need. (If posting this link breaks any of the rules [not sure if they do] feel free to delete the link mods)
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2007
Memphis, TN
The switches are fine as long as you are using the rerlay for switching. You wont draw the amps through the switches which is what will fry them. The easiest thing to do is get you a test light. Most auto parts stores have them for $5-10. Usng test light make sure you are getting power through all your fan connections from the power source to the switch and through the relay to the fan. It could be something as simple as a loose connection at the switch or relay.

That PCV contraption is quite interesting to say the least. I have seen a few in the F/S section here on the forums. Take a browse and find you one in your price range if ms70s doesnt sell you his.

The fog light needs to be replaced. Look for the entire assembly is easiest. Make sure to get the ones for a pre 89 as the mounting is different. *The ebay lights you linked to are what you need.*

The vacuum hose to the charcoal canister, make sure it is plugged off or get another hose to it. That is a direct vacuum leak to your motor which can cause serious problems. The vacuum line comes off towards the bottom of the upper intake runner below/behind the alternator. Then there is a metal pipe that crosses the timing cover just above the PS pump where the other end of the cut hose should go.


Sep 29, 2007
^^^^ yup what he said.:biglaugh:
If soundwave wants to pull the part ill sell it to you for like $10 plus whatever shipping to your area is...screw that I guess ill just get one of those flat rate boxes from the post office saturday. When we get that done you can paypal me or just pay...however you want. Need any other non-rusty working na motor parts? I have a whole motor! Its just sitting at soundwaves house lol.


Sep 29, 2007
7MSupraGE87na said:
MS, thanks for the description of wiring the fan, will it be hard to get to the red wire? there is a red wire that stick out of my firewall that just kind of hangs there and isn't connected to anything, could that be the wire you are talking about?

There are also red wires that were cut and electrical taped at the ends connecting my fog light wires.
....NO that is not the wire. Don't know what that wire is. Take some better pics of your engine bay and post em. Fog lights were probably rigged up to work after rust killed the connections or some aftermarket application. And yes those are the proper lights you NEED. get them!

The wire of which I spoke is on the harness on the back of your radio. All you have to do is remove the ashtray, remove the 4 screws there, remove the 1 screw on the driver side of the shifter pannel and pop it out, remove the 4 10mm bolts holding the radio bracket in, and take out your radio and look at the harness pluged into it. It has 1 red wire...not any other color just find the red one. You want to splice off of this wire. dont cut too close to either end or just get one of those wire taps from a parts store; real easy to do.


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
Awesome, and yes If you get me the part I can paypal you. As far as I know at this point in time, I don't need any other NA motor parts... *kock on wood* Later today when I get home from work I will take some better engine bay pics.


Sep 29, 2007
Soundwave is pulling the pipe and will have it to me sometime this week then I will ship it to you. Pics? Fans working yet? Other issues resolved yet?


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
I didn't win the auction on ebay for the fog lights. So I'll be looking on craigslist for some if I can. The fan is not working yet, I haven't had time to splice the wire from behind the radio yet. I didn't have a chance to get anymore pictures, but I don't work tonight so I will get some when it gets a little darker out.

What size hose should i get to connect to the charcoal canister?

I got new plates yesterday and spent about an hour trying to get them on. The old bolts had been replaced with stripped out screws :3d_frown:

Oh when I changed the oil, is was normal oil color, not milky or any other looking thing so I was happy.

Thanks again for all the help, I have time today to try and splice the wires out, what should i use to splice the wires? get a length of wire to run to the battery? and just cut the red wire and then weave all 3 together?


Sep 29, 2007
All you need is a set of wire stripper/crempers and some cremp caps from your local radioshack, auto parts store, or even walmart.

Cut the red wire on the radio harness somewhere in the middile of its length and strip about 1/3 inch off each end. take the wire you intend to plug into the relay and do the same. Twist all three wires together put them in the cremp cap and cremp it tightly. Make sure its secure and everything works before you put your radio bezel back together.

This is how it goes.....in words not pictures: wire from red radio - wire to relay (signal). power from battery - wire to relay(power), relay - wire via inline fuse to fans(power). Ground from fan - wire to battery ground(ground). I think there is also a ground on the relay you need grounded for the relay to function..... :runaway:

Relay uses the signal from radio to turn on fans with power straight from the battery. Cremp caps are not the best way but are a quick and easy way. Just make sure its a tight cremp on that cap so it won't come loose! I can't believe you don't know anybody with electronic skills. Well atleast you have SM. ::w00t::


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN

Will these wires work to do the splicing? Like if I pull them apart and use one side? or is there a special type I have to use?


that is the whole i was talking about with the red wire, and looking further into it, it's going directly do the fog lights

puppy :biglaugh:

those are the only ones that want to work, the rest don't want to upload when I have more time I will try again. The Cd deck is out, the wire has been cut, my caps were too small to hold 3 wires so I had to run to the hardware store, got bigger sizes and came home. I work in a half hour so I'll be taking my other vehicle to work while this sits and waits for me to come home.

When I get home, I will be finishing it up and hoping it works. i hooked the fans directly to the battery and they do work, so I hope it will all work once it's together. Should i replace all the wires I can? Or leave them and just get one going from the splice out?

Oh and can anyone tell me how to get the pictures smaller?? I really hate having them so big, and my dog came out really small for some reason


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
Speaker wire is big enough for the switch to the relay, but not the power or ground to the fan. You want at least 10 ga.(smaller the number, bigger the wire) or bigger multi-strand wire. This chart should help you determine the correct size wire for your needs: http://www.buiten.com/page.php?pgId=12