Okay guys...I need help..ALOT of help


Sep 29, 2007
.......OK. Pic problem is your digi cam settings, read the manual and it will tell you how to adjust the pic size shutter speed ect...

Wire size from radio harness to relay is irrelevant; it just carries a signal so those will do fine. Only wires that matter are power and ground 10ga or better(bigger is better) smaller number=bigger wire as cuel stated.

My dog would kill your dog.:sarcasm:

Ok, what else is wrong with your car I forget....:runaway: O yea, vac line...just pull off a bit and get it sized at your parts store. IIRC its one of the smallest. Get 6-10 feet and replace all your vac lines. A vac leak can ruin your day and it's real cheap to replace. As I stated earlier do it one piece at a time so you don't mess up the routing!

Any new problems? Starting issue resolved? :sleep:


Active Member
Mar 16, 2007
Memphis, TN
See that metal around the wire going through the firewall? Get a grommet to go between the wires and the metal. That wire vibrating against the metal will eventually chaffe through the insulation and ground against the body. Most parts stores will carry small pass through grommets in assorted sizes.


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
Starting problem is resolved, it seemed to have fixed itself ::w00t:: I'll go to the hardware store and get some sized out and get about 8 feet.

for the wires you think 6ga all around would be sufficient?

My dog is a beast....:1zhelp: haha, the worst my dog would ever do is lick you to death


Sep 29, 2007
6ga is good for power and ground but 16-12 is fine for the signal wire from the radio harness.

Soundwave is going to bring the pipe over so I can send it to you. He is busy so have patience.

Strarter problem resolved itself? Never had that happen before lol.

My next task on my car is to fix my exhaust leak, be glad you don't have one of those! heilacoils in car are a bitch to do! But better than pulling the head....:3d_frown:


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
I dont have an exhaust leak, I just have an extremely huge exhaust =]

I could only get 10ga and I'm heading out now to put it all together. i'm bleeding from every knuckle because the stupid vacuum hoses wouldnt come off until I was pulling hard enough to knock my knuckles into other metal parts.

Wish me luck...I hope it starts working!


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
soundwave2000 said:
Hope this is easier to understand


So with this splicing thing, all I need to do is splice the red wire and connect it to 85? I did everything else, all I had was the wire from the toggle switch connecting to 85. So after I splice the red wire, I just connect it to 85 and it should work?


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN

my nice "splicing" job lol, the radio still works so I must have done something right. The white wire runs out through my firewall and I connected it to 85. Is that correct?

Here is how I wired the fan and stuff, (drawn on paint :aigo: ) after everything hooked up...the fan still doesn't work. I don't know what to do now :cry:

When I took it to the dealership awhile ago they said the fan worked. So I'm at a loss...bad wire some where? Should I replace all the wires and start new?


Sep 29, 2007
If the old vac lines give you a hard time use a razorblade to cut a slit at each end and peel them off.

Nice diagram, it helps. I see there is some wire going to the ac? Do you still have the stock ac fans? brand of fan? Post a pic of the fans you are running and the wires attached to them....and one shot probably from driver side fender looking towards front of car for a all in one shot.

I will get SW to look at your diagram but I bet hes going to tell you the ac set up is the flaw...just a guess.


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
I definately dont need the AC, I can just as easy take it all apart lol. I don't use Ac anyways. This has been the only car with working A/C, that was before everything stopped working.

So I managed some how to screw everything up. My turn signals, hazards don't work lol...I think i forgot to plug something back in.

edit: My hazards weren't plugged back in, but my turn signals won't work at all now... I'm going to shoot myself if one more thing stops working!!!!

New problem, turn signals...HELP ME SM!!!

Edit 2: Stupid lights, they are pissing me off! I went back and double checked everything I did, I even took everything apart and put it back to how it was before I spliced the wire. and still no turn signals. My hazards work, like I said above, so I don't know why the turn signals wont work!
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New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
Good news everyone! You might see my car in the for sale section soon. Now my lights won't even pop up. I'm so unbelievably fed up with this car at the moment. :cry:

Well I guess anger and a new radio makes things work. I put in a dual deck and now everything works, except for the engine fan. I will deal with that crap later. I'm going to take apart the A/C and take it out of the car. (who needs A/C in Minnesota? pshaw) and then re-wire everything in hopes that it was the A/C's fault for not having my fan work.

I'm still hoping SW can look at the diagram and see if there is a flaw some where

Edit: oh and I have pictures for you, just have to wait to upload them. And come to think of it, I think it's the A/C fan. It's white and is about 8 inches in diameter on the furthest driver side of the radiator, while I have this huge after market metal fan on the passenger side lol.

Maybe I should just stick with body work =] I seem to be very good with that.
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Sep 29, 2007
Before you start yanking sh#t out and going all "my car is a pos I need to get rid of it!" step back and think about it. You probably wired things wrong...thats why weird stuff is happening shorts, poped fuses, ect.

SW will look at your diagram and tell you what to do....calm yourself grasshopper. We will do our best to help you! We want to see ya sportin' the supra just as bad as you do.:biglaugh:

I would have helped early in the day but I have been helacoiling my stripped exhaust stud holes a real PITA. Just remember, it could be worse!:evil2:


Tenshou Getsuga
Sep 30, 2007
Somerville Tn.
Ill give you 5 dollars for tha car. If not, forget the ac is there when wiring your fan, the small ac fan should remain hooked up to the factory wires. Just wire your aftermarket fan by itself like I showed. if it still no worky, start replacing wires, or hook you fans positive to the batt for a sec to see it it still lives.


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
All right so I hooked the fan up to the battery it still lives, so I'm going to cut out the A/C wires and see if that was the problem.

Also another side note... My car alarm went off today ( I didn't even know I had a car alarm) But now my car's driver side lock won't unlock using the key...is that some way connected to the alarm going off?? If not, how do I replace the lock?


Sep 29, 2007
Ok....never had that happen before. So the door will not open using the key after the alarm goes off. Is it just the driverside that won't open with the key or are you basicaly locked out of your car? Is it the factory alarm or is it an aftermarket one? The factory one has a red light in the cluster on the far side. Is it on constantly or blinking?


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
St. Cloud, MN
Sorry internet has been out for a while. I'm alive! The driver side door won't unlock when the alarm goes off using the key. I have to use the passenger side. It is the factory alarm. It's just kind of a pain in the ass to walk to the passenger side to unlock my car lol.

As far as everything else goes, my brother's friend's Dad is an electrical technician, so he came over to look at the wiring and what not. He said the guy who owned the car before me was lucky his wiring didn't burn down the car. He had stuffed spliced and tied and put together with electrical tape. So he said if I couldn't get any more help (from you guys I'm hoping) he would take a closer look at it and re wire it if he had time.

So I went to the hardware store and got some wires...and whenever it gets above 10 degrees I will be out re-wiring the car


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
Wow, I can't believe you've invested so much time and effort into trying to get that ghetto e-fan setup to work...you need to switch back to a stock clutch fan...it will cool better, and eliminate oh-so many headaches.

As for your turn signals, make sure your hazard switch is plugged in properly, without it, the signals won't work.

Also, the best place to find parts for your Supra is SM...just post a WTB thread in the parts section.


Sep 29, 2007
Yes the stock fan is better assuming you have a good fan clutch and the factory fan shroud. I will put mine back on as soon as I aquire a new shroud myself but e-fans work in a pinch. Do you still have your factory fan?

He is correct, the hazard switch is probably unpluged from when you went into the dash.

If you have access to a local guy who can look at your car and fix your electrical whoes, by all means, do so. Supra flambe' is not good. There is only so much one can walk you through over the net, some things require firsthand knowledge to do it properly.

The factory alarm on my 87 was also weird and would work about 1-2 times a week and go off for no apparent reason. I will see if SW can tell you how to bypass that system like he did. Or if someone else would like to chime in....