I just want to toss out a couple things...
1) Welfare: IMHO
A safety net provided in a Welfare system is not a bad idea, imho. I believe there should be a basic time limit though - Run of bad luck, and everything went to hell? Here's 3 months to get on your feet, with some serious opportunities to get back on your feet (use Adjuster's ideas of a work squad for the government, earning a paycheck). It needs to be strongly shown that an individual can NOT sit on this net - it will break, and you WILL deal with the fall.
2) Right to Vote: IMHO
Simply setting it up so that only the 'property owners' get to vote is ridiculous - you'll quickly polarize society, and you will have bloodshed. People bitch and moan all the time about how horrible GW, or whichever politician they have on their agenda, sucks. But you know what?
If you didn't use your right to vote, then you have NO FUCKING SAY IN THE MATTER. STFU. *bitch smack* By not voting, you have relinquished any and all say you have in that particular matter. Period.
3) I don't think 99% of you people on here have any real clue what it is like to be poor.
I was 7 years old, with no house, living under a freakin' bridge.
I'm currently renting my own place, and putting myself through school on a Florida Bright Future's Scholarship + a boatload of financial aide.
Everything I own, from my Supra, to my 30" HDTV + XBox 360, to the computer I'm typing this on, I have worked for. EVERYTHING I have has been earned. I'm proud that I'm making a life for myself, and know that after college it will have all paid off - I DO vote in my local elections, and I DO vote on anything that I feel I have a say in. Adjuster, if you think you'd take that from me, I'm going to be right beside Joel fighting you
I agree with the original post - I have very little money, but what I have, I have worked for, and so feel strongly that I am entitled to it. Someone that has had everything given to them, has NO concept of working for what they want.
These are the unproductive people of our society that, IMHO, need a fire lit under their ass.
Sit back for a minute, and think about what you own. How much of it have you really worked for? Worked HARD for? My wife and I often have disagreements when it comes to finances, because she comes from a financially stable family, and she can fall back on them if she's frivolous with her spending. I don't have that luxury, and I don't want welfare - so I build my own safety net (that she seems to not understand staying out of, but that's a different topic
To someone that has money, it never seems so bad as when you don't. I work for $8.25/hour when school is in, as the Technical Manager of the SFCC PC Shop. My wife works for $7.50/hour. She makes a whopping $13,500 a year, and I make about $6k a year. We, together, make about $20k a year.
I'd like some of you to look in the mirror, and see if you could sustain yourself with no help on that kind of income. Some of us may be poor, but we know how to budget, and we're working on bettering ourselves. Isn't that part of the American Dream? Rags to Riches story?
And hell, even with as little as I have, it's always available when I meet someone that needs it more than I!
If you won't work for what you want, then you have none of my respect.