Money, the root of all?


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Tallahassee firefox...again. Attempt number 2.
Welfare as it stands is a system that breeds leechers. When I look at people like my dad and my Grandpa that worked their asses off to get away from that though, I find it hard to sympathize with someone who refuses to get off of their ass and find a job.

Welfare has no consequences, so why in the world would someone want to get off of it?? They wouldn't and so in turn, lots don't. I'm not saying that some kind of safety net program is bad, I'm saying that welfare as it stands is horrible. It should be done away with and replaced with another program that offers the same benefits as Welfare, but with some kind of shorter time limit.

And not to be an ass or be mean or anything, because I really don't like using those that are mentally disabled in arguments, but seriously. There are work programs for people with special needs or who are mentally disabled where they like knit blanets, sew shirts, package toys and do other things. They WORK for their income and some of their pay is used to pay rent (if they stay in a care facility), pay for their food, pay for whatever they might want for themselves and have some to put in the bank. It gives them a sense of worth and allows them to contribute to society.

So for some 20 something year old to sit on their ass and drain the system of free money because they supposedly "can't find a job" is absolutely rediculous.

Edit: It had kind of an angry tone...didn't mean it to have that. Tried to shortin it too, haha

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Just remember there are two sides to every coin!

WASHINGTON - Having grown up on welfare, Rocxxx Rioxxx (name edited) had vowed never to ask for a government handout. That was before her hard-drinking husband kicked her and their young daughter out of their house near Lewiston, Maine, leaving her with a $300 bank account, a bad job market and a 15-year-old car patched with duct tape.

Maine's welfare agency, she heard, was offering help for poor parents to go to college full time.

With the state paying for day care and $513 a month in living expenses, Riordan, 37, has been on the dean's list every semester at the University of Southern Maine, expecting to graduate and start a social work career next spring. But this summer, her plans — and Maine's Parents as Scholars program — suddenly are on shaky ground; under new federal rules, studying for a bachelor's degree no longer counts as an acceptable way for people on welfare to spend their time.

A decade after the government set out to transform the nation's welfare system, the limits on college are part of a controversial second phase of welfare reform. The new rules, written by Congress and the Bush administration, require states to focus intensely on making more poor people work, while discouraging other activities that might help untangle their lives.

Bush wants to make more poor people work, and make more and more poor people period.... Sometimes working is good, but there are exception to every rule I think.

Sometimes people need an education more than a $4.00ph job waiting on his table so they can make some real money and become more than they are! Make them pay some back once they are back on their feet again over time if needed..

I don't have all the answers..


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Well the education system in our country is rediculous anyways. By the end of next year when I graduate, I will be $50,000 in debt trying to "get ahead" in life. So something like that doesn't surprise me. That's why I say, reform reform reform!

(I'm waiting for the FBI or CIA or secret government police to come cart us away in the night...)

EDIT: here's a good little diddy on the rising cost of college College article

Here's another College Board

It says that there's more financial aid available for those wanting to go to college...except they don't say that interest rates almost doubled on that aid money! Mine used to be around 4.6% for my 4 loans... now on 3 of them it's 10% and on the 4th 9%.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
LOL, Let them come...

Take my older sister for example, High school graduate that worked a dead end $7ph job for many years, then got married w/ kids and then divorced a few years later.

Not many options available to her, so she applied for funding. She got funding for night school and worked during the day at the same time. Now she has graduated and is earning about $35ph with her dream job and is loving it..

Think about how much more she will be paying in taxes making $35ph than $7ph over her life time and It will can be good in the long run to keep those fundings going. Just my thoughts..

The big problem is making sure all these programs are lagit and people follow through or lose their funding.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Yea, but think about this.

You put something like the Fair Tax in place. You reduce the Federal Government to the size it was/is allocated in the Constitution and the single largest siphon of funds on our economy will go away. There would be many other opportunites/places for that funding to come from other than good old (fat & bloated) Uncle Sam.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Oh no doubt those programs can do good. Just that how they are now, I don't see them benefiting people like they should. Or don't see people taking advantage of them like they should (like your sister, congrats to her by the way).

It just sucks that you see funding for people who want to go to college getting cut or that k-12 education sucks and post high school is getting more and more expensive. I think our government has it's priorities wrong and is mis managing those tax dollars.

This is my logic on it. If you gave those on welfare the opportunity to get degrees of some sort, then you'd have a more educated work force making more money like you said. More money earned equals more tax dollars paid. more tax dollars paid equals more funding for welfare and more opportunities for those on welfare to go to college. The cycle should perpetuate and you should see poverty start to dissappear...but it doesn't work out this way for some reason...

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Mike: I feel we need to get rid of the lobbyists. I will look at that site as I am not real educated on new laws on this subject as I should be.. (sounds ok so far...).

Edit: How does goverment get their money in that system?

I like private funding also: Take the Bill and Malinda Gates foundation.

Derk: Do you play chess too? ;)

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Supracentral said:
Yea, but think about this.

You put something like the Fair Tax in place. You reduce the Federal Government to the size it was/is allocated in the Constitution and the single largest siphon of funds on our economy will go away. There would be many other opportunites/places for that funding to come from other than good old (fat & bloated) Uncle Sam.

The Constitution Party agrees with you, but you won't like their position on morality. Think of them as libertarians that go to Church with Pat Robertson.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Joel W. said:
Derk: Do you play chess too? ;)

lol. no. I don't have enough focus and always fail to think ahead. Haha, I've never won a game of chess before in my life.

But I do play a game with checkers called "Give Away." Kind of like reverse checkers where the object is to force the other player to take all your checkers. Never lost a game of that :naughty:


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Nick M said:
The Constitution Party agrees with you, but you won't like their position on morality. Think of them as libertarians that go to Church with Pat Robertson.

LOL - Yea, I'm well aware of the Constitution Party platform.

I feel the main difference is under a Libertarian government, you guys would have the freedom to live your morality. Under your government, the rest of us wouldn't. That's why I can't support them.

But I'd be happy if they'd work on getting this bill passed, let's fix the country's tax system, we can fight it out over it's soul later.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Chess ftw.

Our public school system (at least here in Florida) now revolves around teaching for one test - the damn FCAT.

Best of all is the mentality behind it - if your school district does poorly, they cut funding. Teachers leave for better paying districts, and what do ya know? Grades plummet more.

Would seem to me that you'd want to pump a little more money into a school that is doing poorly - try to bring it up to standards..... But hell, that's common sense, and we all know how politicians are allergic to such things :D

BTW, I'm not partial to any set political way of thinking... I don't like the morality laws on the books, though, as what I do in the privacy of my own home is MY BUSINESS ONLY.

Hell, my wife and I broke 3 or 4 of Florida's sexual laws just last night :naughty:


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Joel W. said:
As long as your thinking, The game does not matter... :)

The words of a wise man!! :arcadefre

I usually try to keep the brain occupied. If you're into thinking games try this out frvade - challenging!

After two days...I'm on level 3 :biglaugh: Edit: OH SNAP! Level 4!!

doward said:
Our public school system (at least here in Florida) now revolves around teaching for one test - the damn FCAT.

YES!!! It's rediculous. Not only is it a worthless test...but my god, in class I wanted to kill myself. It was like they had a copy of the test and you learned NOTHING except for what was on it over...and over...and over.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Uhhhh.. I like chess.....But i have to figure that one out more..

Bush made it tough with the regulation he set in the "no child left behind" law that says all special needs teachers need to be highly qualified in "ALL SUBJECTS" or they lose their funding..

Guess what??



Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Doward said:
Would seem to me that you'd want to pump a little more money into a school that is doing poorly - try to bring it up to standards..... But hell, that's common sense, and we all know how politicians are allergic to such things :D

You'd think that, however, here in Georgia, the Atlanta city schools have one of the highest costs per student, per year, in educational history.

Care to guess how good the Atlanta City schools are?