My wife hid (read moved the pile in the familyroom that I was keeping it in) my memory card reader. I will look for it again tonight - after I get home from my marathon shipping session. They are shinier than the concept but VERY similar.
IJ. said:Keith: I used to feel bad about it then I thought "Hey I spend $1000's here in postage and they're buying a 50c stamp they can wait"
My postmaster agrees!
get with the party..your lateGotToyota? said:Just bought a black one, can't wait.
NDBoost said:get with the party..your late
Clueless said:^^^ how about the durability?
KeithH said:hmmm... how do I answer that... let's see now.
yeah... that's it.
actually... yes they are metal but they will scratch just like your shiny new key does - or any other keychain on the market.
No I'm not, Keith said he had 40 or so black keychains left.NDBoost said:get with the party..your late
Turbo. Targa. Life. said:dude those lighter tricks are LAME...but I guess I only looked in the "easy" section...I'll look at hard when I come home from work...
Clueless said:Maybe I should ask if they are made of soft metal as oppose to hard metal(Exp: Aluminum vs SS)...
clip said:sweet. id pay some good money for a Ti keychain. yeah, take this. a keychain that'd be around after a nuclear winter.
but seriously, wonder if anyone else would buy a ti keychain other than me. or how about carbon fiber. imagine if these were carbon fiber with the color imbedded in the definitely grab a few of those. it'd cut down on the weight of my supra too.
That's great news man. Hopefully he'll be able to cut these in the same design with your keychain design, right?KeithH said:I am working with someone that has access to a machine that could cut these out. If he agrees to do this project I will have him post up directly. Just wanted to let you guys know I was working on it though.